I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1613 The Dark Shadow

The strength of Dialga and Palkia is not just a matter of high level. As the twin gods of time and space, their power is also stronger. Just like Arceus can suppress them, their power will suppress many elves. Effect.

Bailiyuan had already experienced it in the incident in Baiyang Town last time.

"If we can't solve Diyaluka and Palkia, it doesn't mean we can't solve Chiri!" Baili Yuan tightened his neckline, "Leave Chiri to me, and leave the rest to you!"

Sirona looked at Baili Yuan, understood what Baili Yuan meant, and her eyes gradually became serious.

"I see! You...be careful."

"Don't worry, I'm still very confident."

The war broke out.

This time, with Dialga and Palkia joining the battle, the danger level of the battle directly escalated.

Although Sirona is responsible for holding back Dialga and Palkia, Bailiyuan's task is also not easy, because as long as Bailiyuan wants to get close to the red sun, Diyaluka and Palkia's first Once the target of the attack must be him, Sirona can stand behind Lie Bite Lu Shark, but Bailiyuan must rush to the front.

Seeing Baili Yuan rushing over, Chi Ri raised his hand.

"Stop him!" Pointing to Bailiyuan

Dialga and Palkia rushed towards Bailiyuan one after another.

Sirona shouted: "I won't let you succeed, bite the land shark, meteor swarm!"

Boom boom boom——

In the gap between a series of explosions, Bailiyuan rushed towards Chiri against the aftermath of the battle, quickly shortened the distance between the two sides, and in a blink of an eye, he came in front of Chiri, who had to retreat again and again, and finally, Chiri There is no way to retreat from the sun - he has reached the entrance of the universe.

"General!" Baili Yuan smiled.

Now there is no elf around Chiri to protect him, even the gods of the lake can't use teleportation to get close to Chiri, the newly born universe is not only interfering with Bailiyuan's super power.

Chi Ri showed no signs of fear, and could no longer hide for a while, but instead came to the front of the newborn universe.

Because there is no support from Dialga and Palkia, the channel connecting the newborn universe is shrinking, but the universe has already appeared, Chihi looked at the universe, showing a yearning look.

"The new world is mine! I will not give it to anyone!"

As he said that, Chi Sun walked towards the universe that had already been born, but at this moment, Bailiyuan blocked him and the passage leading to the universe.

"You haven't repaid the sins you committed, so you can't go away like this!"

"Get out of the way!" Chi Ri yelled at Baili Yuan, and rushed towards Baili Yuan, trying to defend himself.

However, Bailiyuan easily pressed Chiri to the ground. Chiri wanted to struggle and resist, but his struggle and resistance were futile in front of Bailiyuan.

Only one step away from the entrance of the universe, Chiri was successfully captured by Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan pressed Chiri with one hand, and took off the glove that controlled the red chain on Chiri's hand with the other hand.

"Give it back to me!" Chi Ri roared angrily.

"That's not acceptable." Baili Yuan put the glove on his hand with a backhand.

Special power entered Baili Yuan's body, Baili Yuan's eyes also shone red, and a feeling of controlling everything emerged in his heart.

Seeing Baili Yuan's strange behavior, Sirona hurriedly shouted to Baili Yuan worriedly: "Are you okay!"

She has also been paying attention to Bailiyuan. If something goes wrong with Bailiyuan, the situation will be troublesome.

Bailiyuan didn't answer Sirona, but looked at the glove on his right hand, showing a somewhat excited expression, "I see, is this the power of the red chain?"

This feeling of controlling everything, even Baili Yuan almost lost his mind. If ordinary people suddenly felt this feeling, they would probably be addicted to it.

Human society also has classes. Where there are classes, there will be division of rights. Human beings often yearn for rights, and the feeling that this glove brings to people is the feeling of being at the apex of rights!

Only those who don't care about rights at all can ignore the influence of gloves, but this kind of indifference to needs is not because of the cultivation brought by one's own will, knowledge and wisdom, but because of the indifference to rights in the nature of the heart .

However, there are too few such people, and it is a pity that Chiri is not such a person, nor is Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan couldn't help but be in a state of excitement because of this feeling of wanting to control everything, but Bailiyuan's rationality made him suppress his state.

Bailiyuan snorted.

The impact of this special feeling on people is not one-time, but will continue to attack, and now Bailiyuan can only use his own will to resist this invasion.

"I really want to make people commit crimes."

Bailiyuan was panting.

