Chapter 1586 Is this move right? Still miss? (Add 350 monthly tickets plus change)

To defeat magic with magic.

Then the trick space can also be used to offset the effect of the trick space.

Geng Gui's trick space is used extremely fast and powerful, directly crushing the super doll's trick space, offsetting the effect of the trick space.

"how come!"

The superior pride thought that the room for tricks might be offset, but...why doesn't that Geng ghost seem uncomfortable at all?

Bailiyuan smiled.

The reason for this effect is that Bailiyuan's elves have always practiced superpowers. Even if Geng Gui's attributes suddenly become superpower attributes, Geng Gui can quickly adapt and use superpowers faster. Ability attribute moves, and even because of the blessing of attribute changes, the power of Geng Gui's superpower skills will become stronger!

Although in the Pokémon world, it is very difficult for elves without super talent to practice super powers. It requires hard work, opportunities, and careful teaching, and finally a little bit of luck, which also leads to the scarcity of super powers in the Pokémon world. As well as the preciousness of super power skills, even the skill discs of super power attributes in the store are a little more expensive than other attribute discs.

But in other worlds, there are traces of superpower practice.

When an ordinary elf suddenly changes its attributes, its normal state should be like that of a cursed doll, and it takes a certain amount of time to adapt. That's why Bailiyuan didn't let the cursed doll act, but gave the cursed doll a buffer time to adapt to the current state.

Sensing Baili Yuan's smile, the superior proud son said inwardly that he was not good.

"Sure enough, it's not easy to deal with, that Geng Gui is not easy."

Her operation didn't seem to cause too much trouble to Baili Yuan.

However, the superior pride still kept her mind and continued to direct, and she also temporarily canceled the idea of ​​letting Brimwen launch a strong attack.

Do you think she has never considered this kind of situation?

Almost doll's skill pool is quite powerful!

"It's almost a baby, use find a partner on Geng Gui!"

The super almost doll let out a cheerful cry, and then danced to Geng Gui, while Geng Gui looked at the dancing super almost doll, and then looked back at Baili Yuan.

Is this trick right? Still miss?

Baili Yuan's expression froze for a moment, then he nodded slightly.

Hit it.

So Geng Gui also danced with the super doll.

Find a partner: dance to magical rhythms. Make the opponent imitate your actions, thus making the characteristics the same. The effect ends when the target leaves the field.

The superior favored child narrowed his eyes, this is a means to target his personality!

The purpose of using this skill is to block the characteristics of Gengar's cursed body, so that Brimwen can attack Gengar without worrying about being cursed and falling into a fixed state.

And Geng Ghost's current characteristic has become the same healing heart as the super doll, and the effect is that sometimes it can heal companions in abnormal states.

But as long as the cursed doll does not fall into an abnormal state, it will be fine.

In addition, the characteristic of the healing heart cannot heal itself, so this characteristic is of little significance in singles battles. As long as you focus on killing the weaker curse dolls, you don't need to face the stronger Gengar next. Too scared.

However, unbeknownst to the superior pride, Bailiyuan let the superior pride just now.

The skill of finding a partner is still very powerful, and it can take effect on many Pokémon with special characteristics, but there are also some special characteristics that can be immune to this skill.

For example... fettering transformation.

Geng Gui does not have this characteristic, but Baili Yuan does, and the bond between Geng Gui and Baili Yuan is very deep, because of the previous battle with An Qi, Geng Gui's imprint in Baili Yuan's spiritual space has also been solidified , the ability to bind and transform can already affect Geng Gui.

So as long as Geng Gui didn't want to, the skill of finding a partner wouldn't work on her.

The bond between the elf and the trainer is really special. Although it seems that it will only make the two sides cooperate tacitly, when the bond reaches a certain level, the elf can even burst out power that does not belong to itself, or resist it abruptly. Strong interference from the outside world.

In this regard, Pokémon and Ultraman are the same, and they are both quite idealistic.

Geng Gui was recruited, and the top brats also started to continue their attack.

"Blimwen, use mental force on the cursed doll! Almost doll, stop Gengar!"

Prioritize the cursed doll!

Geng Gui wanted to support the Curse Doll, but was held back by the super doll rushing up, as if two fat men were dancing in the middle of the field, except that Geng Gui was fatter.

Brimwen condensed her mental power and quickly attacked the cursed doll.

Today I use Brimwin 136 special attack, use super power skills, plus you are ten levels higher than you, today I will beat you! In seconds, I swallowed the super doll on the spot!

In a critical moment, the cursed doll was not cowardly at all, but instead aroused a fierceness. After all, the cursed doll is not a kind Pokémon... Bailiyuan doesn't know about the other cursed dolls, at least this one of his is absolutely not. .

The cursed doll wanted to use the ability to attack, but it was the first time she experienced this state of attribute change, it was difficult to adapt, and the skill usage failed.

But just when the mental thoughts were about to fall on the cursed doll, the cursed doll's body lit up with light.


Smoke and dust scattered.

"Did it succeed?" The superior pride stared at the location of the cursed doll.

However, the smoke and dust were directly dispersed by the figure in it with a wave, and it turned out to be Geng Gui in the position of the cursed doll!

Geng Gui smiled at Brim's gentle and superior son, and the mental force just now did not cause any harm to her.

On the other side, there was the scream of the super doll.

The superior pride looked over in a hurry, and found that the one who was fighting with the super similar doll turned out to be a cursed doll.

Although it was difficult to successfully use the Cursed Doll's skills, the beating was still very fierce, directly attacking the claws and teeth, and constantly greeted the super doll's body, but the super almost doll just subconsciously counterattacked a few times, but the body froze.

The super almost doll fell into the state of the body-holding method. The state of the body-holding method not only affects the skills, but also the body of the elf will become stiff.

The super-almost doll with a stiff body can only passively withstand the attacks of the cursed doll, and the cursed doll has also deepened its adaptability to the current state under constant attacks.

The characteristic of the cursed doll turned out to be a cursed body!

Bailiyuan smiled.

This cursed doll was not carefully cultivated, but was caught in the wild. When she was caught, she already had strong strength. When Shuiwutong and Chiyansong sent her here, Bailiyuan also used the help of With the dual influence of strength and heart power, it is barely able to command this cursed doll.

Although the cursed doll is much worse in many aspects, her bright spot is also obvious, that is her ferocity and honed fighting consciousness.

Even in this unfavorable situation, she still played a role.

The Honorable One understands what just happened.

"Swap venues!"

With the exchange of venues, Gengar and the cursed doll changed positions.

"But... how is it possible, what is the matter with that Geng Gui's supernatural talent?"

The super almost doll holding Geng Gui is not just to prevent Geng Gui from supporting the cursed doll, but also to prevent Geng Gui from using skills. It was another superpower skill, which seemed to be a mockery of her previous methods.

This is the gap in hard power!

In the arena, Brimwen was considering whether or not to speak to Qiqi Doll.

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