I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1517 [Innocence]

"I'm not called the system anymore, I'm called the main god!" Easter egg system said, "I have evolved into an existence above the system."

"Is there any difference?" Baili Yuan asked back.

The system tilted its head.

Think carefully, hesitant to speak and then stop, stop talking and then want, nothing to say...

However, Bailiyuan felt that there might have been some changes in the system, but he and the system hadn't noticed it yet.

"But having said that, why do you know nothing about your abilities even though you are a system?"


For a long time, talking to Bailiyuan can be said to be a system elf, or a system customer service, and he does not have much authority over the various functions of the system, at most he only has a right to know, but now, he has begun to have his own system Authority.

This feeling is like a person who knows his body and can use his body, but he doesn't know how his body works and can't control many functions of his body. Now the changes in the system are equivalent to a person who can use his own body. He began to control his liver and exert strength, turning himself into the emperor of the liver.

But... the change is still not big, the Easter eggs that should be spent still have to be spent, the original drop rate is still the same drop rate, and the system has no way to control the quality of the things that come out of the Easter eggs.

Although you can control your body, it doesn't mean you can change your race.

And the system has also confirmed one thing, that is, although the system is called the easter egg system, in fact, the easter eggs are not produced by the system. The system needs easter eggs, and many things can be obtained through easter eggs. You can also use easter eggs to upgrade the system and develop new functions.

But that's not to say there haven't been any changes.

"My current authority allows me to use Easter eggs to generate some functions." The system explained.

"For example?" Baili Yuan asked.

"For example..." The system took out a diamond egg that Bailiyuan had touched and stuffed it into his body, "Generally speaking, only colorful eggs can generate functions, but now because I control the authority, It can reduce the loss, and the diamond-level easter eggs can generate functions... that's it!"

Bailiyuan looked at the system and found that nothing had changed.

The system snapped its fingers.


Move and beat, move and beat...

Dynamic music sounded from the system.

"BGM function, let you come out with sound effects!"

"That's it?"

Bailiyuan retreated tactically.

"I know you well," the system said.

Bailiyuan smiled, and then took out another diamond egg.

"Develop another light effect function for me."

"Okay, boss."


Falling from the sky, shocking music sounded, and dazzling brilliance surrounded the whole body.

Coming here!

"Handsome!" Bailiyuan just had a taste of the BGM function and light effect function developed by the system. I have to say that it is really eye-catching.

"It feels more like light pollution, but it is estimated that your opponent will be dazzled by the light before the battle begins." Caroline said, Caroline was also quite speechless about Baili Yuan's preferences.

But it's easy to understand when you think about it. Which child doesn't like dazzling brilliance and dynamic music?

Hyun is right.

"Ahem, well, let's study other functions."

Being handsome can't be eaten as food, but you can eat soft food... Ah, no, it's not this, Bailiyuan not only wants to be handsome, but also wants to be strong!

He wants it all!

So he prepared to study the system and develop some functions that can help in combat.

"Actually, I have an idea." Caroline said suddenly.

Science has limits, at least the technology she has mastered now has limits, but if she uses the power of the system, which exists between reality and fantasy, she may be able to break through the limits.

In Caroline's eyes, a system that can actively develop functions is like a rough stone with unlimited potential.


Where there is light there is darkness, and under the surface of peace there is a dark current.

Sylphia wore sacrificial clothes, followed by two strong men from the Demon King Sect, and came to a remote area of ​​Yuncheng.

She's here to meet someone else.

The Demon King Cult has been transferred to Yuncheng by Syphia, but this is just the beginning, and she can start her plan.

But when she was about to start her own plan, an organization approached the Demon King Sect.

Soon, the contact person came, and the other party also knew Syfia.

It was the boy Hedrill who was covered in coats of arms.

"How dare you appear in front of me." Syphia sneered.

"I should be the one to say this, after all, you were the one who seriously injured me." Mandrill said.

"However, we didn't expect that Princess Syfia's purpose in coming to this world is not so pure." The boy said with a smile, his tone relaxed.

"Call me Demon King Sacrifice!"

The atmosphere became a little tense.

Mandrill clapped his hands, breaking the tense atmosphere.

"Actually, we don't need to be hostile. After all, we didn't know your purpose before, but now, we can reach a cooperation." Mandrill said.

"Cooperation?" Syphia narrowed her eyes.

"We didn't expect that... the purpose of the demon king's sacrifice was to plan these things, but this coincides with our plan. You continue your plan, and we will help you. How much can you gain by then? It all depends on your abilities, how about this proposal?" Mandrill said.

"What about the price? What is the price we have to pay?" Syphia asked back.

"We need your strength when necessary. Although you don't have much strength yet, as long as you have the help we provide, you will surely have strong strength soon."

"Is that so..." Sylphia murmured.

Syphia didn't refuse.

Although Mandrill and the boy had conflicts with Syphia, this did not affect the cooperation between the two parties. Syfia needed the strength behind Mandrill and the boy to strengthen the Demon King Cult. They can support the Demon King Cult, as well as other organizations Well, if they don't want this opportunity, someone will naturally want it.

And based on the simple communication just now, it can be judged that they should want to use the Demon King's Cult to do certain things. However, as long as that adult exists, Syphia can completely ignore these uses, and in the face of absolute strength, she can do nothing. Not giving money for wiping is not a problem.

"What's the name of your organization? Since I've cooperated with you, I must know the name of your organization."

"Our organization, let's call it [Innocence]."

"[Innocence]? A strange name."

"Is it strange? Human beings are innocent..." Mandrill murmured.

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