I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1602 Spiked Shellfish Are Not Fat (450 Monthly Pass)

Floating, floating Pokémon with dual attributes of water and ghosts, common in the Hezhong area, and also distributed in the Alola area, with obvious gender differences, the male body is blue, and the female body is pink.

Males and females also differ somewhat in appearance, with females having eyelashes under the eyes, smiling lips, curved stripes on the body, and more spikes on the crown of the head.

In males, above the eyes, the lips resemble a frown.

This is a very rare Pokémon that is said to live in the deep sea at a depth of 8000 meters.

There is no such ghost-type Pokémon in Bailiyuan's Gym, because the water sycamore and the red flame pine did not capture the light flutter in the Alola area, but it was mentioned in their report that they were looking for the light flutter in the sea. At that time, I met a powerful poisonous algal dragon, and the submarine was almost dissolved by poisonous poisonous algal dragon. The steering wheel was seized. (Note: The poisonous algae dragon family has a very good relationship with the broken steering wheel.)

The broken steering wheel in Bailiyuan gymnasium is the one they caught.

Shui Wutong and Chi Yansong never concealed their actions, but reported the truth, because they did not do anything out of line for the time being, and they also wanted Bailiyuan to know what they did, just like working overtime late at night. It is the same reason to post a circle of friends to let the leaders see.

They also hope that Bailiyuan will give them better treatment for their hard work.

Bailiyuan naturally never hesitated to reward.

Although Shuiwutong and Chiyansong didn't catch Qingpiaopiao, Bailiyuan also knows a little about this kind of Pokémon. As the owner of the ghost-type gym, Bailiyuan has naturally read a lot of information about ghost-type Pokmon. The master of the gymnasium has limited understanding of the ghost-type Pokmon, and it will be a joke if it is discovered, and even the gym may be affected.

The two gauze-like bodies did not look threatening, but things were not that simple.

The superior pride obviously doesn't know Qing Piao Piao.

Bailiyuan briefly introduced Qing Piao Piao to the excellent pride, and then reminded: "Be careful, there are many poisonous needles invisible to the naked eye on Qing Piao Piao's tentacles, which can paralyze the enemy. They often use this method to drown the enemy .”

Hearing Baili Yuan's reminder, the honored pride became more serious.

At this moment, the two were floating lightly on the swimming pool, and Bailiyuan took a breath of air.

"The humidity in the air has not changed significantly, and it seems that it is not a hidden characteristic of moisture."

Now more and more trainers are beginning to pay attention to the characteristics of the elves, and then develop the characteristics of the elves, and then arrange tactics according to the characteristics of the elves. Therefore, it is necessary for the trainers to explore the characteristics of the opponent's elves before the battle. Of course, training Players must also do enough homework, it is best to understand what the characteristics of the other party's elves mainly include, so as to explore the characteristics of the other party's elves in a methodical manner, and finally target them.

According to the information Bailiyuan learned, besides the hidden characteristic of moisture, Qing Piao Piao's regular characteristics are mainly water storage and cursed body, which are the classic characteristics of water elves and ghost elves.

"It seems that the two sides have already made preparations, so...the battle will officially begin!" The captain shouted loudly.

"Let's make the first move, light and fluttering, and the water gun attacks Gala Gala." Jiasui took the lead.

"So are we~"

A Xinfu sang her husband Sui, and also let her lightness attack Ga La Ga La.

Still set fire.

But the difference is that this time Gala Gala can no longer freeze the water gun with the freezing wind like before, because the strength of the two light and fluttering is not weak, and the power of the water gun used is not bad.

The top brass knows this.

"Big characters explode!"

Gala Gala wrote a "big" character in the air with his own bone stick, and this "big" character was made of flames, facing two water guns!

Gala Gala of the top prize has learned a lot of moves of other attributes, and they are all very proficient.

Although the water attribute restrains the fire attribute, but when the temperature of the flame is sufficient, it can also weaken the power of the water attribute move.

