I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1633 The Legend of the Ghost Eater

at sunset.

The exquisite foreign-style mansion stands in the middle of the forest and is brightly lit.

Bailiyuan and Xanadu looked at the mansion, then smiled at each other and walked towards the mansion.

In their eyes, this mansion is not as beautiful as it looks, but rather decayed and dilapidated. Ivy-like plants are all over the walls of the mansion, and it looks a little eerie and full of ominous atmosphere at dusk.

"Excuse me, is anyone there?" Baili Yuan pushed open the door and asked with his head.

At the same time, he also took a brief look at the internal structure of the mansion. The first floor is a hall, and directly opposite the door is an upward staircase. There is a portrait hanging on the wall of the staircase, and the interior decoration also looks gorgeous and elegant. , very stylish.

"Oh? Is there a guest?" A magnetic voice sounded, "Please come in."

Then a figure walked down the stairs from the second floor.

This is an old man in a tuxedo. He looks handsome and polite, like a well-educated nobleman.

And the portrait hanging on the wall of the slow platform is the old man, so it can be seen that the old man should be the owner of this mansion.

Bailiyuan and Xanadu walked into the mansion, the mansion seemed much warmer than outside, then Bailiyuan asked: "Hi, I'm taking the liberty to visit, we are lost travelers, it's getting late outside, may I ask Can we spend the night here?"

The old man stared at Bailiyuan and Xanadu, and smiled slightly, "I sympathize with what happened to you, you can rest here for one night."

Bailiyuan and Xanadu smiled.

"Then thank you~"

Following the old man to the second floor, when Bailiyuan and Xanadu passed by the platform, when their eyes left the portrait, the corners of the old man's mouth in the portrait suddenly curled up strangely, as if he was laughing.


The old man didn't introduce himself, and Bailiyuan and Xanadu didn't ask any more questions.

However, the old man was very enthusiastic about Bailiyuan and Xanadu. He not only allowed them to stay here, but also prepared a sumptuous dinner for them.

When Bailiyuan and Xanadu sat at the dining table, the table was full of rich food, but they didn't move a single bite.

"What's the matter, two, is the food prepared for you not to your liking?" the old man asked.

Bailiyuan shook his head.

"It's just that we just ate. We had a picnic in the forest before and ate a lot."

Although it looks like there is a lot of food in front of the two of them, in fact, there are empty plates on the table.

"That's it, that's a pity." The old man said regretfully.

"No, thank you very much for your care. We can talk with you. By the way, when I came to Baidai Forest, I heard an interesting legend." Bailiyuan said.

"Legend?" The old man became interested, "Can I listen to it?"

"Of course."

The restaurant suddenly fell silent, the flames reflected on Baili Yuan's face, casting a shadow.

"Have you heard the legend of ghost eaters?"

The old man raised his eyebrows.

"Ghost eaters? I know about ghost eaters."

"It's different." Baili Yuan slowly explained, "It is said that ghost eaters wander around the Shen'ao area and feed on ghosts. They will tear the ghost's body and eat the ghost's stumps little by little, and are killed by ghosts. When a ghost eater bites the ghost, the ghost will be tortured mentally, until the ghost eater swallows the ghost completely, the ghost will end its pain and be relieved. I heard that many ghosts have been eaten by them."

It seemed that there was an invisible pressure shrouding the old man's side, which made the old man hold his hand uncontrollably.

"I also heard..."

Suddenly Baili Yuan's voice became deep and deep, as if it had turned into a huge boulder, pressing down on the old man's heart.

The old man swallowed and asked, "What else have you heard?"

The restaurant seemed to be getting colder, and the lights flickered twice.

"I also heard that they have arrived near the Emi Forest, so I learned about this legend."

The atmosphere in the restaurant suddenly became tense, and the old man's breath was suffocated.

But Bailiyuan smiled and regained his sunny appearance.

"It's just a legend, but it's very interesting. How can there be ghosts in this world? The legend of ghost eaters must also be nonsense."

Only then did the old man come to his senses, and then he laughed too, "Hahaha, it's really an interesting story, yes, how could there be ghosts in this world?"

Bailiyuan and Xanadu looked at the old man's smile, and they also showed the same smile. Looking at the old man's eyes made the old man feel a little chills down his spine.

