I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1637 Enlightenment Chamber and Library

Logically speaking, the best way to solve the predicament at this time is to find the base camp of [Innocence], but the problem is that so far, the major forces have not found where the base camp of [Innocence] is, and they have little understanding of the high-level of Innocence. It is limited to the harvest of the Whisper Forest event.

As for Tears who was caught, she has already been interrogated, and she was indeed dawdling in [Innocence], and now she has been included in the action team against [Innocence], and she is asked to take the blame and make meritorious service.

However, there are some real [innocent] activities mixed in among the various false [innocence].

There are not many traces of [Innocence]'s activities, all over the continent.

Don't underestimate the various forces in the mainland, they did find some useful information when they were investigating the matter of [Innocence].

Like innocent targets!

The targets of innocence include monsters appearing everywhere, various evil places, and passages leading to different worlds.

Staring at these targets, the major forces have also thwarted the actions of [Innocence], but it is difficult to investigate the high-level and leaders of [Innocence], and their secrecy work is too good.

In addition to these news, the major forces also discovered that [Innocence] is actually connected with some forces from other worlds.

This made many forces vigilant.

Although the heraldry world and the other world are reconciled, it is not unheard of for the other world to attack the heraldry world, but many other worlds have been conquered by the people of the heraldry world.

However, it is still undeniable that the power of the different world cannot be ignored, and there are also strong people in the different world!


Bailiyuan and Andy had a brief communication on the phone, and some details need to be discussed in a meeting.

Andy waited for Bailiyuan to return to Yuncheng College to communicate in detail, and Bailiyuan still had things to do in Akamoy.

That is the Chamber of Enlightenment!

Because of the incident in the Forest of Whispers, Bailiyuan was once again qualified to enter the Chamber of Enlightenment, and this time Bailiyuan went to the World of Emblems to prepare for entering the Chamber of Enlightenment!

This time, Bailiyuan entered the Akamoy Tree by himself, and with the help of the contract on his wrist, he successfully entered the Enlightenment Chamber.

Only this time, when he entered the Enlightenment Chamber, the guardian opened his eyes and looked at him, which made Bailiyuan confused, not knowing what the guardian meant.

But the guardian didn't say anything, and Bailiyuan didn't dare to ask, because he was afraid of being beaten to death by the guardian.

The guardian is an existence that even Andy is polite.

In fact, Bailiyuan was still a little nervous. After all, there was almost no accident last time, and he was also injured.

It's just that the Chamber of Enlightenment is so easy to use, Bailiyuan is reluctant to give up.

Bailiyuan took a deep breath and made up his mind that he would never open the door this time.

Only then did he jump into the ball of light.


The familiar feeling struck again, and Bailiyuan felt that he had realized many things, and his recent experience and spiritual insights were constantly being sorted out.

Strength is rising.

The ability of the Enlightenment Chamber is very strong. After the last experience, Bailiyuan probably understands that the Enlightenment Chamber can improve people's understanding, and then let people's power match their own perception. main truth.

This time, Bailiyuan's experience in the Qiling Secret Room was better, and he didn't see the door, which made Bailiyuan feel relieved.

However, when the power of the Spirit Enlightenment Chamber entered Bailiyuan's light giant emblem, there were some changes in Bailiyuan's body.

"this is……"


When Bailiyuan walked out of the Akamoy tree, his legs and feet seemed to be much easier.

Get out safely.

Although there were some problems this time, the result of the matter was not bad and did not hurt him.

Bailiyuan was not in a hurry to return to Yuncheng College, but went around Akamoy instead.

Then I went to the largest library in Akamoy, which is a library that not everyone can enter casually.

There are many special materials in this library, and there are many materials that Yuncheng College does not have. In order to prepare for the future, Caroline needs to record a lot of materials.

But now this library is a bit lively, many scholars are scattered in various places, looking for information.

After a brief exchange with the librarian, Bailiyuan understood the reason.

Because of [Innocence], there are many things that need to be investigated by scholars. Many materials here do not have electronic versions, so they can only be searched manually, and there are many materials in the library, and it is difficult for a few people to investigate them. , That's why so many scholars are struggling here.

Although Akamoy's library has been trying to digitize the contents of the books for easy retrieval and storage, there are too many books here and the labor cost is too high.

Fortunately, Linyuan Technology found a library and launched an automatic book entry machine, which greatly improved work efficiency and reduced labor costs.

Needless to say, this is naturally Caroline's handwriting, and not only Akamoy's library, but the entire Azpedan library and even libraries in other countries have received self-recommendation letters from Linyuan Technology, and some Some libraries bought machines.

Of course, the books entered by the machine are not only digitized, but also a lot of recorded content has been synchronized to Caroline's database. When Caroline is away, there will be a backup database to receive these materials.

But if it wasn't for Caroline's ability to improve a lot, and the backup database is large enough, she wouldn't be able to do this.

And this time I came to the library to record the contents of those materials that were not recorded by the machine.

The coat of arms makes people in the world also aware of network security. It is enough to record those ordinary and common materials with machines, but those orphan or secret materials are not allowed to be recorded in other ways. Only people with sufficient authority can Check out.

This time Bailiyuan was looking at those secret materials, and those scholars were also investigating such materials.

With Bailiyuan's status, he already has the authority to investigate some of these materials.

In addition to these, Bailiyuan also heard that some books have special powers, and only by reading the original can one understand the contents of the books.

It's just that this kind of book is relatively rare, and it records relatively special content. Bailiyuan has never seen it in the library.


After reading books in the library for a few days, Bailiyuan also wrote down a lot of information.

Then Bailiyuan left the library and officially embarked on the journey back to Yuncheng College.

Although it was delayed for a few more days, the situation on the mainland would not change because of Baili Yuan's actions in the past few days, so he remained relatively calm.

It's not that Bailiyuan is unwilling to take on the responsibility of the head of Yuncheng College, it's just that there are so many strong people who can't solve the problem, and he doesn't think he can find the base camp of [Innocence] by just walking around.

[Innocence] It's not the Evil Face Slate, Baili Yuan has no special feelings for them.

Can't sit down, crawling to write two chapters with mobile phone, so uncomfortable╯﹏╰

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