I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1546 The first light!

"Shisui, can you be gentle?" Bailiyuan lay on the experimental bed, turned to look at Uchiha Shisui who was assisting Caroline to control the instrument.

Uchiha Shisui smiled at Bailiyuan, then pressed the switch.


Bailiyuan let out a scream in an instant, and his cry echoed in the research institute.

Several tubes were connected to Baili Yuan's body and arms, and connected to some special material storage tanks, which contained a small red crystal.

There is still a large amount of high-voltage current flowing around Bailiyuan.

This is not some strange human experiment, this is the development of the ability of light!

There is a difference between the light skills of the Otto family and other powers cultivated by Bailiyuan, and the specific difference is... the light of the Otto family is scientific!

Ultraman is also a kind of cosmic being. In the universe, most cosmic beings follow the scientific growth path. It is impossible for Ultraman to create an "Ott old fairy with boundless magic power" and then stay in place. soar.

Even the evolution of the Otto family, turning into light, is just an accident brought about by science.

The light of the Ott family is not a mysterious special force, but a powerful force developed by science.

In the pamphlet given to Bailiyuan by the star clusters, the nature of the light of the Ott family is described-it is a jet of cosmic matter.

The development of various lights of the Ott family all come from a very classic light skill-Spaceum light.

It is the light skill that the "Ultraman" who first arrived on the earth is best at using.

Spethium light is one of the basic light rays, which is more like laser light. This is the basic skill trained by the warriors of the Kingdom of Light, that is, the entry skill.

Of course, it does not mean that this skill cannot be learned, but because this light skill is relatively simple and easy to master, just like the M16 given at the beginning of the game.

It can be used for early transition and training. If you have a better one, you can naturally discard it, but there are also some that have been used and played well.

The brochure given by Zhuxing Cluster to Bailiyuan also explained the practice of this kind of light, which is not difficult-Speshum light is the fusion of the negative energy stored in the right hand and the positive energy stored in the left hand to produce Speshum The energy is then converted in an instant into energy stream rays, which are emitted at a speed close to the speed of light.

The Specium substance is the substance in the body of the Ott family. The structural ratio is 3000 aluminum atoms: 8 chromium yards. The fusion of positive and negative energy is similar to the ignition step, transforming the Specium substance into Specium Finally, relying on the huge energy in the body, spray out the energy of Spaceum.

However, because of the different states of different Ultraman, there are certain differences in the Spethium rays released. The Spethium rays emitted by the best "Ultraman" have 500,000 degrees. High temperature and energy power of 500,000 horsepower.

Really scary.

To sum up, the light of the Ott family requires three key factors - cosmic matter, energy in the body, and ignition.

As long as these three conditions are fulfilled, various kinds of light can be developed according to the different substances in the universe, the different ways of using energy in the body, and even the different ways of ignition.

This is the situation of the light of the Otto family. As long as the conditions for use can be met, it can be used. It is not complicated, and there is no high talent threshold. As long as the conditions are met, you can customize the ignition method of the nirvana according to your own preferences. , For example, the most classic way to shoot light with your arms, you can also use your forehead to shoot light, use your eyes to shoot light, and even shoot a cannon from your mouth.

Of course, not all postures can be tried. Zhu Xingtuan’s manual for Bailiyuan specifically indicated not to develop light emission from some special parts, such as the two points on the chest and some areas between the legs.

But the crux of the problem is... In the human body state, there is no Spethium substance in Bailiyuan's body. Although the Spethium light is relatively simple, it still requires a certain amount of practice. There is no way to master this light skill.

The light that he developed by himself is just the simplest jet of energy, which has a huge power gap with the real light ability of the Otto family. Although as Bailiyuan's strength becomes stronger, his energy jet becomes more and more powerful, but But there is still huge room for development.

The reason why the Spethium rays are the basis is because the Otts have Spethium substances in their bodies, and if they want to use other types of rays, the Otts need to absorb those special cosmic substances, but in general, Ultraman is in the state of transformation to fuse those special substances.

This is also the reason why Bailiyuan knows the method but has never tried it, because Bailiyuan is in the state of a human body in most cases, and the fusion of cosmic matter cannot be completed in a short time, so Bailiyuan does not have the ability to develop himself. conditions of light capability.

But now, Caroline has mastered the ability of [matter calculation], and can finally assist Bailiyuan in the development of light skills in Bailiyuan's human body state, and he does not necessarily have to fuse special cosmic substances, completely Some substances with special powers can be fused, after all, Caroline's [Material Calculus] has a really wide range of applications.

With the help of Caroline, Bailiyuan will absorb those special substances, store them in the body, and release them when needed.

However, these special substances are not combined with Bailiyuan's body, but with Bailiyuan's light, otherwise Bailiyuan would not be able to withstand being injected like this.

And the price of this kind of fusion is that it needs to use a strong force to stimulate Baili Yuan, and the feeling of merging the material is not comfortable, Baili Yuan will yell in pain every time, even if he wants to pass out, he has no chance.

Bailiyuan also finally felt the feeling of the system when he was inserted into the system before, but now he is being inserted by Bailiyuan with a special substance.

This is the sacrifice for power!


Finally, the energy input stopped, and the matter in the matter storage tank was cleared.

Bailiyuan lay on the experimental bed panting heavily.

"The fusion this time is perfect, and the amount of fusion has reached saturation. The fusion of the first special substance is completed, and you can try to develop your first light ability." Caroline said.

Baili Yuan didn't have the strength to reply, so he rested for a long time before getting up, and then he couldn't wait to feel the substance fused in his own light.

He came to the training room, and Caroline brought out the hardest metal target for Bailiyuan.

After half an hour, under Baili Yuan's constant experimentation, he finally came to feel it.

The red light shot out from Bailiyuan's fingertips and hit the metal target in the distance. It actually penetrated the metal target directly, then shot through the wall of the laboratory, and penetrated far underground outside the laboratory.

And even though only a small amount of light passed through, the metal target and the walls of the laboratory were both melted by high temperatures.

"It finally succeeded!" Baili Yuan's eyes lit up and a smile appeared on his face.

The first substance that Bailiyuan fused was the leftovers of the star core in Galatron's chest!

Although it's just leftovers, it still has some of the power of the star core!

"This kind of light has a very high temperature and high energy power, but the specific combat situation and maximum power still need you to experiment during the battle." Caroline said.

"Well, let's give it a name first. Since it is the first light that I have mastered in the true sense, and it is fused with matter from the star core, the name of this light is... red light!" Baili Yuan Said.

Caroline paused: "As long as you are happy."

The light emitted by Bailiyuan is indeed red.

But before Bailiyuan was happy for too long, Junko Bai Chuan called.

"Xiao Yuan, it's not good!" Junko Bai Chuan said nervously.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Baili Yuan's face became serious.

"The defense of Yuncheng College issued an alarm just now. Something drilled a hole in the defense of Yuncheng College. I have activated the first level of alert. Where are you now? Go back to the college!"


The whole of Akamoy is now on alert, and Yuncheng College has just experienced an attack, so there is naturally some panic.

Naturally, it is not surprising that Shirakawa Junko made such a judgment.

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