I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1541 Xiaoyuan's body, I will guard it (200 monthly ticket plus update)

Although Qigula made a comeback from a desperate situation, he did not expect that Bailiyuan still had the system and Caroline in his body.

The turnaround was overturned again.

Chigula was struggling on the beach, with a violent posture, fighting against a figure. However, the specific situation seemed to be that he was pressed on the beach by the opponent, and if you looked carefully, you would find that pressing Chigula's The figure was actually continuously extracting the special metal from Chigula's body.

"These metals have strong compression and ductility, as well as an inert magnetic field, and are also very resistant to force. It seems that the characteristics of many kinds of metals are fused together, which is really good." Just like in the market As if looking at the goods, the figure kept talking, and this voice was Caroline's voice.

"What the hell are you!" Chigula yelled.

The extraction of metal was not the root cause of Chigula's berserk. The reason for Chigula's berserk was this unknown thing, which not only captured his special metal, but also suppressed his desire for the star core power in his chest. use.

It's as if the other party can also affect the power of the star core!

The extracted metal gradually formed a female body, but without the appearance of a face.

Hearing Chigula's roar, Caroline paused for a moment, and then her hand became more ruthless, she directly reached out and grabbed the star core on Chigula's chest, and then pulled the star core out fiercely.

"Xiao Yuan's body, I will protect it."

Chigula's eyes widened. Caroline inserted the star core into her body, and then activated the power of the star core. The terrifying power erupted on Caroline's body, and was shocked by the power of the star core at close range. The affected Chigula could only roar silently.

In the end, Chigula's body gradually dried up under Caroline's gaze, and finally turned into a pile of sand-like particles, which fell on the beach and mixed with the sand on the beach.

Although Caroline's body made of metal has no face, it can still make people feel that she has been staring at Chigula.

After confirming that Chigula was completely dead, Caroline turned her head to look at the ocean, and then walked into the sea.

But there is still a person in the sea waiting for her to catch it.


Bailiyuan was blocked by metal, soaked in the sea, he tried to struggle to escape.

However, the hardness of this metal exceeded Baili Yuan's expectations, making Baili Yuan unable to move, or even escape through elementalization. Baili Yuan also tried other powers, whether it was heraldry power or other powers, they couldn't use them.

There seems to be a special sealing power in the metal.

"Look at me transforming and bursting it... um!... huh?"

The golden light shone slightly from Baili Yuan's body, and it reflected this time, but... Baili Yuan didn't transform successfully, but just made himself brighter.

As if constipated, Bailiyuan failed to forcefully transform.

The elves in the home space also want to come out to help, but now Bailiyuan can't even open the home space, so the elves can only run around in a hurry.

"What's going on here?" Baili Yuan was puzzled.

Now that Caroline is not on Bailiyuan's body, Bailiyuan has no idea what happened.

The system gave Bailiyuan an explanation: "According to Caroline, the metal that blocks you is special, with a strong inert magnetic field, which limits the use of your power. Of course, many functions of my system cannot Use it, but these metals keep you fresh, and this special metal is also what Chigura relies on to use the limbs of other cosmic beings."

Bailiyuan didn't quite understand the relationship, but he knew that now he could only be sealed here.

These metals can't completely block the power, but Bailiyuan doesn't have the strength to prop up these metals now. Bailiyuan estimates that in order to completely break free from these metals, at least supreme-level strength is needed.

This is too much!

Although with Bailiyuan's current life strength, even if he is soaked in the sea, he can last for a long time, but it's not a problem to stay here all the time.

"By the way, system, are all your abilities unusable?" Baili Yuan asked.


Baili Yuan's eyes lit up.

"Then what abilities do you have available?"

"The ability developed with the supreme-level easter egg can be used normally."

Baili Yuan blinked. He remembered that the system had just said that the Supreme Easter egg he touched on the star core on Chigula's chest had been used to develop new functions.

"What new features have you developed with the Supreme Easter eggs?"

"According to Caroline's request, the developed power is [matter calculation]."

"[Material Calculus]? What is this?"

The system presents the ability of [Material Calculus] in front of Baili Yuan.

"[Material Calculation]: consumes the user's computing power, calculates and manipulates matter, and has the power to transcend time, space, and fate to a certain extent."

Bailiyuan felt that this ability seemed very unusual.

And the system then explained: "Qigura's final ability is to manipulate the power of the star core and these special metals, so these powers must be limited, and Caroline herself does not have too much power, so Caroline wants This ability to manipulate matter, I never thought that this ability could actually be successfully developed."

Bailiyuan understood.

"However, can Caroline really defeat Chigula?"

And before Bailiyuan was worried for two more seconds, a long knife was cut from the sea and cut beside Bailiyuan, startling Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan could only see that it was a female figure, and then the metal blocking Bailiyuan was cut open by the other party like melons and vegetables, and then Bailiyuan was dragged out of the sea by the other party's neck.


Baili Yuan took a breath of fresh air, and then looked at his rescuer.

This is... a metal man with no face. The other person is 1.9 meters tall. It can be seen from the figure that this is a woman. One arm is a long knife, but the long knife has slowly changed back to the appearance of a human hand.

"Who are you……"

"I'm Caroline!" Caroline's figure sounded from the metal man.

Bailiyuan showed a look of surprise, got up hurriedly, hugged Caroline, and said, "Caroline, you won?!"

Caroline paused for a moment, then bent down to keep Bailiyuan.

"Chigula is at the end of his battle. How could I lose? The metals on my body are the special metals I took from Chigula." Caroline's voice was very calm, giving off a basic sense of humor. Feel.

"Where's Chigula?" Baili Yuan raised his head and asked.

"It's been resolved, don't worry about it."

After hearing Caroline's words, Bailiyuan felt relieved and let out a breath.

"I'm really tired..."

Baili Yuan was soft in Caroline's arms, with his head resting on Caroline's chest.

Caroline just hugged Bailiyuan quietly.





The all-metal body is really sorry!

Baili Yuan seemed to sense Caroline's displeasure, and stood up abruptly.

"Okay, let's go support Dektel, the battle is not over yet!"

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