Chapter 1538 Sucking out of control

Bailiyuan has already fought Qigula together.

The fighting power of the supreme class exploded and collided with each other, causing huge damage on the planet. Mountains were destroyed, plains were cracked and turned into canyons, and the distant ocean was also evaporated in the battle between the two. A large amount of seawater .

And when Bailiyuan and Qigula really fought together, Bailiyuan felt that Qigula seemed a little weak.

Of course, Chigula's combat power is indeed at the supreme level. The reason why he is said to be weak is because it depends on the comparison object.

Compared with those supreme powerhouses that Bailiyuan met before, Qigula is indeed weaker, and Bailiyuan feels like a child driving a big car... Cough, no, it's a child playing with a big gun .

And the "big gun" is the core in his chest.

The burst of power contained in that core is enough to destroy Planet Prand!

If Bailiyuan didn't know, Qigula's sudden burst of core strength in his chest was enough to directly severely injure Bailiyuan.

However, under deliberate precautions, Bailiyuan's situation is considered safe. Of course, the core also provides Qigula with strength, making his attacks powerful, causing some troubles for Bailiyuan.

However, under the blessing of the two abilities of [High Energy] and [Sublimation], Bailiyuan's explosive combat power is equally impressive, and Bailiyuan took the initiative to launch a strong attack, forcing Qigula to use all his strength to fight Bailiyuan , similarly, this also means that Chigura must constantly use the core in his chest to release energy rays.

Even so, it is very difficult for Bailiyuan to kill Qigula directly. After all, Bailiyuan only has one minute of transformation time, and the cooling time after each transformation is one month. Naturally, it is impossible to directly kill Qigula after one minute. direct confrontation.

If the fighting time could be extended, even if it was extended to three minutes, Baili Yuan would try to counter-kill Chigula, but one minute was still too short.

Fortunately, Bailiyuan only needs to delay for a minute.

Bailiyuan transformed after Caroline started preparations, so his transformation time of one minute was more than enough. To be precise, he needed to persist for 43 seconds.

The reason why Caroline can prepare so quickly is because Caroline has already prepared, and one minute is specifically the time to start the prepared things.

Caroline naturally does not have the ability of prophets, but they from the future have guided Baili Yuan and Caroline in the direction.

That was the technology that the future Caroline left behind.

The technology left by the future Caroline is to simulate power, and then form attribute gems, the process is "simulation-use".

The technology found on Robust complements this technology, and the final complete technology is "absorption-utilization".

Absorb great power, then use it.

This technology has long been carried by Caroline on Galatron. Galatron is the crystallization of her technology tree made by Caroline. New technologies will naturally be carried on Galatron first, and Galatron's properties also allow it to withstand more tech.

At this time, Galatron's fuselage is constantly changing, becoming thicker, and at the same time, several layers of energy shields are gradually covering Galatron.

That's what takes a minute to prepare—enhance Galatron's endurance!

After all, Chigula's power is supreme power. Even if Galatron's fuselage is strong enough, he can't go up to resist it directly. The energy is broken.

Thirty seconds passed, and Bailiyuan pulled Galatron away from the fortress. Just in case, it's better not to let other people around.

Thirty-three seconds passed, and Caroline began the countdown.

"Xiao Yuan, count down for 10 seconds, 10..."

Galatron kept approaching Bailiyuan, Bailiyuan changed the way of fighting and opened up the distance, but the attack was more active, attracting Chigula's attention.

Qigula couldn't catch up to Bailiyuan quickly, so he could only use long-range attacks to vent his strength, and what he relied on was the energy rays emitted from the core of his chest.

Although Chigula can still use flames, the range of the flames is limited, and Bailiyuan is outside the range of Chigula's flames. He has already figured out the general situation of Chigula's various abilities.

35 seconds passed...

Chigula's energy rays chased and bombarded Bailiyuan.

40 seconds passed...

Bailiyuan kept running away, pulling the energy light towards Galatron.

41 seconds passed...

Galatron approached Bailiyuan.

42 seconds passed...

Bailiyuan faced the energy ray, unfolded the shield, and chose to resist the energy ray hard to ensure that the energy ray would not continue to move randomly.

43 seconds passed...

Galatron appeared behind Bailiyuan, ready to finish!

"Little Yuan!" Caroline yelled.

Bailiyuan understands.

44 seconds!

Bailiyuan turned into light and disappeared under the light, and the unobstructed energy light directly hit Galatron. Under the powerful force of the light, several layers of shields outside Galatron were directly shattered, and its body was also shattered by the light. The force of the attack smashed to the ground, bombarding a large crater, and at the same time, Galatron's fuselage also suffered extensive damage.


Bailiyuan fell to the ground.

Ding dong ding dong...

The indicator light on Baili Yuan's chest flickered, and his time was running out.

However, Bailiyuan immediately turned around and looked in Galatron's direction.

Galatron... didn't disintegrate!

"It's done!" Baili Yuan was overjoyed.

The energy-absorbing and utilizing technology installed on Galatron is working successfully!

"In fact, it is enough to resist for a moment." Caroline explained, "I have already set up that device, and the absorbed energy will be used in turn to fight against Chigula's light and reduce the power of the light. This will not only It can allow Galatron to continue to withstand the power of the light, and can even counterattack to a certain extent, even if Galatron cannot last for too long, it can still hold Chigula back."

As long as it can hold Chigura, that's enough!

Bailiyuan soared into the sky again, attacking Qigula.

Chigula naturally discovered this. He wanted to change the direction of the light, but found that his body could not move. He could move with his arms and limbs. When Chigula wanted to cancel the light, he found that the core strength was not affected. He controls the general release of light.

It's like when I went out for health care, I met Miss Succubus who was sucked and couldn't control my state!

Chigula felt himself being sucked dry.

Not only was the power at the core of his chest uncontrollable, but the power he got from the core also had problems. The armor attached to him gradually melted, revealing his body and appearance under the armor.

This is a picture of the bodies of different races connected by metal.

The legs, left arm, and right arm are all from different races, and they also correspond to the power of dungeon, flame, and sword!

And controlling the metal can make the Aiguriser's own power.

Baili Yuan attacked, and the five pairs of light wings behind him turned into light guns and pointed at Qigula's vitals!

This is, lore!

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