I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 156 Return to the magical world and reach Yuejian Mountain

"Parents far away in the Kingdom of Light, Gui'an, I am your son Bailiyuan."

"I live very well in the world of the heraldry. I eat well, sleep well, and play well, but there is relatively little light. In this world, although there is plenty of light, it is difficult to absorb. Most of the light is like It’s like being attracted by a magnet, and only a small amount of light can be absorbed by me. Now, in addition to normal activities, if I want to transform, I need to absorb light for a whole year to transform for three minutes.”

"But you don't have to worry about my safety. In the world of heraldry, your son has already become a heraldry, or a double heraldry. I have also gained a group of trustworthy partners."

"Now I am practicing on vacation. When I become an adult, I will start looking for a way to go home. I should be able to catch up with getting home and get married. Presumably with the status of a world returner, I should be able to find a good job and marry a beautiful wife. .”

"Love to your son, good health and light to your life."


It's another new day, and this is the seventh day that Bailiyuan and the elves live in the secret place of the waterfall.

Bailiyuan was wearing a pair of underpants, lying next to a waterfall in the secret place of the waterfall, looking up at the sky, fully enjoying the sunshine.

There are many waterfalls in the Secret Waterfall, and Bailiyuan guessed that these waterfalls are the key to refining the mind, but no one told Bailiyuan how to use them. After experimenting, Bailiyuan still didn't find any clues.

On the other side, Mosquito Frog was washing clothes for Bailiyuan.

Gently rubbing, and then crossing the water, the mosquito-repellent frog took Bailiyuan's clothes out of the river below the waterfall, picked up a piece of water, and refracted the sun into a gorgeous rainbow.

Because there was no one to guide them, Bailiyuan and the elves stayed idle for a week. Fortunately, the elves had already started their previous training and were not affected.

Bailiyuan thought for a while, then sat up.

"No, I can't lie down like this."

The mosquito-repellent frog dried Baili Yuan's clothes, then looked at Baili Yuan.

If you can't stay idle, you can only go out for an adventure. It's time to go to the world of Pokémon again!

Think about it.

After taking back the elves, Bailiyuan got dressed.



Bailiyuan opened his eyes and looked around.

Counting the time, it has been almost two months since I came to the Pokémon world. Fortunately, the place where I came has not changed much. It is still the empty alley, and the depth of the alley is still so dilapidated.

After tidying up his clothes, Bailiyuan walked out of the alley.

Nibi City is still lively today.

Bailiyuan didn't go to the city, but went directly out of Nibi City. The value of Nibi City to the current Bailiyuan is not high, so there is no need to stay any longer.

Outside Nibi City, Bailiyuan took out a map, compared it, and headed towards Hualan City.

But to reach Hualan City, you need to pass Yuejian Mountain, and Yuejian Mountain is also Bailiyuan's goal.

Because it is said that there is a moon stone on Yuejian Mountain, and Bailiyuan is still thinking about using the moon stone to recharge himself.

Although it may not be successful, what if it does?

In that way, I can quickly replenish my energy, and then I can transform again!

The most important thing is that although the moon stone is also rare, it does not mean that there is no one, and it is a good start, which means that some energy in the Pokémon world can be used by itself.

Nibi City is not far from Yuejian Mountain, and Yuejian Mountain is very high and large, it is said that it can be seen in Zhenxin Town.

It took half a day for Bailiyuan to arrive at the foot of Yuejian Mountain.

Standing at the foot of the mountain and looking up at the towering Yuejian Mountain, Bailiyuan took another step.

Yuejian Mountain is difficult to climb, and most people can only pass through the mountain stream if they want to pass by.

In addition to walking in the mountain stream, you can also choose to pass through the many caves on the mountain.

However, compared with the beautiful mountain stream, the environment in the dark cave is not popular with people, but there are many Pokémon in the cave, and it is usually the way for trainers and researchers to choose the cave.

And Baili Yuan had to go through the cave if he wanted to find the Moon Stone. The Moon Stone could never be in the river in the mountain.

When he was in Nibi City, Bailiyuan also learned about the situation of Yuejian Mountain.

In addition to the common insect-type and grass-type Pokémon, there are mainly four kinds of Pokmon on Mount Moon.

The Supersonic Bat Family, the Paras Family, the Mountain Rat Family, and the Pippi Family.

These four Pokémon families are the representative Pokémon families on Yuejian Mountain, and the Pippi family is very popular because of its rarity and the legends about Pipi circulating around Yuejian Mountain. , was once considered a mascot.

On Yuejian Mountain, there are more Pokémon including Abo Snake and Little Lada. Bailiyuan also saw the worthless Little Fist Stone, but did not see Longlong Stone or Longlong Rock leading them.

Generally speaking, except for the Arbor snake hidden in the grass, the risk factor on Yuejian Mountain is still very low, but the mountain road is not very easy to walk.

After knocking out a sneaking Arbo snake with one punch, Bailiyuan encountered the first cave entrance.

Throwing away the Abo snake lying dead, Bailiyuan walked into the cave.

However, before entering the cave, Bailiyuan had to make some preparations. First, he put on the night vision goggles he got in Xuecun, and then released the T-X.

The elves in the cave are all species that live in a dark environment. If they light up rashly, it is easy to disturb the elves, and they are likely to be besieged and cause unnecessary battles.

Moreover, in order not to affect the life and health of the elves, there is no light in the cave.

The mission of T-X is to protect Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan never let T-X appear in front of other people, so Bailiyuan tested T-X's strength by himself, and the conclusion is that T-X's strength is very unscientific.

Although T-X's strength and resistance to blows are very strong, Baili Yuan has tested it, and in terms of physical strength, T-X has even surpassed himself. With other means, T-X is much stronger than Baili Yuan's human form.

But in other respects, it is weaker than the heraldry envoy, the most important thing is that it has no mysterious means!

She doesn't have any mysterious means other than physical attacks and gun attacks. If T-X is controlled and her own strength can't break free from control, she will be easily beaten in the end, even if she is facing a junior heraldist. Easy to roll over.

This is the same as Bailiyuan, but Bailiyuan has an elf body protection.

However, Bailiyuan reckons that when T-X faces some heraldic users of certain professions without control skills, especially those whose physical strength and speed are not very strong, T-X's explosive strength will be considerable. Yes, without fear of pain, the huge strength and shock resistance are enough for T-X to face such an intermediate heraldic user!

If you calculate carefully, the pure physical strength of T-X is at least level 50, but it is disadvantaged in other aspects, which lowers the overall strength of T-X in disguise, but the strength of T-X is enough to deal with the possible attacks of elves.

T-X also has the ability of night vision, and Bailiyuan also instilled the knowledge of the Pokémon world into T-X during this period, T-X's learning speed is much faster than Bailiyuan, at this time T-X has fully mastered Bailiyuan and brought it back The ones are just that they can already live well in the Pokémon world.

Of course, the premise is that no one checks her ID.

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