What this glove brings to Bailiyuan is not only the feeling of controlling everything, but also has matching power, because this glove can also allow Bailiyuan to control the twin gods of time and space and the gods of the lake. Top combat power!

If you rely on this glove to control a region, no, it should be no problem to control the entire world.

Such a strange thought suddenly appeared in Baili Yuan's mind.

"That's mine!" Chi Ri shouted at Baili Yuan.

"But it's mine now." Baili Yuan smiled and raised his hand.

Sirona frowned, she sensed something was wrong: "What is he going to do?"

Bailiyuan opened his mouth slowly.

"I am...Ultraman!"


A snap of the fingers.

The red chains on the Gods of Time and Space and the Gods of the Lake shattered.

The control of the five elves was released without any side effects.

The eyes of the five Pokémon also returned from red to normal color, and at the same time regained consciousness.

The gods of the lake looked at each other.

what happened?

Why is it so painful?


The Gods of Time and Space also stopped Sirona's battle, which made Sirona breathe a sigh of relief.

Chi Sun could only watch Baili Yuan's actions, but he couldn't do anything, and he found that the previously opened cosmic passage had shrunk to the size of a ping-pong ball, slowly rising into the sky, and no longer caused any harm to the surroundings. Influence.

"No, don't, my universe!"

Chi Ri stretched out his hand to rush towards the universe, but Baili Yuan pinned him firmly to the ground.

With the shattering of the red chain, the glove on Bailiyuan's right hand also lost its function, so Bailiyuan no longer had to endure the feeling of being seduced by the power of the glove, and the whole person felt a lot more relaxed, but at the same time Bailiyuan also felt a sense of emptiness.

"It's really almost fallen, but..." Baili Yuan looked at Chi Sun, and suddenly said in a strange way: "Look, look, your world is going to disappear~"

A broken expression appeared on Chiri's face.

I have worked so hard for so many years just for this day, but why did it become like this!

Regarding Chi Ri, Baili Yuan didn't know him well, but judging from what he had seen and heard, Chi Ri should be a person who pursued his own ideas and ideals, but he was pursuing what he wanted At that time, he took the wrong path, the elves in Lizhi Lake died tragically, and the world was almost destroyed. These are all the sins committed by Chiri and the galaxy he created.

Although some things may not be done by Chi Ri himself, he must be a part of all the crimes.

At the beginning, Shuiwutong and Chiyansong also used some extreme methods to pursue what they wanted, but they were not at the same level as Chiri.

The original intention of the water sycamore and red pine and the water fleet and lava team they established is good. Whether expanding the land or the ocean, they are all to create a better world. It's just that they used the wrong method, so they still have a chance to correct themselves. New, but Chiri denied everything, wanted to create a new universe, and then control everything by himself!

"Let me tell you, you have no chance of being sent to Alola to plant fruit because of your actions." Baili Yuan said to Chi Ri, but Chi Sun obviously didn't care what Baili Yuan was going to say .

Sirona and Lie Bite Lu Sha came to Baili Yuan.

"Thank you." Sirona smiled at Bailiyuan, then looked at Chiri, "Chiri, you will be brought back to the alliance to judge your crimes!"

And just when Bailiyuan and Sirona thought the matter was over, they didn't notice that although the universe shrunk to the size of a ping pong ball, it didn't just disappear, but kept rising.

It's like something that already exists, unless it is destroyed, it will not disappear automatically.

Dialga and Palkia finally realized what they did when they were under control, and the space-time gods suddenly became furious. Seeing the universe that was only the size of a ping-pong ball in the sky, they shot again.

This universe cannot stay!

Time and space roar!

Yakong Split Slash!

Two attacks landed on the universe, and the shrunken universe was completely shattered, but the shattered universe erupted with terrifying power.

These are the powers that Dialga and Palkia created the universe before, and now with the shattering of the universe, these powers erupt completely, although it will not bring about a devastating impact like a real cosmic explosion, but the erupted The power is still terrifying.

The burst of power directly blasted the space at the top of the spear pillar, revealing a pitch-black space that frantically absorbed everything from the outside world.

Although the incident happened suddenly, everyone and all the elves reacted quickly and grabbed the things around them to fix their bodies. However, at this moment, a dark shadow suddenly appeared on the ground of the Spear Pillar, and its fierce eyes were fixed on the sky. Dialga and Palkia.

Then they were swallowed, and those who were swallowed together were some of the people and elves standing on the spear pillar.

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