I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1610 The Gods of Time and Space Come Again! (Make up 550 monthly tickets plus change)

On the top of Tianguan Mountain, as the Vajra Orb and the White Jade Orb were activated, the two orbs also released powerful energy, and then these powerful energies converged in the air, gradually forming two phantoms - Diya Luka and Pa Lucia!

The two orbs did not directly summon the two elves, but condensed their phantoms, but these two phantoms continued to condense, calling for the real Dialga and Palkia!

However, although only two phantoms descended, the entire top of Tianguan Mountain has also appeared strange, time and space are distorted, and the sky has lost its light and become chaotic.

The elves in Tianguan Mountain felt threatened and ran down the mountain one after another, causing the entire Tianguan Mountain to become chaotic.

A series of fragments of the red chain wrapped around the two phantoms, and then gradually connected together, turning into two special items that were put on the phantoms of the two elves.

If anyone with knowledge is here, they will find that these two special items are exactly the same shape as the legendary "Wrist of the Universe" on Arceus, except that these two are blood red!

This is the red chain, which is a special item excavated by the Galaxy team in the ruins. It is said that it is connected to God and has the power of God!

In the Pokémon world, many legendary Pokémon are called gods, such as the Gods of the Lake, the Gods of Time and Space, etc., but in the Sinnoh area, there are no prefixes that are directly called "gods". The being who created the world - Arceus!

This red chain excavated by the Galaxy team is said to have the power of Arceus!

And the red chain is now also used by the Galactic team to control the gods of the lake, and is even about to control Dialga and Palkia!

This kind of power is also integrated into the Galaxy Bomb of the Galaxy team, so it has such power.

Just when Chiri was about to take the next step, applause came from behind everyone in the Galaxy team.

"Okay, the expedition is over here, everyone in the Galaxy team, although I don't know what you are going to do, but can you stop?"

Everyone in Team Galaxy looked, and saw a figure standing on the edge of the spear pillar, followed by a special Suicune.

"Who?!" Zhen Xing asked.

"I won't tell you~"

"Hmph, are you from the alliance? If you come to seek death, I will fulfill you!"

Zhen Xing snorted coldly and threw out the elf ball in his hand.

"Come on, Poison Skeleton Frog."

As soon as the poisonous skeleton frog appeared, it attacked Bailiyuan.

A surprise blow!

The poisonous skeleton frog rushed towards Bailiyuan, but Bailiyuan's eyes suddenly lit up. The rushing poisonous skeleton frog trembled, and retreated quickly, showing a somewhat terrified expression.

Zhen Xing was startled, "Poisonous Skeleton Frog, what's wrong?"

Shui Jun glanced at Baili Yuan, and the light in Baili Yuan's eyes faded away.

"Oh, I didn't expect it to be used." Baili Yuan said in surprise.

What he just used was the supernatural power that Suicune used before. He saw Suicune use it before, so he learned to imitate it, but he didn't expect to use it successfully.

But the effect is very different.

Bailiyuan's supernatural power can only scare away the poisonous skeleton frog, but Shui Jun's supernatural power can disintegrate the enemy's fighting spirit physically and mentally.

Zhenxing noticed that Bailiyuan was not easy, and his face darkened, "Let's go together!"

Mars and Suixing also released their own Pokémon.

The remaining members of the Galaxy team also surrounded them with elves.

Only Pluto, as a researcher, stepped back into the distance with small steps.

"It's not for me."

However, Pluto stopped just as he retreated a certain distance, because at this time a long needle was placed on his neck, making his neck chill.

"Stop, stop, don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive." Pluto raised his hand hastily.

At some point, the Big Needle Bee appeared behind Pluto.

Zhen Xing noticed that Pluto was being held hostage, and frowned, "Are there other elves ambushing around?"

"It's not just that, I advise you to surrender now..."

Sui Xing was upset when he heard Baili Yuan's words, and said with a sneer, "Stop talking big! Do you think you can threaten us by holding Pluto hostage? Kill him if you have the ability!"

"Don't, don't listen to her." Pluto shouted hastily.

Bailiyuan didn't really let the big needle bee kill Pluto, Sui Xing clicked his tongue in displeasure, she had been displeased with Pluto for a long time.

"You think you can beat us all by yourself?" Firestar asked.

Baili Yuan waved his hand, "No, what I mean is that if you surrender now, maybe you can catch up with the first aid."

The three cadres of the Galaxy team frowned.

Suddenly there was a thud, and a member of the Galaxy team fell to the ground without warning. Like a signal, the other members of the Galaxy team fell one by one like a piece of mino.

Even Zhen Xing, Huo Huo and Sui Xing suddenly felt their bodies go limp and fell to the ground.

The same is true of Pluto, and the big needle bee flicked its long needle twice, as if a little disdainful to kill Pluto.

"What exactly is going on……"

The three cadres also noticed each other's state.

At this time, everyone's faces turned purple, which is a sign of poisoning!

Zhen Xing raised his head reluctantly, and looked at Bai Li Yuan who was standing there with a smile on his face.

"Despicable, actually poisoned!"

"You don't really think that I will just appear in front of you like this, no, no."

Bulgaria came out from the other side, and Bulbaseed evolved again, while the flowers on his back were releasing poisonous pollen.

