I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 164 Clearing the field

In addition to these, Bailiyuan also found a lot of scars on the body of this Arbo monster. Coupled with the size of this Arbo monster, Bailiyuan can infer that this Arbor monster should be experienced in many battles, and Still the winning side.

From the aura of this Abo monster, Bailiyuan could feel that this Abo monster was at least level 50!

This Abo monster is in Baili Yuan's eyes!

However, having said that, after searching for so many days, I couldn't find it, so why would there be such an Arbo monster at my door when I was sleeping?

Can't control so much anymore, knock me out, take it away!

T-X dropped Bailiyuan to the ground at Bailiyuan's signal, and stepped forward by himself.

"Wait a minute!" A voice sounded from behind Bailiyuan and T-X.

A rustling sound came from behind Bailiyuan and T-X.

Xiaoyin actually came out from the darkness.

Little Silver ignored the eyes of Baili Yuan and T-X, but stared at the Abo monster in the distance with wary eyes. He had already held the poke ball in his hand, and not just one, but all six of them. hand.

"What are you doing? We discovered this Arbo monster first, so we won't let you~" Baili Yuan stared at Xiaoyin unkindly.

Little Silver twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Before you say this, you should see your own situation first." Xiao Yin said angrily.

"The situation?" Baili Yuan was taken aback, and looked around, but there was nothing there.

"Alarm, there are a large number of snake creatures surrounding us, and the initial judgment is the Arbor snake family." T-X said suddenly.

"Huh?" Baili Yuan was taken aback.

what's the situation?

Rusting sounds sounded from all around.

Then Bailiyuan saw densely packed Arbor snakes entangled and appeared around, whether it was on the lawn or on the trees, they were all covered with Arbor snakes, and there were several Arbor monsters among them.

"Is this a snake's den?" Baili Yuan felt his scalp tingle.

"This is not a snake's den, but it's almost there." Little Silver said.

"What do you mean?" Baili Yuan looked at Xiao Yin.

"What do you mean? I want to ask you how many snakes you have provoked during this time!" Little Silver said angrily.

"Eh... almost beat up the Abo Snake in Yuejian Mountain." Baili Yuan said with some embarrassment.

"..." Xiaoyin twitched the corner of his mouth, "No wonder the Snake King came to look for you, you made me miserable!"

Xiao Yinxin was twitching. Seeing Baili Yuan and the others' actions today, he should have thought of it a long time ago. They definitely provoked a lot of Abo Snakes, but this is too much! Even the Snake King was brought out!

If I knew what I was following them for? Now it's all right, and Abo Snake was also involved in the encirclement, and he couldn't get out.

"It's up to me? Who asked you to follow us?" Bailiyuan rolled his eyes, and he could probably guess that Xiaoyin was "accidentally injured".

"You know I'm following you?" Xiaoyin was taken aback.

"Guess? By the way, you haven't said what's going on, and what's going on with that snake king?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

Xiaoyin curled her lips, but still explained the situation to Bailiyuan, after all, they are grasshoppers on the same line now.

"To make a long story short, Arbor is a territorial Pokémon, especially after the Snake King is born, all Arbor Snakes and Arbors will be subordinates of the Snake King, and their territory will also be the Snake King's territory. You After beating so many Abo snakes on Yuejian Mountain, but still not subduing them, the Snake King thought you were provoking him, so he brought all the Abo snakes to trouble you."

Little Silver looked at Baili Yuan.

"Today we are in danger, but I have already called for support. As long as we persist until the support arrives, we will be safe."

Little Silver watched the snakes all around vigilantly, and didn't release his Pokémon directly.

Releasing Pokémon while being besieged is completely a signal for war. The first task now is to delay time, so the slower the speed of releasing the elves, the better.

When the support comes, I will be safe. As for these Arbo snakes and that snake king... I suddenly want to eat snake soup.

After listening to Xiaoyin's narration, Bailiyuan rubbed his chin, knowing the situation at this time.

At this time, the commotion of the snake group suddenly stopped.

The group of snakes parted a road, and the five-meter-long King Snake crawled out slowly, and brought Bailiyuan and the others in front of them, voicing snake letters, looking at Bailiyuan and the others with cold eyes, with an air of aloofness .

"Snake King, we don't mean to offend, let us go." Xiaoyin said, but his tone didn't mean to give in at all.

However, the Snake King was unmoved.

Little Silver's face darkened.

Well, Xiaoyin is not the kind of person who can talk about scenes.

Baili Yuan's eyes lit up as he looked at the "handsome" Snake King.

This Snake King is really good!

But my elves seem to be unable to defeat this snake king, so if you want to deal with this snake king, you need...

Bailiyuan looked at T-X.

Then Baili Yuan made a decision in his heart.

"T-X, give me all the poke balls, you are ready to do it." Baili Yuan said.

T-X handed over six poke balls and an empty poke ball to Bailiyuan.

"What are you going to do?" Xiaoyin asked with a serious expression, "Don't move around."

What prepared by hand? How to give all the elves to Bailiyuan T-X? Do you do it yourself? Are you kidding me?

Bailiyuan glanced at Xiaoyin, didn't speak, but put a gas mask that he took out from nowhere and put it on his head.

"You'd better block your nose." Baili Yuan's voice came from the gas mask.

"I'm going to clear the field."


Before Xiaoyin could react, Bailiyuan took out one of the six poke balls returned by T-X, enlarged it, and threw it out.

"Come out, Smelly Flower!"

"No!" Little Silver was still a step late.

Smelly flowers appear on the ground.

After finally being let out to breathe, Smelly Flower felt very happy. Before he could take a step, he saw countless Abo Snakes and Abo Monsters staring at him in bad colors.

Really... scared my father to death!

Smelly Flower's mood fluctuated violently, and invisible scent bombs spread from Smelly Flower's body.

Little Silver only felt a stench blowing towards his face, how should he describe this stench?

This is a stench that will lift you to heaven!

Xiaoyin cried at the first moment - was stinking to cry.

Covering her mouth and nose, Xiaoyin finally knew why Bailiyuan had to wear a gas mask.

Waves of dizziness appeared in Xiaoyin's mind. Xiaoyin bit the tip of her tongue and used her strong willpower to allow herself to stand on the ground. Moreover, Xiaoyin decided that even if she was eaten by a snake, she would not kill her. The elves let out.

It's really fatal!

The surrounding Arbor snakes and Arbor monsters are the best examples.

The sound of thumping was continuous, and in a blink of an eye, there were very few Abo snakes and Abo monsters standing around, and it could be said that the scene was really "cleared"!

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