Chapter 1567 Frozen!

A single cut cannot directly kill the evil behemoth.

The evil monsters around are still besieging Bailiyuan, but the light ghost form does not have the physical fitness of the fallen form, so it cannot fight unscrupulously.

So Bailiyuan kept moving his position, using his own speed to circle around with the evil behemoths, but even though it was a circle, Bailiyuan's attack still caused a lot of damage to the evil behemoths, After all, the light ghost form also carries the power of Bailiyuan's light.

Baili Yuan raised his fingers, and the power gathered in front of him, gathering into a shape like a fireball, blasting towards the evil monsters surrounding him.

Susanoo Huo Fireball Art!

The shadow of the spiral sword attached to the Zanpakuto rotates rapidly, coordinating with the Jianyueyan to continuously cut the bodies of the surrounding evil behemoths.

Bailiyuan in the form of a light ghost exploded out a variety of tricks in a short period of time. If these evil behemoths were normal life, they would have been killed more than once by now.

However, no matter how serious the injury is, the giant evil beast can recover quickly. Even if it is cut in half, as long as the six evil beads still exist, the giant evil beast can recover.

Andy and Ming Lao also came up to help, and the fighting method in the light ghost form was finally something they could intervene without worrying about being accidentally injured.

"Help me hold them, it is best to bring them together, I will seal their actions!"

Bailiyuan's voice rang in the minds of Andy and Ming Lao.

Andy and Ming Lao looked at each other, and then nodded to Baili Yuan.

"These evil behemoths cannot be killed at will, the best way is to block their actions or seal them." Ming Lao said.

Although Bailiyuan had eliminated a few monsters of evil by absorbing evil before, but Ming Lao felt that there must be a reason why Bailiyuan didn't continue to do that now, besides, absorbing evil like that made him startled and afraid Bailiyuan was infected by evil and turned into a new monster of evil.

There were still eight evil giant beasts left, and Andy and Ming Lao alone held four of them.

If it is a battle, it is very difficult to fight one against four, but it is possible to simply hold back these evil behemoths. Andy and Ming Lao have done similar things before.

The strength shown by Bailiyuan also made the two trust Bailiyuan and are willing to cooperate with Bailiyuan.

With Andy and Ming Lao helping to share the pressure, Bailiyuan can also have time to prepare stronger forces to block the actions of these evil behemoths.

Although Baili Yuan could also exile the Liu Evil Orb to the spirit world of this world like he exiled the corpse of the monster before, but this does not make the Liu Evil Orb disappear, it is like wrapping fire in paper, and it does not solve the problem.

Bailiyuan raised the Zanpakutao in his hand, and condensed the spirit ice at the same time. As Bailiyuan continued to condense, a large number of spirit ice appeared.

At the same time, two halos appeared on Baili Yuan's body.

It's not the aura of the Giant of Light's crest, but the aura of the fifth ninja crest.

These two auras were obtained by Bailiyuan in the Chamber of Enlightenment, based on the Naruto manga Bailiyuan had read and his understanding of Chakra's practice.

Chakra·Yin Halo (50%): Strengthen spiritual energy and create form from nothing.

Chakra Sun Halo (50%): Strengthen the energy of the body and give life to the form.

These two halos are based on Yin Yang Dun, but they are different from Yin Yang Dun, but with the power of Lingbing, these two halos are more suitable.

Large pieces of ice crystals rose from around Bailiyuan's body, like giant swords of ice. Countless huge ice cubes were stacked together to form a huge iceberg. With Bailiyuan as the center, the surrounding area was filled with cold air. The flames were extinguished one after another, and the warm atmosphere suddenly became cold and silent, only the sound of Andy and Ming Lao fighting the evil monster resounded all around.

In the dark night, within the range of the Whispering Forest, some white things fluttered and fell from the sky.

Huo Chaofan let out a breath of white air and caught the white thing.

"It's snow!" Zhao Ziya exclaimed.

Bailiyuan moved.

