Chapter 1543 Treantization of the Prand Stars

"Your Excellency Baili..." A voice suddenly sounded from behind everyone.

Bailiyuan and the others hurriedly turned around and looked behind them.

Dektel's figure appeared in front of everyone, but their expressions changed.

Because at this time Dektel was like a golden phantom without a body.

Bailiyuan could see that this was Dektel's consciousness, but this consciousness was also dissipating, and it seemed that it couldn't last for too long.

"Don't be surprised, this is my last consciousness, and I can only use this method to see you one last time." Dektel smiled slightly, not feeling desperate because his consciousness was about to completely dissipate.

"Is there no way to keep you alive?" asked one of the generals.

Dexter shook his head.

Bailiyuan also shook his head.

Dektel's consciousness cannot be preserved, he himself does not have the ability and basic conditions to retain his own consciousness, the most important thing is that the dissipation of Dektel's consciousness has already begun, and it is irreversible.

But this time, Dektel was much calmer.

Because only oneself sacrificed, others survived.

very nice.

"Dektel...Sorry, I'm a step late." Baili Yuan said.

Dexter smiled and shook his head.

"No, this is good, because only in this way can Planet Purand have a future. Planet Purand cannot always rely on others, and now Planet Purand has the confidence to move forward." Dektel said.

Baili Yuan was silent for a while, and then smiled, "Don't worry, Chigula is dead, I'll give him the ass."

Dektel smiled happily: "Thank you very much, I am relieved, so that Purande and the remaining Purande people will no longer face the threat of the Aiguriser... By the way , Your Excellency Baili, I left you a gift, it can be regarded as my thanks for extending a helping hand to you, thank you for everything you have done for Planet Plant, the gift is on the crown of the giant tree, please yourself Go get it."

Baili Yuan nodded slightly, but did not refuse.

Then Dektel looked at Foer and the others.

"The tree of life has germinated. Although there seems to be some mutations, it can indeed protect the planet. Everything left on Planet Prand will be handed over to you."

"His Royal Highness Prince……"

Although everyone has a lot to say, they can only call Dektel's name now.

Although Dektel was a little bit reluctant, he knew that his time was running out, and then Dektel looked into the distance.

"I really want to see the future of Planet Purand, and I want to lead everyone on Planet Purand back to the past. However, my time is short... I will leave first, and there is still some time left. I want to meet someone, so goodbye, everyone."

After speaking, Dektel's figure disappeared in front of everyone.


King Purand leaned on the tree, with blood on his front and body, looking extremely embarrassed.

Chigula was seriously injured with just one blow. Although he was lucky enough to survive, he could only rely on the power of Planet Purand to maintain his life. Controlled by the power of the planet, it is no longer possible to use the power of the Prand star to maintain life.

Feeling his body getting worse and worse, King Purand's heart was gloomy.

"Are you going to die? Cough..."

A figure appeared in front of King Purand.

Sensing someone coming, King Purand raised his head hard, opened his eyes, and saw Dektel's figure.

"The war is over, Father." Dektel said with a calm face.

"Your it because you lost the war?" King Purand murmured.

"No, we won, and Planet Planet has a future," Dektel said.

King Puland was silent for a moment, and after a while, he took the initiative to speak: "Do you hate me?"

"Hate." Dektel said, "All of this is thanks to you, but I am more ruthless than I used to be naive, and naively trusted you."

"Hehe..." King Purand smiled.

Winner and loser, he is also a loser and has no right to say more.

"Are you here to say goodbye to me?" King Purand asked.

"No, I'm here to say goodbye to the old era. The new era of Purand has arrived. Farewell, the king of Purand and the past of Purand!"

Dektel's figure gradually faded, and finally disappeared completely, and Dektel's consciousness also completely dissipated.

King Purand leaned against the tree and smiled.

"A new era?"

King Purand's head sank and he completely lost his breath.


The golden gem organ on King Purand's forehead fell off automatically, fell to the ground, and then turned into pieces.


Time passed quickly, and the post-war Planet Planet began to recover.

The two admirals, Foer and Slat lead the remaining Pranders to rebuild their homes.

The two admirals led the remaining Pranders to search for survivors on Planet Prand, and then brought them to the plain where the giant trees grew.

The remaining Planters will build a new home with the giant tree as the center.

The fruits in the forest are sufficient, enough to support the survival of a large number of Planters.

Hope appeared on the faces of every surviving Prander.

But the changes in Planet Planet didn't stop there.

During this period of time, the gemstone organs of the Pranders were gradually falling off, and at the same time their bodies began to transform like trees.

At the beginning of this change, the surviving Prand star people became a little panicked, but soon, they found that their condition not only did not get worse, but became healthier, a bit like tree people... just what they look like It's ugly.

Finally, with the help of Baili Yuan to investigate, everyone discovered that this change was due to the change in the situation on Planet Purand. lives have been affected.

"We have decided to name the largest tree the Guardian Tree, and the Treant form is called the Guardian Treant-Dektel!" Foer and Bailiyuan said.

"Is it named after Dektel to commemorate him? But isn't it the tree of life?" Bailiyuan asked.

"The seeds of the tree of life didn't grow before. It was His Royal Highness who sacrificed himself to let the seeds germinate, and there was also a mutation, so this tree is unique, not the tree of life!" Foer explained.

Bailiyuan looked at Fuer and smiled.

"Decter should be happy too."

"Ha ha……"

Foer smiled. At this time, the gem organ on his forehead also fell off, and his body gradually became like an old tree, gradually overlapping with the appearance of the Purand star in Bailiyuan's memory.

"So this is the reason why the Purand star people will become like that in the future?" Baili Yuan thought in his heart, and then stood in the forest with his waist in his arms, looking up at the huge guardian tree. This tree is bigger than Baili. Any tree that Yuan has ever seen is magnificent.

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