The old man's smile seemed to be covering up something, but he quickly recovered his relaxed look and laughed, "This legend is really interesting, I almost took it as true."

"Yes, yes, the person who told me the story told me the truth, and even told me what ghost eaters looked like, as if they really existed. I almost believed it."

"Oh? The characteristics of ghost eaters?" The old man became interested. "Do they have any obvious characteristics?"

Baili Yuan nodded, "The man told us that the ghost eaters are actually a man and a woman, they look young, and the woman has green hair."

The old man looked at Bailiyuan and Xanadu with a stiff smile.

A man and a woman?

Look young?

The girl still has green hair?

I suspect you are introducing yourself!

Xanadu smiled politely at the old man.

"They also said that we are ghost eaters, but we just happen to look alike, so we are not ghost eaters." Baili Yuan said with a smile.

The old man wiped his sweat, "That's really a coincidence."

Bailiyuan didn't seem to be entangled in this matter at all, "Can we go to the place where we rested? We should rest too."

Only then did the old man react.

"Ah, yes, of course no problem."


The old man led Bailiyuan and Xanadu along the corridor to the guest room.

There are many rooms in this mansion.

"Excuse me, can we stay in room 237?" Bailiyuan asked.

The old man froze for a moment, then nodded, "No problem, of course."

The three of them walked in the corridor, which was very long and very quiet.

Soon, the three came to room 237, and the old man opened the door first and entered.

"This is the room you want..."

At this time, the old man seemed to be attracted by something, his voice became smaller and smaller, his legs moved involuntarily, and he walked towards the bathroom.

Bailiyuan and Xanadu looked at the old man, smiled at each other, and then slowly closed the door of the room.

"Never go to room 237~"


The old man walked to the bathroom, the curtain of the bathroom was pulled open suddenly, and a beautiful dream monster was bathing in the bathtub.

When the dream demon saw the old man coming, he smiled and got up, like a beauty coming out of the bath.

Looking at the dream monster, the old man's Adam's apple twitched. He suddenly felt that the dream monster was very attractive and had a strange attraction for him.

"Hello..." the old man said nervously, like a little boy who has seen a goddess.

The Dream Demon didn't speak, just looked at the old man with a smile on his face, floated out of the bathtub, gracefully came to the old man, cupped the old man's cheeks, and offered a sweet kiss.

The old man felt that his heartbeat was gradually speeding up, and he warmly responded to the Dream Demon without hesitation.

Regardless of whether there is an egg group or not, let’s do it first.

At this time, the old man suddenly noticed the mirror in the bathroom, in the mirror he changed back to his original appearance, and the dream monster in his arms turned into a terrifying death coffin.

The old man stared, hurriedly pushed away the dream demon in his arms, and retreated quickly.

The dream demon also turned into the coffin of the god of death, and laughed strangely at the old man. Then the coffin opened, and stretched out four weird hands, trying to grab the old man and drag him into the coffin.

The old man rushed out of the bathroom, opened the door, locked the door, and ran in the mansion, trying to stay away from the room.

Just after turning a corner, the old man found that the door of a room opposite was open, and Xanadu was sitting inside, and Xanadu smiled at him.

The old man suddenly felt bad, and hurriedly changed the direction and fled.

He knew that there was definitely something wrong with Bailiyuan and Xanadu!

But on the other side, Baili Yuan was standing, licking his teeth at him.

"What do you smell like?" Baili Yuan asked with a smile.

The old man ran away again, this time he ran back to the dining room, and at this time the dining room had become dark, but there was a figure sitting on every chair.

No, those are not living people, but skeletons!

A large spider web covers the restaurant and these skeletons!

Without stopping, the old man ran out of the restaurant, unable to walk up the stairs, so he had to take the elevator.

Is there an elevator in the mansion?

Where is the elevator?

The old man didn't know, but he followed his feeling and came to the red and black elevator.

But just before he came to the elevator, he felt the floor under his feet trembling, and the old man stared in the direction of the elevator.

It seems that something is coming!

Suddenly a large amount of red blood gushed out from the gap, flowed on the floor, and rushed towards the old man from the direction of the elevator.


The old man exclaimed and fled to the rear.

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