Chapter 1635 Evil face slate! (600 monthly ticket plus change)

After dinner, it's time to deal with the ghost girl and Ghost Stone.

Ghost Stone is not the elf of the little ghost girl, and there is no story to sing or cry between them. They belong to a cooperative relationship, hiding here together, and intimidating passers-by. However, their ability to use illusion together has surpassed many elves of the same level.

The way to deal with them is also very simple.

"Either you go to the spirit world with me, or I send you to the spirit world."

The ghost girl and Ghost Stone blinked.

"Does it make a difference?"

"Of course." Baili Yuan nodded, "The difference is the way you go to the spirit world, whether I grab you or I ride you."

Yami also blinked.

She didn't seem to understand what Baili Yuan was saying, and...

"Where is the spirit world? Does Sinnoh still have this place?"

"The spiritual world is another world, that is, the world of the dead..." Xanadu explained to Yami.

And the ghost girl and ghost stone also replied to Bailiyuan.

"Since we have been arrested, we admit it, but...we hope we can leave comfortably." The little ghost girl said.

Obviously, the little ghost girl knows about the spirit world. Maybe she used to be a resident of the spirit world, but ran out just by chance.

Bailiyuan smiled.


After saying hello to Xanadu, Bailiyuan took the little ghost girl and Ghost Stone into a room, then transformed into a light ghost form, and directly carried the little ghost girl and Ghost Stone to the spirit world.

The little ghost girl and Ghost Stone didn't expect that Bailiyuan would take them back to the spirit world directly, which is not something ordinary humans can do.

As for why they are so obedient, because they also have their own plans - if they can run out once, they can definitely run out a second time.

However, Bailiyuan didn't just throw them in the spirit world, but led them to find a dark night demon spirit with a strong breath.

This night demon is the most powerful ghost-type Pokémon in the vicinity, and it is also one of the elves guarding the spirit world.

He is also one of the elves in the spirit world that Bailiyuan knows.

Handing over the ghost girl and ghost stone to the hands of the night monster, the night monster old iron also said that he would definitely keep them under strict supervision.

Bailiyuan also said that when dealing with such disobedient ghosts and elves, he must be strictly guarded. First, he would give them a hundred spankings to give them a try.

In the eyes of the little ghost girl and ghost stone who can eat people, Bailiyuan left the spirit world with a smile and returned to the Pokémon world.

Unlike the undead, it is better for the ghosts in the Pokémon world to go where they should go, especially the obviously dishonest ghosts like the little ghost girl. As for the ghost stone, although it has a good talent, it is different from the little ghost girl The relationship is good, it can be regarded as buy one get one free, just pack it up and send it away, and there is no shortage of such a ghost stone in the gymnasium.

And when Bailiyuan returned to the Pokémon world, Yami also learned a lot from Xanadu. Shanaido did not hide Yami about the spiritual world, because this is the secret of the Pokémon world, and it is not the kind Information that cannot be known.

Xanadu just concealed Bailiyuan's ability to go to the spirit world, but said that Bailiyuan has a special ability to communicate with the spirit world, and there seems to be nothing wrong with this ability appearing on the ghost-type gym master .

There are also capable people in the Pokémon world, and Yami is not an uninformed little girl, so she quickly accepted Xanadu's statement.

"Mr. Xiaoyuan, have you already saved that little ghost girl?" Yami asked curiously, but she didn't see the little ghost girl.

"Extraordinary? It's about the same, anyway, she will never appear in this world again in the future."

"Mr. Xiaoyuan is really amazing."

"Hahaha...basic operation."

It was late at night, and several people also rested.

Although the mansion has been abandoned, it is still a shelter from the wind and rain, enough to provide shelter for several people.

Yami soon fell asleep.

Bailiyuan knew it was time to act.

Of course, it's not about doing anything to Yami, but looking for the thing that attracts him.

Things are in this mansion!

The moonlight outside the window illuminates the sunny interior.

After Bailiyuan got up, Xanadu smiled at Bailiyuan, then pointed to Yami, indicating that she would look at Yami.

Bailiyuan nodded and left.

This mansion is actually very dilapidated, it should have been there for many years, and the elves living in this mansion are not only the Ghost Stone.

There are also some ghosts hiding in the corners, ghost elves like ghosts also prefer to live in old houses.

These ghosts did not participate in the previous events, and the number of these ghosts did not reach the standard that must be cleaned up, so Bailiyuan temporarily let these ghosts go.

A lesson to the unwary Trainers who pass by.

But when these ghosts saw Baili Yuan come out to act, it was as if they saw a natural enemy, and they ran away without knowing where they were.

In addition to Guisi, there is also a special elf in this mansion.

Bailiyuan came to a guest room and knocked on the dusty TV in the room.

"Come out, I know you're in there."

However, there was no movement on the TV.

Baili Yuan narrowed his eyes and sang again, "Little pigs, little pigs..."

Before Baili Yuan finished singing, a figure emerged from the TV with a flattering smile on his face.

Don't talk!

The other party was very worried that Bailiyuan suddenly drew out an ax and slashed at him.

It also saw what Bailiyuan did to Ghost Stone and the little ghost girl before.

Bailiyuan looked at this figure.

This is a very rare elf, Rotom!

Rotom, a plasma Pokémon, the body is composed of electric plasma, the orange body is the core of Rotom, surrounded by blue translucent electric ions, which can be materialized as Rotom's hands.

Rotom has no gender distinctions.

"You have lived here for a long time, I want to ask something about this mansion..."

Rotom nodded hurriedly, expressing that he would know everything.


Soon Bailiyuan found out about the mansion, and learned more about Rotom.

To Bailiyuan's surprise, both this mansion and this Rotom have extraordinary backgrounds.

The owner of this mansion turned out to be Pluto, the cadre of the Galaxy team!

Rotom found a notebook from the foreign mansion that was said to be Pluto's notebook, but there was no signature on it, only some vague words, which seemed to be discarded by Pluto.

As for this Rotom, it is not considered an elf of Hades, but according to what it said, it was captured by Hades, and then thrown into this mansion.

Let's just believe Rotom, then things will become interesting.

This mansion belongs to Pluto, but Caroline has no information about this mansion in the information obtained from the Galaxy team, which shows that this may be Pluto's secret base.

Secret bases usually have secrets!

Rotom is also very good at bringing all the things Pluto hid in this mansion to Bailiyuan——

Some antidote.

A can of sweetness.

A big pearl.

A [Stand-In] skill CD.

as well as……

A gray-blue slate!

What Bailiyuan sensed was this stone slab!

When Baili Yuan's hand touched this stone slab, Baili Yuan also understood the power in this stone slab—the evil element, the evil face slate!

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