I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1552 Support arrives; the second phase of the plan begins! (10/10)

Chapter 1552 Support arrives; the second phase of the plan begins! (1010)

Huo Chaofan knew a long time ago that if he did it himself, his situation would definitely be exposed, but he didn't expect the other party to directly reveal his specific situation.

But it doesn't matter anymore, Huo Chaofan didn't intend to let the other party leave alive.

"Hey, hey, that look in your eyes is so scary~" The woman rubbed her shoulders, as if she was frightened, but Huo Chaofan felt that the woman looked confident.

But just when Huo Chaofan was about to continue, the woman waved her hand and fell to the ground.

"Okay, no kidding, let's talk."

"I won't chat with the enemy!" Huo Chaofan said, and rushed towards the woman.

"Stop, stop, stop, we are not enemies now." The woman hurriedly raised her hand, "My name is tears, and I come from [Innocence]. There are many people in [Innocence] who are in the same situation as you. Aren't you curious?"


Huo Chaofan still attacked the woman mercilessly.

"What does it have to do with me!"

Tears dodged Huo Chaofan's attack, and then said: "Don't you want to know what's wrong with you now?"

After Huo Chaofan's attack, he did have some problems, and he really wanted to know what the problems were, but...

"What does it have to do with you!"

Huo Chaofan had no intention of letting go of his tears.

"Crazy!" Tears cursed.

For Huo Chaofan, he couldn't expect tears to be really non-hostile, let alone use his and Zhao Ziya's safety as a joke.

Even if he lost the opportunity to understand his own situation because of the attack on Lei, he and Zhao Ziya must be absolutely guaranteed to be safe and take Zhao Ziya out of this forest alive.

Huo Chaofan had seen a lot in his last life, so he knew that before he had absolute strength, he couldn't make waves, and he also couldn't trust the words of the enemy.

Huo Chaofan knew that if the appearance of those monsters was really caused by the other party, then he must kill the other party!

"Even if you kill me, do you think I'm the only person from the organization in this forest? Others will also follow you." Tears said while confronting Huo Chaofan.

"Come one to kill one, come two to kill one pair!"

The corner of the tearful eye twitched.

Is the opponent a berserker?

She could only sigh helplessly: "It seems that I can only defeat you first."

Tears officially started to fight back, but after starting to fight back, tears discovered a problem.

Huo Chaofan is not as strong as her in terms of age and strength, but he has rich combat experience. He can often predict the enemy's opportunities first, and then interrupt Lei's attack, so that Lei cannot let go of his hands and feet when fighting. The rhythm began to be mastered by Huo Chaofan.

"You are stronger than I thought!" Tears said.

Huo Chaofan hesitated to speak, but finally choked out a sentence: "You are too weak."

For Huo Chaofan, although Lei's fighting skills can be said to be superb, it is still not enough in front of him.

Tears gritted his teeth, and finally squeezed out a smile.

"I'm afraid of you. How about we stop here? Think about whether you want to join us. The [Innocence] organization is eager for people like you, and the treatment is quite good."

Huo Chaofan looked at the tears strangely.

From the very beginning to the present, Huo Chaofan finally realized the strangeness of tears.

Although she was hostile to herself, she had no killing intent, and she was more like a pyramid salesman who recruited people than a villain.

But this is not a reason for Huo Chaofan to let the other party go.

But when Huo Chaofan wanted to continue fighting against tears, there was a sudden roar and roar in the distance.

The direction the voice came from was not Zhao Ziya's direction.

Huo Chaofan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, then looked in the direction of the roar and roar.

In the forest, a huge figure slowly got up.

"What's that?" Huo Chaofan's pupils shrank.

"That's a monster of evil, it's very strong, do you think you can run away from such an existence?" Tear tilted his head and asked.

"But that monster of evil seems to be being beaten." Huo Chaofan said.


Tears turned his head to look, and saw that the huge evil beast was fighting with a figure, and seemed to be suppressed.

Before tears could see it more clearly, a piercing voice came from Huo Chaofan's direction.

There was something wrong with Lei secretly, so he defended directly, but Huo Chaofan's fist was faster, and fell directly on Lei's body, sending Lei flying upside down.

"You guy, do you still have a gentleman's demeanor!" Tears shouted at Huo Chaofan.

Huo Chaofan snorted coldly in his heart.

Troubled woman, and stupid.

This is a battle, what do you take it for?

Of course Lei knew that this was a fight, but she had already borne it in every possible way, why didn't the other party show any intention of holding back? Still engaged in a sneak attack?

"I shouldn't have joined this organization in the first place, no, I shouldn't have mixed up with Mandrill...now I don't have to deal with this kind of ignorant man." Tears felt a little helpless.

However, although Huo Chaofan suppressed her, it didn't mean that she was about to lose. Being able to complain about Huo Chaofan at leisure meant that the tears hadn't come to an end.

At least, if you want to run, you can still run.

Just when Huo Chaofan was about to continue attacking, a terrifying pressure fell from above, and then a voice sounded.

"I feel movement here. Sure enough, someone is fighting. Boy over there, are you a student of Shuicheng College?" An old man descended from the sky, looked at Huo Chaofan and said.

"Who are you?" Huo Chaofan asked warily.

"I received the news to rescue you. Didn't I say there is still a little girl?" The old man looked at Lei. The age of Lei was obviously wrong, and he was still in a state of hostility with Huo Chaofan. The old man turned his eyes back Huo Chaofan.

Huo Chaofan's expression froze.

The opponent is very strong, and he still came to save him... Things are getting more and more troublesome.

The tears on the other side lay directly on the ground.

Take back the foreword, now I can't run away even if I want to.


Andy encountered an evil behemoth in the forest and fought against it.

In front of Andy, this monster of evil, which was about the same level as her strength, was suppressed by her.

But Andy couldn't be happier.

"There is an evil monster of this strength hidden here. Could it be that this is really a place to seal evil? And the seal has been broken?"

When Andy was fighting against the evil behemoth, several figures from afar were also watching them, and the leading figure froze for a moment, then smiled.

"Is it her? Does she have such strength now? Things seem to be getting more interesting."

The leader waved his hand to the others.

"Now it seems that Akamoy's support has arrived, and the second phase of the plan can begin."

"My lord, on the other side of the tears..."

"Let her go. She didn't join the organization sincerely. Whether she can survive in the future depends on her own."


Chapter 10 is over~

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