I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1600 Love Couple

Everyone will always have several opponents at different stages of life. This situation is especially obvious in the Pokémon world, because people in the Pokémon world can compete not only in regular fields such as study and work, but also in Pokémon battles. Not giving in is originally a competitive activity, which is more likely to arouse the desire for confrontation in people's hearts.

"So the person you want to defeat is your opponent since childhood?" Baili Yuan looked at the proud son.

The honored son shook his head.

"Specifically, she regarded me as an opponent, and she was not qualified to be my opponent."

Bailiyuan didn't understand, since you didn't regard him as an opponent, why did you beat him?

"I just can't bear her bragging in front of me, so I have to teach her a lesson and let her know how to be superior." While talking, a wicked smile appeared on the face of the superior pride, although it was only fleeting. , but Bailiyuan still noticed the change in the expression of the superior pride.

It was also the first time that Baili Yuan saw such an expression on the face of a top prized student.

Maybe because he wasn't in front of "Baili Yize", the superior pride accidentally revealed his true nature.

Although the excellent and proud child is no longer as arrogant as before, it does not mean that she has become harmless to humans and animals. Otherwise, the disciples in the dojo will not believe her. A pure and kind person cannot become an excellent leader of.

The top prized child still has her own pride, and she doesn't allow others to provoke her, this time someone happened to bump into her muzzle.

Tigers will not allow wild wolves to bark their teeth in front of them, and at the same time do not want wild wolves to forget their own strength, so tigers will occasionally frighten wild wolves and show their majesty.

It's just that even though the top-notch student intends to teach each other a lesson, this time the battle on the boat is a doubles match. The top-notch student can't participate in the battle alone, and Bailiyuan is the only one on the boat that she really trusts and thinks she can form a team.

Bailiyuan was a little speechless about the words of the honored pride, but he thought in his heart that such a character as the honored pride should be liked by Angela, no wonder Angela asked herself to take care of the honored pride.

For Angela's sake, Bailiyuan finally agreed to the pairing application of the top prized students.

Then the two went to the registration office to sign up.

While waiting for the start of the competition, Bailiyuan also met the person who came to challenge the superior pride.

She is also a good-looking girl named Jiasui. Her fiancé Ah Xin formed a doubles team with her. They were wearing couple outfits with love fish patterns printed on them. Although it was a very hot day, the two of them But they are close together, and the mouths of the two love fishes on the couple costumes are all stuck together.

"Pride, is this the teammate you chose?" Jiasui asked curiously, then looked Bailiyuan up and down.

The superior proud son nodded, but Baili Yuan frowned a little.

"Your teammates look good, but they are far behind my Ah Xin~"


"Jiasui~ I'm so touched!" Jiasui's fiancé hugged Jiasui.

"Ashin~ I will always love you~"

"Me too! Love you forever and ever!"

"Tie Tie ~ Chirp ~"

"Tie Tie ~ Chirp ~"

Seeing the two who were suddenly bored with each other, Bailiyuan shuddered and got goosebumps all over his body, and the top prize boy also showed an expression of discomfort.

Too tired!

Baili Yuan looked at the proud son, and asked with his eyes, "What the hell are they?"

The superior pride can only shake his head helplessly.

Jiasui and Ah Xin got tired of it for a while, and Jiasui suddenly said to the superior, "We won't lose in the doubles match, because we are passionate couples!"

While talking, Jiasui and Ah Xin crossed their fingers again.

Then the two laughed and left, looking like two fools.

After being fed another mouthful of candy that licked until it became greasy, neither Baili Yuan nor the top student looked good.

"I suddenly understand how you feel. If it were me, I would really like to beat them up too." Baili Yuan said.

The superior pride clenched her fists, she almost made a move just now.

Bailiyuan looked at the backs of Jiasui and Ah Xin who had left, and he noticed Jiasui's words, "Love couple" not only refers to their state, but also represents a type of trainer, and this type of trainer is need to pass the examination.

Only couples can assess this title, and the assessment standard is "doubles battle"!

In other words, Jiasui and Ah Xin may be very good at doubles.

Jiasui's provocation of the top-notch pride may be because this is their field of expertise. Of course, it is also because they met the top-notch pride by coincidence, so they came up to provoke. After all, the two seem to be full of confidence.

Bailiyuan is also aware of the strength of the top brats, and she is not weak in 2v2, but this time the match is doubles, and two trainers must form a team to play, so the fighting style is different.

The biggest difference between these two doubles methods is the number of commanders. Only by combining the strength of the two elves can the strongest combat effectiveness be exerted. If the command of the two trainers diverges, it will hold each other back.

Because of this, only Bailiyuan can make the superior pride trust. The superior pride chooses to form a team with Bailiyuan, believing in Bailiyuan's strength. Even if the two lack a tacit understanding in cooperation, they can make up for it with strong strength .

After Jiasui and Ah Xin left, Bailiyuan and Youyoujiazi didn't hang around anymore, and waited patiently for the start of the game.

They didn't have to wait too long, and the game started quickly.

"I've been waiting for a long time, everybody, let's enjoy a happy duel together, then, the sea doubles battle has officially begun! Let's enjoy this fierce battle on the ocean! Let's surge together with the sea!"


Passengers on deck cheered.

The rules of the doubles match held on the ship are quite simple. Each player is limited to one elf, and no elves are allowed to be replaced during the match. If both elves lose their fighting ability or voluntarily surrender, they will lose the qualification to continue the game.

What is fighting is not only the command ability of the trainer, but also the physical strength of the elves.

The game is divided into three venues, two venues are on the deck, and the remaining one is in the swimming pool on the front deck. The venue for each match is randomly determined.

Therefore, the best choice for this doubles battle is an elf that can fight in water, otherwise it is likely to be restricted by the terrain, unless the trainer feels that he can be so lucky that he can avoid the swimming pool in all his games.

Soon it was the turn of Bailiyuan and Youyoujiazi, and they came to venue No. 1, which was an ordinary deck venue.

Bailiyuan came to the field, and when he saw the opponent on the other side of the field, his eyes floated uncontrollably.

They were playing against two beautiful big sisters in bikinis in the strike zone of Bailiyuan.

The referee suddenly shouted: "The battle begins!"

The superior pride throws the elf ball.

Bailiyuan also came back to his senses, and then also threw his elf ball.

Two elves appear on the deck.

Gala Gala and Spike Shell.

The thorn clam that was several sizes larger shook the deck as soon as it appeared.

But at this time, Bailiyuan and the proud son looked at each other with the same puzzlement in their eyes.

"Why Gala Gala?"

"Why the thorn shell?"

After asking the question, both of them fell silent.

Bailiyuan didn't understand why the superior pride didn't choose an elf who was more suitable for fighting in the swimming pool.

And the superior pride didn't understand why Bailiyuan's elves were not of the ghost type.

However, their opponents would not give the two of them too much time to communicate, and directly directed their elves to attack.

Fighting against Gala Gala and Spike Shell is a Mari Luli and a Gotha Duck.

"Mari Luli, water gun, attack Gala Gala!"

"Godha Duck, we are also water guns, attack Gala Gala!"

Gala Gala is a ground attribute, so don't blame the opponent for focusing on him first.

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