"It's now, back!"

Bailiyuan's voice was conveyed to Andy and Ming Lao again, and the two were not interested in fighting. At this time, the evil monsters had been drawn together by them.

The two flew away at the fastest speed.

Boom boom boom——

Bailiyuan waved the Zanpakuto in his hand, and the spirit ice around him seemed to come alive. They moved with Bailiyuan's Zanpakuto, constantly changing and converging, and finally formed a huge whale with a height of 100 meters. , and its body length reaches hundreds of meters!

This whale is green.

The huge whale swims with a leisurely manner, just like a real life!

With the blessing of the two halos, the whale condensed from Bailiyuan's spiritual ice is no longer composed of pure ice.

Huge whales swim up, take a leisurely leap, then fall.

Natural beauty is light.

In the dark night, the ice whale swimming in the sky is particularly conspicuous.

But everyone chose to retreat immediately when the whale fell.

Huo Chaofan directly carried Zhao Ziya, who hadn't reacted yet, and ran into the distance, while running, he said again and again: "You're just kidding!"

Because this whale is a hundred meters high and hundreds of meters long!

Even under Bailiyuan's control, the impact caused by such a fall does not mean that it will simply smash a hole.

Sure enough, the entire Whisper Forest trembled when the whale fell, as if it had sunk a little, and at the same time, countless cracks opened. The already devastated Whisper Forest almost changed its landscape.

And the evil behemoths did not escape the huge whale.

When all the movement stopped and everyone looked in the direction where the whale fell, the whale was gone, only a towering iceberg stood there, and the eight evil behemoths also disappeared. If there is no accident, it should be frozen. Among the icebergs.

Everything around was completely quiet.

Everyone also held their breath, staring at the iceberg without blinking their eyes.

They all want to know whether this iceberg can completely freeze the eight evil behemoths!

The Susanoo on Baili Yuan's body almost disappeared, and the light on his chest flickered.

It's the best he can do.

Soon, Bailiyuan also disappeared in a flash of green light, exiting the light ghost form.

Everyone waited for another two minutes, but there was no movement on the iceberg.

"It's really frozen!"

"The giant... won?"

"it's over!"

"Long live!"

Smiles finally appeared on the faces of everyone, and at the same time they breathed a sigh of relief. Some even sat down on the ground.

Not only Bailiyuan and the others fought fiercely, but there were also many evil behemoths and monsters below the seven-color level who escaped. Although Bailiyuan wiped out more than half of them at the beginning, there are still many left, who came to support The teams were also fighting with them, including the support team from Wind City College that came during the battle.

Although the evil behemoths below the seven-color level do not have the six evil beads, and they do not have such unsolvable immortality, it is not easy to kill them. A total of more than 30 large heraldry envoys worked together, but they were also exhausted to death.

The only one who didn't smile was the figure in black robe.

A series of changes have completely disrupted [Innocence]'s arrangement here.

"The operation here has failed... Heh, but you are too happy!"

The forest of secret words has never been the real purpose of [Innocence]. After all, it is only to destroy a forest, and it will not have any impact on Azpedan at all. At most, it will have some impact on the nearby climate.

Although it could just fade away, but if he just left like this, the black-robed figure felt that his chest would definitely be irritated even more, besides, there was still that person here this time.

The body of the black-robed figure slowly rose and flew into the sky.

Andy and Ming Lao felt the breath released by the black robe figure, and turned their heads to look in the direction of the black robe figure at the first time, and saw the black robe figure flying into the sky.

The same is true for Baili Yuan who returned to the human body. He was lying on the ground at this time, and then he noticed the appearance of the black robe.

"Hey, hey, what else? Isn't it? There's no intention of hiding this at all. Do you want to do it again?"

Bailiyuan sat up from the ground.

To be honest, after changing three forms in succession, he also felt tired after a battle.

When Andy saw the figure in the black robe, his pupils shrank suddenly.


The half face exposed under the hat of the figure in black robe wore a smile.

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