I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1593 Mischievous little demon; Sanaido who fuses six evil beads

The naughty little demon is only less than half a meter tall, and she looks like a naughty little fairy in the traditional impression. Her pink skin looks a bit aggressive, but her appearance is definitely not cute.

In terms of body shape, the mischievous little demon has a small body, thin limbs, only three fingers on his hands, a big head, almost equal to his own body, and his eyes are also not small, with a purple tongue sticking out of his mouth, and two It has two fangs, and behind the head there is a different-colored raised part, like a single wing.

Last night, Bailiyuan just had a brief exchange with the troublemaker, learned about the troublemaker in his hands, and then studied a lot of information about the troublemaker.

Mischievous little demon, teasing Pokémon, dual attributes of evil and fairy, the main characteristic is the heart of mischief and perception, the hidden characteristic is to take advantage of the sheep, the characteristic of this mischievous little monster in Bailiyuan's hand is perception, and can detect items on other people Or props carried by other elves.

This feature allows you to understand your opponent better in battle, and then make targeted tactical arrangements, predicting the enemy first, which is the so-called knowing yourself and the enemy, and winning every battle.

In daily life, elves with this characteristic can also make achievements in security checks, investigations and other fields.

Just don't think about doing this kind of work if you are just a mischievous little demon's character and appearance, because it is really easy to suspect that they will guard against themselves.

By the way, there are only males in the naughty little demons, because the race of the naughty little demons has gender differences. There is a big gap between the female elf corresponding to the little goblin and the naughty goblin, because the female elf corresponding to the naughty goblin is Mibrim, that is, the degenerated form of Brimwen in the hands of the superior pride.

The difference in the appearance of these two elves is really big, and the final evolution looks like "Beauty and the Beast".

Bailiyuan also had to lament the Creator's bad taste.


After the troublemaker appeared, all the elves from Bailiyuan gathered around and looked at the troublemaker curiously.

Although surrounded by a group of high-level elves, the mischievous little demon did not appear to be flustered at all. Instead, he frolicked with other elves without acknowledging his birth. The puppet bear, Mana Fei and other little fellows behaved to the mischievous little demon. There was a lot of interest.

Bailiyuan squatted in front of the troublesome little demon, rubbed the troublesome little demon's head, the right hand attached to the power of the heart was quite powerful as "God's Hand", a simple rubbing made the troublesome little demon calm down.

"Please give me more advice during this time." Bailiyuan said with a smile, although the mischievous little demon looks ugly, but after a long time, it has a kind of ugly feeling, and Bailiyuan doesn't mind cultivating one that is similar to himself sprites with the same attributes.

The naughty little demon made a strange salute to Baili Yuan, which made Baili Yuan laugh out loud. If the naughty little monster was around, the elves would be much happier every day.

Although it's only been a short time since I've been in contact with this naughty little monster, it may be because of the same attribute configuration. This naughty little monster has a very good attitude towards Baili Yuan.

Although this naughty little demon was given to Bailiyuan by Angela to let Bailiyuan know about the situation of elves with the combination of evil attributes and fairy attributes, Bailiyuan cannot completely rely on the naughty little demon.

Because in fact, although the attributes of the mischievous little demon are a combination of evil attributes and fairy attributes, his skill table represents his real situation-the evil attribute is the main one, and the tricks of the fairy attributes that can be mastered are quite limited.

This mischievous little monster has just begun to grow, and has not experienced too much practice, and the skills he has mastered are quite limited. His current skill list is-surprise attack with palm, whisper, bite, flatter, and fake cry.

Three of the five skills he has mastered are evil attributes, and the remaining two are general attribute skills.

As an elf race with only males, he also has no inherited egg moves. (Only male elf races must not have egg moves, except for the Nidoran family, the Dauntless Boy family, Electric Firefly and Elledo)

This shows the partiality of the mischievous little demon.

And Bailiyuan belongs to the situation of balanced growth of the two attributes.

What Bailiyuan can really learn from the mischievous little demon is how the two attributes, the evil attribute and the goblin attribute, coexist. It seems easier to gain something.

If it were really that simple to observe oneself, there wouldn't be so many people in this world who don't have "self-knowledge". Many details that Bailiyuan ignored in himself can be understood from the mischievous little demon.

After communicating with the elves on the artificial beach for a while, Bailiyuan began to prepare breakfast for the elves.

After breakfast, Bailiyuan returned to the home space first.

In the center of the home space, there is an additional quiet room, and powerful spiritual energy leaks out from the quiet room from time to time. It is only because of the various shielding devices around the quiet room that the spiritual energy does not cause chaos in the home space.

And in the quiet room is Shanaido.

Sensing the mental fluctuations in the quiet room, Baili Yuan nodded.

"No problem, Shanaido's mental strength is very stable."

This is a transformation of Shanaido.

Back then in the Forest of Whispers, the six evil beads suppressed by Bailiyuan's light were fused into Shanaido's body by Bailiyuan.

This fusion did not rely on the imprint of authority, but directly fused the six evil beads. With the suppression of Baili Yuan's power, this set of six evil beads can already be fused directly.

The reason why Shanaido was chosen to fuse this set of six evil beads is because only Shanaido can withstand the power of this set of six evil beads.

Although this set of six evil beads has been suppressed by Bailiyuan's power, the power that Bailiyuan left in the six evil beads is rootless and weakens all the time. Maybe there will be a moment when it disappears completely. The power of the beads will explode again.

Because of this instability, this set of six evil beads is not as stable as the six evil beads that were previously fused. It needs to be fused as soon as possible. At the same time, when fusing this set of six evil beads, it needs strong strength and endurance. The handling ability can't be too bad.

And Shanaiduo is one of the elves with the highest strength and level among Bailiyuan's elves. She meets the requirements of fusing the six evil beads in all aspects, and her power control ability is also very strong.

Although Shanaido seldom fights as a strong attacker, she has always existed as the backbone of the team battles of the elves. She also has the inheritance of the spiritual power seed of Iron Mewtwo, and at the same time she is practicing various superpower attributes Therefore, although her strength is rarely displayed, her strength cannot be denied.

With the help of this fusion, Shanaido may be able to exceed level ninety, approaching the strength of a champion elf.

In the world of Pokémon, some powerful kings have elves over level ninety, such as veteran kings like Chrysanthemum King, but the elves over level ninety in their hands generally do not exceed level ninety-five, and the champion must have one over The main elf of level ninety-five!

For example, Du's Kuailong, Sirona's biting land shark, Dawu's giant golden monster, such elves are enough to wrestle with some powerful beasts.

More than ninety levels correspond to the strength of the colorful level of the easter egg system!

More than ninety-five levels, corresponding to the strength of the supreme level!

Iron Mewtwo is a powerful existence over level ninety-five, and it is also a top beast in the world of heraldry.

As for a stronger existence, Bailiyuan has not encountered it yet, but judging from the situation of the space-time twin gods he encountered last time, perhaps in the Pokémon world, only the legendary Arceus can set foot in that realm.

It is also because of the particularity of the six evil beads that are fused this time that Shanaido needs more time to fuse. According to Caroline's calculations, Shanaido needs a week to complete the fusion if it goes well.

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