The same is true for the big needle bee on the other side. This time the big needle bee did not release the venom wantonly, but incorporated the toxin into the air, poisoning people within the range of the gun pillar.

This is not a simple method, and it can only be achieved when the poisonous fruit is developed to the stage of awakening.

After all, this is the legendary "poisoning the air".

Although the Frog Flower and the Big Needle Bee did not use deadly poison, their toxicity is not weak. If they are not treated for a long time, everyone in the Galaxy team will indeed be in danger of life, and at least they will be disabled and seriously injured. sequelae.

Before showing up, Baili Yuan, Shui Jun and the other elves had already drank the antidote.

Such an arrangement might accidentally injure others, but this time there was no one else going up the mountain with Bailiyuan, so Bailiyuan could do whatever he wanted.

Now not only the members of the Galaxy team, but also their elves have been poisoned. Only elves with poisonous attributes like the poisonous skeleton frog survived and were not directly brought down by the toxin in the air.

But Suicune directly opened his mouth and used a roar, roaring the elves like the poisonous skeleton frog back to the elf ball.

Baili Yuan looked in the direction of the altar, not everyone fell down now, besides him, there was another person standing, and over there was the red sun.

Bailiyuan noticed Chiri's strangeness.

"What special power did he get, that special power entered his body and resisted the toxins in the air."

"Master Chiri!" Zhenxing looked at Chiri, who became the last hope of the Galaxy team.

Although the Galaxy team was almost wiped out at this time, Chihi didn't look flustered at all, but stared at the phantoms of Dialga and Palkia, telling his dreams.

"The preparations to create a new universe are complete. Now everything will end, and everything will begin. What is waiting is this time... Dialga and Palkia, the time and space that created this world form The double helix, then, let me turn the power you hold into my own power to create a brand new galaxy! The universe is born! The current world disappears, and this time it will all be reset , In order to create the ultimate and complete world, eliminate this ambiguous thing called the mind!"

"Stop him!" Baili Yuan said softly.

Suicune, Big Needle Bee and Brilliant Frog Flower rushed towards the red sun together.

Bailiyuan didn't care about Chiri's purpose, all he had to do was to stop Chiri now.

However, at the moment when the three elves were about to rush to Chihi, Yuksi, Aknom and Emrido stopped in front of the three elves, and directly activated their superpowers to attack Suicune, Big Needle Bee and Miao frog flower.

"Is that the gods of the lake? They have also been controlled."

A special vigilance is attached to the forehead of the three elves, which is a fragment of the red chain.

When the controlled gods of the lake resisted Suicune, Big Needle Bee and Brilliant Frog Flower, high temperature suddenly fell from the sky.

The fire-breathing dragon did not know when it appeared in the sky, swooped down, and at the same time, a flame enveloped the red sun, mercilessly.

You Kexi, Aknom and Emrido retreated back to Chiri's side by instant teleportation, released their super powers, and jointly built a super power protective shield, covering Chiri, blocking the flames sprayed by the fire-breathing dragon.

"I didn't see you guys being so powerful when you were caught, but now that you're an enemy, you're showing off." Bailiyuan complained. He learned from Hunter J before that when the gods of the lake were captured, the gods of the lake The gods did not cooperate so tacitly.

However, the gods of the lake didn't notice at this time that Chiri's feet had been shrouded in shadows at some point, and Geng Gui's figure suddenly rushed out of the shadows, and went straight to Chiri's heart.

A poke ball on Chiri's waist suddenly opened, and a mahogany appeared, which resisted Geng Gui's sneak attack, and then confronted Geng Gui. The strength of this mahogany was extraordinary.

A series of battles appeared beside Chiri, but Chiri didn't pay much attention to it.

With the protection of the gods of the lake, even if Shui Jun did it, it would be difficult to take down the red sun immediately. Even if Bailiyuan released more elves, it would be difficult to quickly defeat the gods of the lake and finish the red sun, so Baili Yuan decided to do it himself.

"It's like saying who isn't a divine beast." Baili Yuan rolled up his sleeves.

And when Bailiyuan was about to make a big move against Chi Rilai, he suddenly stopped because someone came down from the mountain!

Sirona and Biting Land Shark are finally here!

As soon as Sirona went up the mountain, she saw the members of the Galaxy team who were lying on the ground, Chiri who was being besieged, and of course, Bailiyuan, the leader.

However, what shocked Sirona the most was the phantoms of Dialga and Palkia in the sky.

"What exactly is going on?"

No one answered her question, but Chiri noticed the coming Sirona, and compared to Bailiyuan who jumped out of nowhere, Sirona really attracted Chiri's attention.

"Your Excellency Champion is late." Chihinoye said, and then said: "No matter what you do now, you can't stop me. So far, everything I have done, even if I have achieved this step, will still be able to stop me in the future." Forgive me, because no matter what I do, next, all hearts will disappear, starting with you! Your Pokémon! The time has come, and finally, the time to realize my dream is coming!"

Chiri opened his right hand, which was connected to the red chain, and the red chain on the phantom released its power, and the real Dialga and Palkia descended!



The voices of the twin gods of time and space resounded in the world of Pokémon!

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