The big character flame explosion collided with the water gun, an explosion occurred, and a large amount of fog was brought up.

However, the explosion of big characters did not completely offset the power of the two water guns.

At the same time, Bailiyuan also let the thorn armor do it.

"Prickly shell, erect an ice wall!"

Although Bailiyuan didn't say the move, the thorn shell understood it. Suddenly, a light flashed underwater, and the aurora beam shot upwards. The pool rippled for a while, and then a thick ice wall rose from the pool, blocking the weakened water gun. Before.

The water gun hit the ice wall and dispersed completely, and the ice wall shattered in response.

Ah Xin found something wrong: "No, the remaining power of the water gun is not enough to break the ice wall!"

The moment the ice wall shattered, a bone stick pierced through the fragments of the ice wall, and took two fluttering straight.

"Bone Boomerang!"

"Shadow Ball!" Jiasui shouted.

A shadow ball successfully intercepted the bone boomerang and sent the bone boomerang flying.

However, Gala Gala jumped out of the floating board, stepped on the ice in the swimming pool, and caught his own bone stick.

"So that's how it is, using broken ice as a place to stay." Jiasui understood.

Bailiyuan and Youyoujiazi have gone through many battles, and they also have a tacit cooperation.

"But what if this is the case? Lightly, use Tide Spin!"

"So do we!"

The two fluttered lightly, and the water in the swimming pool under them also started to turn with their rotation.

The ice floating on the water surface was naturally drawn into the vortex, and Gala Gala hurriedly jumped back to the floating board, but at this time the floating board was also affected by the vortex, and it might turn over at any time.

"Frozen Beam!" Baili Yuan shouted.

A chilly light beam pierced through the vortex, directly hitting the two spinning light flutters.

"Get out of the way!" Jiasui and Ah Xin shouted hastily.

The two Qing Piao Piao dodged in time, and the freezing beam fell through, but the tidal vortex in the swimming pool also gradually faded away.

The floating board stabilized again, but the ice floe on the water surface was shredded by the vortex just now, and Gala Gala could not continue to jump on the water surface, and although there were two floating boards in the pool, they were on both sides of the pool, With Gala Gala's jumping ability, it was difficult to jump to another floating board, and Gala Gala became restricted in movement again.

Jiasui suddenly shouted: "Strange light!"

A strange light fell on Gala Gala who had just stabilized his body, and Gala Gala's eyes suddenly became blurred and fell into a state of confusion.

The face of the superior pride turned aside, and then he hurriedly shouted: "Galla Gala, stabilize your body and lie on the floating board!"

It may be because of the deep bond with the honored pride, Gala Gala heard the words of the honored pride in the confusion, resisted the discomfort, and threw himself on the floating board, but kept bumping his head against the floating board.

Only then did the superior proud son heave a sigh of relief, and secretly said that it was dangerous, not to mention the damage caused to him by the chaotic Gala Gala, if he fell off the floating board, the situation would become even more troublesome, she couldn't help but sigh, Jiasui and Ah Xin are more capable than she imagined.

"It's really excellent. Qing Piao Piao can only master the strange light through heredity, and the timing is also very good." Baili Yuan couldn't help but praise.

The honored son glared at Baili Yuan, they are rivals now, okay? Don't praise your opponent!

But at this time, Jiasui shouted out her heart: "My son, the times have changed, and we have also experienced hard training. Don't underestimate me. In this battle, we must win in the end~"

"Jiasui, I will definitely bring you victory!" Ah Xin suddenly seemed to be on fire, "Little, now, use the most powerful water cannon to attack Gala Gala!"

Ah Xin's Qing Piao Piao began to accumulate strength in the air, gathered water polo, and prepared to launch the most powerful water cannon to Gala Gala.

Jiasui looked at the burning Ah Xin, showing a nympho look, and screamed: "Ah!!! Ah Xin, you are so manly!"

