I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1536 Swallowed by you again?

The battle broke out very suddenly. Although the Planet Stars took the initiative and had the help of Bailiyuan, they only gained some advantages in the initial battle, and the subsequent battle was quite fierce.

Bailiyuan also drove Galatron to participate in the battle. He didn't transform, because he had to beware of Chigula that might appear at any time. At the same time, Bailiyuan kept communicating with Dektel and responded at any time.

As a general, Dektel, although the tragic fight made him heartbroken, he still looked resolute.

For the future, the road can only be paved through sacrifice.

However, it may be due to the fact that the body is already weak, and the current tragic situation on Planet Plant puts Dektel under greater pressure. During the command, he also had to spare some thoughts to relieve his pressure.

At this time, he needs a hope for the future and the support of others.

Dektel suddenly said: "Your Excellency Baili, do you know the tree of life?"

"The tree of life?" Baili Yuan was taken aback. He knew that the elves had a tree of life, but he felt that the tree of life he knew should be different from the tree of life that Dektel was talking about.

"It is said that there is a tree of life in the universe, which has great power. Planets with the tree of life will be protected by the tree of life, and the tree of life has also spread countless seeds into the universe."

"It sounds amazing."

However, Bailiyuan didn't understand what Dektel was going to say about this matter at this time.

Dektel explained: "The sacred object of our Prand royal family is a seed of the tree of life scattered in the universe, and that seed is now in my body. When I was captured, I Swallowed the seeds along with General Mossfow's jeweled organ."

Bailiyuan thought of the powerful life force in Dektel's body, and it was because of that life force that Dektel waited until Bailiyuan's treatment.

However, Bailiyuan thought of a problem.

"It should have been five or six days since you were arrested."

"Almost." Dexter nodded, and then asked Bailiyuan: "Is there any problem?"

"Did you...didn't go to the bathroom during this time? Or did you say it, and then you swallowed it back...vomit...sorry, I thought of some not very good pictures."


When it comes to fighting, be serious!

Dek Thiel chose to refuse to answer this question, but looked up at a 45-degree angle with some melancholy.

"If the tree of life grows on Planet Purand, Planet Purand should not be like this."

off topic...

Bailiyuan didn't continue to dwell on Dektel's personal issues, but he didn't answer Dektel's question. He didn't know about the Tree of Life, so naturally he couldn't answer it.

"Your Excellency Baili, if the Pulanders really come to an end, I hope you will cut open my abdomen and take away the seeds of the tree of life, at least not let the seeds of the tree of life fall into the hands of the Aigurisers. In hand," Dektel said.

Bailiyuan didn't answer.


When the strong attack in the front attracted the attention of the Aigurisers, the team in the rear finally started to act.

"Damn it, let us be the striker!" Foer patted the table.

Slater's face was not very good either.

The rear team was led by King Purand, but King Purand arranged them in the forward position, with himself in the middle.

But the two generals who were with them looked calm.

"You have to remember that we are not fighting for King Purand, we are fighting for the future of Planet Purand!" said an admiral.

"People from the orphanage and other weaker people have been placed at the back, so we can fight with peace of mind..." another general said.

Although wars shouldn't bring children, the children in the orphanage are all older, and at the time of the life and death of Planet Prand, in the absence of manpower, even children must go to the battlefield.

"King Purand issued an order to attack, prepare to fight!"



Boom boom boom——

The roar of the explosion and the flames appeared behind the Agrisser star, and the attack bypassed the fortress of the Agrisser star, and pointed directly in the direction of the impounded Prand star warship.

The sudden attack caught the Aigurisers off guard.

Although the army of the Agrethians guarding the fortress can resist the frontal attack, it is a bit powerless if they want to scruple the surprise attack that suddenly appears in the rear.

The Aigurisers didn't respond in time.

Everything is going according to plan.

The raiding team from the rear was also approaching the imprisoned Purand Starman's warship, and the frontal assault team also seized the opportunity to pinch the Aiguriser Starman's army.

"The attack is just a feint, our real target is our warship!" Dektel said, and then contacted Bailiyuan: "Your Excellency Baili, please be vigilant, Chigula should be in the fortress, although he He hasn't acted before, but he won't remain indifferent."

"I see."

Bailiyuan has long been vigilant about the direction of the fortress. There is a powerful energy response inside the fortress, and there is also the Supreme Easter egg.

Indeed, as Dektel said, Chigula was not indifferent, and he finally acted.

But Chigula didn't break out of the fort, but...

"Underground! Dektel, Chigula is moving underground!" Bailiyuan shouted in the communication, and at the same time Galatron chased Chigula moving underground.

"Everyone be careful underground, Chigula is underground!" Dektel also shouted in the communication.

Chigula, who was moving underground, moved below the Prand star fleet, but did not directly rise up, while Galatron detected a strong energy response.

There was no time to react, and terrifying energy rays shot out from the ground, piercing through the raiding team behind.

The light swept across the raiding party, destroyed the battleships in the rear, and then pointed directly at one of the huge battleships.

This is King Purand's warship, and the ray of light seems to aim at this battleship, hitting it accurately.

The moment the light hit the battleship, a golden light emerged, and the gigantic Prand King appeared, barely avoiding the attack of the light.

The light destroyed King Plant's battleship and continued to move forward. An admiral on a battleship in front reacted and pushed Slat and Foer away. He himself was wiped by the light, although it was only It was wiped by the edge of the light, but his lower body also directly vaporized, and the other general was directly engulfed by the light and disappeared completely.

Everything within the range swept by the light also disappeared together.

The light passed over the fleet of the imprisoned Pranders, passed over the resisting army of the Agrethians themselves, and also passed over the frontal attacking team of the Pranders.

Countless substances directly disappear or are damaged under the touch of light.

A hideous trace appeared on the ground. The soil on both sides of the trace was melted, white hot air rose, and the atmosphere of the sky seemed to be torn apart, exposing the universe outside.

The battlefield suddenly fell silent, and everyone watched the scene quietly.

Among the wreckage of the spaceship.


Slat and Foer rushed towards the general who had lost his lower body and was on the verge of death. Even the remaining upper body of the general was severely burned, and his waist and abdomen were already carbonized.

"Cough, for...Prand..." The admiral completely lost his breath.


"By the way, there are everyone in the orphanage behind..."

Foer stepped out of the wreckage of the spaceship, looked behind, and then froze.

The warships and spaceships behind them are no longer in ten.

The actions of Slat and Foer seemed inconsequential on the battlefield, as everyone stared beneath the cracks in the earth.

A figure slowly floated up.

It was Chigula!

"Odd! Ancient! La!"

The spaceship where Dexter was in survived, but looking at the tragedy in front of him, Dexter in the spaceship had bitten his gums and bled.

Chigula seemed to have sensed his presence, and looked in the direction of Dektel, and the gem organ snatched from Dektel kept flashing on his forehead.

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