I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1534 Royal Tomb

The abilities of the cosmic beings are all unique. Apart from being able to spread within their own race, other races have almost no possibility of mastering them. To put it simply, the abilities of the cosmic beings are generally racial innate abilities, and others cannot learn them even if they want to.

But now that Chigura has mastered the power of other cosmic races, it is very intriguing.

"Prince Dektel, may I ask if the Aigurisers have mastered the means to seize the abilities of other races, or there is such a method in the Aizhi galaxy." Bailiyuan asked Dektel.

Dexter frowned thoughtfully.

"The people of Agrisser have the ability to control metal, so they can better build a huge fleet. I haven't heard that the people of Agrisser have also mastered the means to capture other races. Others of Agrisser I didn’t show similar power either, this should be Chigura’s unique ability, and my gemstone organ should also be taken away by him in this way.”

Speaking of gem organs, Baili Yuan became interested: "Speaking of which, what is the function of your royal clan's gem organs?"

Dektel was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "It's not that I can't tell you, but we can start from the gem organ of our Purand star. Together, there is a special connection between the two, so that they can gain power in the planet. At the same time, there is also a special connection between the gem organ and the gem organ. The power also mainly acts on the gemstone organs of other Purand stars... In the past, it was because many Purand stars possessed power, and then they fought against each other, so the Purand star was in chaos, and the strong ruled one side."

"And my ancestor, that is, the first Purande King, he used special means to create a deeper connection between his gemstone organ and Planet Purande, turning his gemstone organ into gold, and he also got It has a more special ability, which is to absorb the power of Planet Planet to make itself gigantic."

"With the help of this power, my ancestors ended the chaos of Purand Star, unified Purand Star, and became the first Purand King. Since then, Purand Star has become really powerful. Stepping into the universe, but although the ancestors became King Purand, the ancestors have always existed as the guardians of Planet Purand... at least my ancestors are like this."

Dektel thought of his father, who could no longer be said to be the guardian of Planet Purand, but existed as a "king".

They are both King Purand, but their focus is obviously different. One focuses on duty, and the other focuses on identity. The former dedicated his life to his duty, while the latter even abandoned his relatives for his own identity.

"The descendants of the ancestors inherited the special gem organs of the ancestors, but because the ancestors have more confidante, so the descendants of the ancestors also have more..." Speaking of this, Dektel was also a little embarrassed.

Although this matter is not a secret in Planter, and it is understandable that the strong have more spouses, but... speaking to an outsider like Bailiyuan, it always makes Dektel feel a little embarrassed.

Bailiyuan said he understood, and then expressed envy.

He also wanted to have so many confidantes, and maybe he could form a family of hundreds of miles in the Kingdom of Light... But then again, the Ott family seems to be monogamous, there is no tradition of polygamy, and Polygamy is also not supported in the traditional concept of the Ott family.

After all, marriage is about mutual loyalty.

Dektel continued to talk, pulling back Bailiyuan's divergent thoughts.

"Then, the Purand royal family appeared. Later, the royal family discovered that as long as one Purand royal family completes the giantization, it is like obtaining the highest authority of the planet, which can affect the Purand star to a certain extent. However, as the royal family, their gemstone organs are relatively powerful, so even if they cannot be enlarged, they will still have great power."

"It's like my royal father is a royal family with the power of gigantic transformation. Although I can't master the power of gigantic transformation, I also have the ability to influence Planet Planet to a certain extent. This ability is very powerful. Even... I am the most promising royal family to succeed King Purand." At this point, Dirk Telton paused, then shook his head with a wry smile.

"However, since I have lost my jewel organ, I can no longer take over the position of King Purand."

Bailiyuan patted Dektel's shoulder as a comfort.

"Don't think so much now, I want to know about the power of King Purand after he becomes gigantic."

Dektel did not hide these things that could have been said to be the secrets of the Purand royal family. It seemed that he was selflessly telling them in order to fight against the Aegrethians. Perhaps there was also a reason why he was disappointed with the royal family, so he did not hide these things. confidential.

And after getting the specific situation of King Purand's gigantic power, Bailiyuan can also make better preparations for the subsequent seizure of the Purand Star Fleet.


Under the guidance of Dektel, Bailiyuan found the royal tomb.

The Royal Tomb of the Purand Royal Family is located on an isolated island in the sea. It has a strong energy defense shield, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. At the same time, a fleet is stationed all year round. It can be said that the Royal Tomb is now the most powerful on Planet Purand. With strong fortifications, it may become the last surviving place on Planet Prand in the future.

Bailiyuan and the others showed their whereabouts after arriving at the Royal Tomb, and naturally they were quickly discovered by the Royal Tomb's guard fleet.

After communicating with each other, it was confirmed that King Purand was indeed hiding in the royal tomb with the remaining ministers. After Bailiyuan and the others explained their intentions, King Purand also decided to meet Bailiyuan and Dektel.

The others stayed on Galatron, and Bailiyuan and Dektel went to see King Purand in person.

After getting off Galatron, Baili Yuan secretly looked at the situation inside the royal tomb.

The interior of the royal tomb is very luxurious, and the guards are also very strict. It can be seen that the fleet guarding here is also an elite force. If there is a real fight, although Bailiyuan can escape with Dektel, it will take some time if the strongest force does not explode. It took a lot of effort.

Dektel was also looking at the situation inside the royal tomb, and his face gradually became grim.

Bailiyuan noticed the change in Dektel's face and asked, "What's wrong?"

"There are no civilians here!" Dektel said: "Father did not protect civilians. The population of the royal city is large. Even if it is divided into many spaceships to escape, the population on each spaceship will not be small. It is difficult to find enough food to support so many people in the wild after the Guruise star hunts down, and they will definitely have problems after a long time!"

"Perhaps there is no way to shelter so many people here." Baili Yuan guessed.

Dexter shook his head.

"This is the royal tomb, where the fleet is stationed. There is a certain amount of food reserves here, and there is still land that can be cultivated. If the use of food is reduced, it will be enough to support the civilians in distress for a period of time, and it can shelter them."

Bailiyuan continued: "But this will also speed up the food consumption here, and we will also face problems at that time."

"The king wants to protect his people, even in the face of a crisis, and the people of the Agrisser will not let everyone hide here for too long. When the people of the Agrisser find them, they will also have to face it." Life and death, but if there are civilians, they can also reserve power for the counterattack of the Agrethians. I didn't expect my father to be so selfish. If we don't come, I'm afraid they will eat up the food here. This place was breached by the Aiguriser Stars!"

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