I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1589 Communication Platform

The moment Brimwen fell in the hands of Super Almost Doll, the effect of Song of Perish also exploded.

The three elves fell to the ground one after another.

The super almost doll also changed back to normal state.

Although the cursed doll tried to get up, she finally fell to the ground helplessly.

It wasn't just the power of Brimwen's wild swing that just fell on the cursed doll, but also the powerful smash of the super almost doll swinging Brimwen.

The three elves fell, but both sides were silent.

"Is it okay... like this?" Baili Yuan was startled.

The superior pride also did not expect that the super almost doll would use such a method to forcibly reach a tie in the end.

"A draw!" Lihua raised the flag in her hand and shouted, faithfully performing her duties as a referee.

Although the cursed doll lost consciousness later, in the battle between elves, the final result is not the difference between one second and two seconds. The final result is that all the elves on both sides lost their fighting ability.

Thus, the honored pride took away Baili Yuan's first time - the first time to award a badge.

But even though he got the badge, the top prize boy was not happy at all.


The superior proud son said something, not sure if he was talking about himself or Bailiyuan, and then he stepped on his leather shoes and left the gymnasium without looking back.

Baili Yuan shrugged, and picked up the fallen cursed doll from the field.

"Good job, thank you for your hard work."

The cursed doll raised her hand listlessly, but nothing happened.

Although the cursed doll is not easy to mess with, and she wasn't brought up by Bailiyuan, but she has already tried Bailiyuan's method, knowing that she can't beat Bailiyuan, even a real person PK, and now she She doesn't have any physical strength anymore, that's why she is so honest.

Bailiyuan rubbed the cursed doll, Bailiyuan injected spiritual power into the cursed doll's body, and the cursed doll couldn't help showing a relaxed expression.

The cursed doll turned over and exposed her belly to Baili Yuan, and Baili Yuan rubbed the cursed doll's belly unceremoniously.

Bailiyuan was able to tame the cursed doll so quickly, not only because his fist was hard enough, but also because of the temptation of his spiritual power. Although now Bailiyuan has lost the protection favored by ghost elves, Bailiyuan's spirit Power also has a special attraction to ghost-type Pokémon.

The reason why the fight against Bailiyuan just now seemed to be a bit difficult, on the one hand, it was because Bailiyuan didn't anticipate Brimwen's characteristics, and on the other hand, it was because Bailiyuan had been letting water from the beginning.

If Geng Gui was allowed to fight as the main force from the beginning, a string of two would not be a problem.

The gap between the two elves is not a simple level.

If Geng Gui unleashes his curse ability and cooperates with her special will-o'-the-wisp, almost Doll and Brimwen will not be able to last for too long, and the effect of the magic mirror's characteristics will be limited.

Characteristics are not an absolute rule. When the opponent is strong enough, the effect of characteristics will be infinitely suppressed.

That's right, in the battle just now, the real tactical core was not Geng Gui, but the cursed doll!

Because this is just an ordinary gym battle, and the opponent is an acquaintance of the superior pride, so the truth of this battle is that Geng Gui is assisting the cursed doll.

At the same time, this is also a test and exercise for the cursed doll.

Although Bailiyuan didn't command the Cursed Doll, he continued to command Geng Gui to cooperate with the Cursed Doll, and Geng Gui didn't let Geng Gui launch any powerful attacks on Qiqi Doll and Brimwen.

Doing so would make the cursed doll feel the pressure, but the cursed doll did not disappoint Baili Yuan, she still made a decent resistance and persisted until the end.

After the elites left, no new challengers came, which meant that either the trainers failed to break through the illusion, or the ghost-type Pokmon were not tired of playing.

After all, there are not many opportunities to frighten people wantonly and then absorb the fear of the other party.


After the battle with the top brat, the gym suddenly became idle. Lihua moved a chair and sat on it, playing with her phone happily and laughing from time to time.

After staying with Bailiyuan for such a long time, Lihua also saw many things that she had never seen before. She also learned to use a mobile phone and surf the Internet, and Bailiyuan even equipped her with a mobile phone.

In the past, Lihua lived in the street where succubus lived, there was nothing interesting, and there was no internet, and what her companions talked about were often male creatures—male creatures were the prey of succubus.

Until Bailiyuan forcibly left her in the world of heraldry, Lihua lost her freedom and could no longer do whatever she wanted as before, but her knowledge increased greatly.

There are things on Succubus Street, but Bailiyuan has them here, and things that are not on Succubus Street, are also available here in Bailiyuan. Things that cannot be done on Succubus Street, can be done here in Bailiyuan.

The only price is to listen to Baili Yuan and stop going out to find men casually.

Lihua raised the phone to face herself, and made a sexy pose.


Lihua put down the phone and started operating on the phone again.

Baili Yuan came over and asked curiously, "What are you doing?"

Lihua hurriedly got up and said, "Master Xiaoyuan, I registered an account on the alliance's multi-regional communication platform, and I was tweeting just now."

Then Lihua showed Bailiyuan the screen on her mobile phone.

A brand new tweet appears on the screen.

"The referee of the Old Coast Port Gym - Lihua?" Bailiyuan muttered about Lihua's account nickname.

The accompanying picture was the one she just took. Although she was wearing a conservative referee uniform, she looked extraordinarily sexy, and she also had a uniform temptation.

The text on it reads——[The referee work for another gymnasium battle is over, my legs are a little tired, please sit down and take a rest. 】

Tired legs are of course fake, Lihua's physical fitness is not weak, how can I squeeze juice if my physical strength is not good?

Although this tweet was posted less than a minute ago, the number of hits and likes began to increase at a speed visible to the naked eye, and comments began to appear below, mainly praising Lihua for her beauty and caring about Lihua. There are those who thank Lihua, but I don't know what they are thanking.

Bailiyuan frowned.

He remembered Lihua's race clearly.

"I don't care too much about your social account, but you must not do anything out of line, let alone affect the image of the gym. Besides, remember to keep it a secret."

Lihua patted her chest and assured: "Don't worry, Master Xiaoyuan, my account, Lord Caroline, is also being monitored. Are you worried about me and Lord Caroline?"

Looking at the waves on Lihua's chest, Bailiyuan nodded, feeling Lihua's sincerity.

"Actually, posting news on the platform is also Master Caroline's idea. She said that this can quickly increase the reputation of the gym, and the reputation of the gym will increase. As the owner of the gym, you will also benefit. Not only me, but the cosmic bat She also has social accounts on the platform, but she doesn't like surfing the Internet very much." Li Hua said with a smile.

"Is it to increase the reputation of the gymnasium?" Baili Yuan pinched his chin.

A few minutes later, an account with the nickname [Old Coast Port Gym Master - Baili Yuan] logged into the communication platform and sent a tweet.

"The Old Coast Port Gymnasium is officially open today, and the strong are welcome to challenge!"

However, Bailiyuan waited for ten minutes without a single like or comment.

Bailiyuan immediately lost interest.

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