Bailiyuan and the proud student covered their ears, then looked at the two people opposite.

Referee, this can already be regarded as an off-court attack!

But at this time, the top prized son secretly thought it was not good.

The range of the floating board is limited, and now Gala Gala can't dodge at all. That is to say, if Ah Xin's Qing Piao Piao successfully uses the water cannon, then Gala Gala will definitely suffer a lot of damage, or even be thrown into the water, and he will be out of the game directly.

This isn't a one-man battle, though.

Bailiyuan smiled: "If you want to use the water cannon, you have to ask my thorn shell if it agrees!"


The spiny shell suddenly rushed out of the water and rushed towards Qing Piao Piao who was preparing the water cannon. With the size of Bailiyuan's steel shell, suddenly rushing out of the water is very visually impactful.

"Shell blade!"

The spiny clam burst out of the water, the shell glowing.

Jiasui and Ah Xin were both startled when they saw the fluffy thorn shell quickly approaching, not only them, but also the top prized one.

"How can the spiny clam jump so high?!" Jiasui exclaimed.

Ordinary thorn shells can't jump so high, let alone such a big thorn shell.

It was also because of this misjudgment that Jiasui and Ah Xin didn't let the two light flutters get too high from the water surface, and Ah Xin's light flutter was just within the attack range of the thorn shell.

"My thorn shell is not fat, that's a sign of strength." Baili Yuan explained for his thorn shell.

However, the huge size does make people think of moving slowly, and then let down their guard.

If Ah Xin's Qing Piao Piao directly used the water cannon, Baili Yuan could only let the thorn armor help Ga La Gala to resist the damage. In that case, it would be their loss no matter what.

But since the opponent wants to accumulate strength and use the most powerful water cannon to kill Gala Gala in an instant, Baili Yuan can take advantage of it.

But Jiasui and Ah Xin were not given for nothing.

"Qing Piao Piao, stop her!" Jiasui hurriedly shouted, when Ah Xin's Qing Piao Piao condensed the water cannon, her Qing Piao Piao had already been guarding Ah Xin's Qing Piao Piao.

"it's useless!"

Clamshells don't just jump high.

Because the distance was shortened, Jiasui's Qingpiao could only choose to intercept it at close range, but the thorn shell directly pushed against Jiasui's Qingpiao, and then approached Ah Xin's lightly, bright shell with an unreasonable attitude. With coldness.

The thorn shell chose to jump out of the swimming pool just to prevent Jiasui's lightness from intercepting her attack at will.

However, Jiasui's lightness still slowed down the charge of the spiny shellfish.

"It's too late!" The honored pride had a nervous expression on his face.

Although she was startled by the jumping of the thorn shell, she felt that the thorn shell could not successfully interrupt the light water cannon. The final result should be that the light water cannon was successfully used, and Qing Piao Piao was attacked by the thorn shell.

However, Bailiyuan looked calm.

"A thorn shell will never miss!"

The shell blade of the thorn shell finally hit Ah Xin's Qing Piao Piao, just as Qing Piao Piao was about to fire the water cannon!

The shell blade hit Ah Xin's fluffy face, knocking it crooked, and the water cannon also flew into the pool beside him.

"How can it be!?"

Jiasui and Ah Xin's eyes widened.

The same is true for the top pride.

The thorn clam got stuck at the last moment and misfired the water cannon!

The superior proud son hurriedly looked at Baili Yuan who was beside him with a calm face, Baili Yuan didn't look surprised at all.

Just a lucky coincidence?

Or is everything in Bailiyuan's calculations?

It took only three seconds from lightly condensing the water cannon to when the thorn shell interrupted the water cannon, but the thorn shell completed a high-end operation.

Before the others recovered, Baili Yuan spoke again.


Puff puff puff puff!

The thorn clam shot out an ice pick, which hit Jiasui's light face again.

This trick, this trick is **.

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