Chapter 1577 Crossing the

Although the situation at this time seems to be that An Qi is besieged, but in terms of strength, it is An Qi who has the upper hand.

However, Bailiyuan's purpose is not to expect the elves to directly defeat An Qi, but to test An Qi's strength attributes.

To be precise, it is what Angel's power attribute is.

Bailiyuan had never seen An Qi's strength attribute before, nor had she ever learned it from books.

Although it also has a dark and evil atmosphere, it is not the power of darkness, nor is it the power of evil. According to An Qi, it should be called a "demon".

A new strength attribute appeared.

The summoned beasts and elves attacked.

Wind Speed ​​Dog activated his own speed advantage, and rushed up at a superhuman speed.

Seeing Fengsugou rushing towards him, An Qi slid a shovel under him, and one hand seemed to turn into a knife, directly slashing Fengsugou's stomach.

Of course, there is no scene of the internal organs falling all over the place, because the wind speed dog was directly killed by Angie, and the summoned projection shattered and disappeared directly.

The wind speed dog with its eyes closed in the home space struggled to get up, clutching its stomach and rolling on the ground.


After rolling on the ground for a long time, the wind speed dog remembered that it was the projection that he was summoned just now, and his stomach was not cut open.

Wind Speed ​​Dog wiped his sweat.

False alarm.

An Qi's aura was released, and she could tell that although there were many summoned beasts and elves around her, they were not very strong.

"You guys, die for me!"

An Qi seemed to have lost her patience, and directly released her power to crush all the summoned beasts and elves around her.

"Chaos, disease, serious injury, spiritual death..."

[Cursed Speech Spirit] was released on a large scale by Angel.

The domain of demons also covered Bailiyuan's four-element descending domain. The superimposition of the two domains actually caused Bailiyuan's four-element descending domain to show signs of collapse.

It's not that An Qi took the initiative to suppress Baili Yuan's domain, but because An Qi's demon domain is even more terrifying, and the Baili Yuan's four-element descending domain can't compete with it at all, and it is about to collapse just by touching it.

Under the domain of demons, An Qi's strength has been greatly improved.

The elves wanted to defend against An Qi's power, and they jointly used it to defend, but they found that the protection seemed to be invalid.

At the same time, the two halos behind An Qi are also constantly flickering.

"Has the ability of the halo also changed?" Baili Yuan analyzed with a serious expression.

The power of the curse fell on the summoned beasts and elves one after another, and they fell into a disadvantage instantly.

Curses such as chaos, disease, and serious injuries fell on the summoned beasts and elves, and they weakened at a speed visible to the naked eye. Influence - The fighting spirit and will of the summoned beasts and elves were suppressed to the bottom.

Heddle lay on the ground, staring blankly at the sky.

"Are you going to die? Summoner, I can only walk with you for a while. We always have to part. From being full of joy to being devastated, the summoned beast is either lonely or vulgar, and I am both lonely and vulgar. I have no life." As a human being, I'm sorry..."

At this time, rays of light fell on the summoned beasts and elves from behind, and Hedell was also shrouded in rays of light.

Hedel's originally dull eyes instantly regained clarity, and he got up from the ground with his big stick in his hand, screaming.

An Qi looked at the direction where the light appeared, which was exactly where Baili Yuan was.

Baili Yuan also looked at An Qi with a smile on his lips.

"I see, I probably understand what your 'demon' is."

Bailiyuan's look of seeing through An Qi's strength made An Qi frown slightly, but then snorted coldly.


An Qi shot again, even if the elves got rid of the special state now, they were not An Qi's opponent.

Heder, who rushed up with a big stick, was directly torn by An Qi.

The other summoned beasts and elves also rushed towards An Qi without fear of death, but the effect was not strong. Not only was An Qi's strength strong, it seemed that she could ignore other people's defenses and directly cause damage to the opponent's body.

Although the summoned beasts and elves are not the one-stroke enemies of An Qi, they are not afraid. It seems that their hearts and wills have undergone essential changes, and there is a feeling of being reborn.

This made Angie feel very bored.

In the home space, the projected dead elves wake up one after another. Although they have experienced defeat and death, their mental outlook has changed. It is not the frustration of being defeated, but a sense of new life.

Shakira's body lit up with light, and then the light continued to expand, and a sandstorm suddenly blew up in the home space. Amidst a roar and a sandstorm, a huge figure walked out.

Tyrant of the desert, Bangira!

Shakira finally took the last step and evolved successfully.

Although the current Bangira is not enough to be called a desert tyrant, his momentum and appearance already have the charm of a king.

But this is not over yet, he is not the only one who has evolved.

Hackron, Fangtooth Shark and Big Tongue Shell also glowed with the light of evolution. They are also undergoing evolutionary changes, and they have finally taken the last step.

The figures of the fast dragon, the biting land shark and the iron clam appear after evolution.

The radiance of evolution also lit up on the body of the hot meow, but under the influence of the constant stone in its body, the light of evolution on the body of the hot meow was suppressed, and the evolution was not completed.

However, the flame burning on Yan Nuanmao's body represented her mood at this time.

Although the remaining elves have not evolved, they also have a different mental outlook, especially the elves who are at the threshold of the heavenly king level, who seem to be able to break through level 80 at any time and enter the threshold!

In the home space, the elves released their aura and showed no restraint at all. Even the stinky flower and double-bomb gas, which usually paddled water, were in the same state.

The little transparent fossil helmet even started to move.

Only the wind speed dog who died first and had never experienced anything had a dazed face, knowing nothing.

What's wrong everyone?

Wind Speed ​​Dog called out cautiously: Wang~

The elves turned to look at him.

A group of unrestrained elves looked at the wind speed dog, and their momentum naturally locked on the wind speed dog uncontrollably.

Feng Speed ​​Dog was almost scared to pee, he always felt that if he said a word more, he would be beaten.

Bailiyuan naturally noticed the situation in the home space.

In fact, he was already mentally prepared for the situation at this time.

"I still have to thank you." Baili Yuan looked at An Qi.

Strength is easy to practice, but the mind is hard to hone.

The battle just now made the elves experience a spiritual transformation, crossing the threshold of their hearts, and their hearts are clear.

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