Chapter 1509 Joint Encirclement and Suppression

The people in Azure World already have their own way of exploring different dimensions.

Most of the different-dimensional fields are open to the outside world, and some of the different-dimensional fields require specific qualifications to enter.

As for the exploration of the different-dimensional field, generally, a special department will send people to explore first, and then determine the degree of openness after determining the level of the different-dimensional field. Generally, it is divided into complete opening, fixed opening, conditional opening, and non-opening.

The higher the level of the different-dimensional field, the more restricted the opening is. After all, it is impossible to watch those who are not strong enough go in and die.

[Olympus] The level of the different-dimensional field is very high, and it belongs to the category of open conditions. The so-called open condition means that you need to meet certain conditions to enter the different-dimensional field.

The condition for entering the [Olympus] different-dimensional field is strength.

Only those who have reached a certain level of strength are eligible to enter.

There are three main ways to explore different dimensions.

The first type is the team exploration of relevant departments, which is usually carried out when the different-dimensional field has just appeared, or for some special different-dimensional fields.

The second is personal exploration.

The third is joint encirclement and suppression.

Joint encirclement and suppression is generally a method of encirclement and suppression in which explorers face areas that are difficult for individuals to fight against, join forces, carry out encirclement and suppression together, and finally distribute the income according to regulations.

Generally, a more prestigious individual or organization is required to take the lead in order to organize a joint encirclement and suppression, and every joint encirclement and suppression must be reported to the relevant department.

Some bigwigs in the group chat that Jiang Chen is in, they recently jointly organized a joint encirclement and suppression of the gods on Mount Olympus.

The bosses naturally also invited Jiang Chen, but Jiang Chen refused, and with the current injuries on his body, he was even more unable to participate.

Of course, even if he could participate, Jiang Chen would still think about it. Although the things dropped by the gods on Mount Olympus were good, they were not what he needed or wanted.

Although the joint siege is to gather the strong to fight against the powerful dimensional creatures, it also needs to make some preliminary preparations, such as siege the area you want to siege, and then conduct a sneak investigation first.

The bosses are not stupid, and they don't rush straight up with a huh.

But this time the bosses' first infiltration investigation discovered an unexpected situation.

Several of the perennial main gods on Mount Olympus disappeared strangely.

Jiang Chen smelled something abnormal.

Because of the previous activities in the chat group, and some special circumstances about the field of different dimensions that Jiang Chen learned, Jiang Chen had to think of something more.

"I remember that Baili Yuan was the only one who went up the mountain. Could it be related to him? Or... there are other special reasons?" Jiang Chen was a little puzzled.


When Bailiyuan led the elves to practice, Mount Olympus also became lively.

A group of bigwigs led a group of people to attack Mount Olympus in an organized manner. At the foot of the mountain, there were still many people who did not participate in the siege watching, and even recorded a video, preparing to go back and post it on the Internet.

After all, this is a big scene, and it is not something that needs to be kept secret.

If it wasn't for the weak signal in the other-dimensional field, with only 2G, it would be possible to send some text messages, and it would be difficult to transmit pictures. Otherwise, the people at the foot of the mountain would have started the live video broadcast a long time ago.

But even so, some people enjoy it and start live text broadcasts on the Internet.

Of course, since the melon-eating people at the foot of the mountain can enter this different-dimensional field, it means that they are not cats or dogs on the side of the road, and they are all existences with strong strength.

"This time it's an encirclement and suppression campaign jointly organized by the Sword Alliance, Tianyi Group and Suheng College. I heard that Suheng College has invited a mysterious alumni."

"I'm from Suheng College. Let me tell you quietly. That alumni should be Master Suzaku among the Four Kings. I saw Master Suzaku appearing in Suheng College before. It should be for this siege."

"So that's the case, then why didn't you participate in this siege?"

"The strength is not enough. The students who can participate in the siege are all the top students of our school."

"So that's the case, but I don't know if I can see Master Suzaku's dimensional pet Suzaku here. It is a divine beast, a unique dimensional pet."

"With Master Suzaku's strength, there should be no need for Suzaku to make a move!"

And just when everyone thought that the joint encirclement and suppression campaign would be carried out easily, a fiery red figure appeared on the top of Mount Olympus. With the sound of a bird singing, a huge figure appeared in the sky, overwhelming the sky. Yinghong.

At the same time, there were piercing sirens on Mount Olympus.

"That's Master Suzaku's dimensional pet Suzaku! It's really powerful! Just looking at it makes people feel hot all over."

"No, this alarm is an evacuation alarm. When the alarm sounds, it means that there is an unexpected danger in the different-dimensional domain. All people in the different-dimensional domain must evacuate immediately!"

Someone heard what the siren meant, turned around and ran away.

Although this kind of siege has happened more than once, and the sudden accident makes people very concerned, but most people will not take their lives seriously.

If you are in danger, just run away!

There are also many figures on the mountain rushing down the mountain, as if there are some scourges behind them.

And before they rushed to the foot of the mountain, the sky that had been glowed red by the flames of the Suzaku became dark and foggy, and a large number of thunder appeared, covering the sky.

"Zeus is angry. When he is angry, the sky in the whole dimension will change, but don't worry, there will be no danger if you stay far away."

Of course, this is the usual situation, but this time, the thunder fell around Mount Olympus, falling on the ground like raindrops, killing people and dimensional creatures near Mount Olympus.

Although Suzaku is already working hard to fight against these thunders, Suzaku can only guard an area and protect some people, and the rest can only find ways to survive in the thunder.

Bailiyuan and the elves who were training also noticed the changes in the sky and Mount Olympus.

"Why is Zeus angry again? Could it be that his wife was taken away again?"

Bailiyuan naturally noticed the fiery red Suzaku that was fighting against Thunder, and Bailiyuan could also tell that the Suzaku was not fighting Zeus, but seemed to be protecting something.

Soon, it seemed that the thing Suzaku was protecting was evacuated, and Suzaku was also about to evacuate, but being watched by Zeus, it was not so easy to leave.

Regarding the scope of Zeus' hatred, Bailiyuan has a great say. If you provoke Zeus, as long as you are still within his vision, he will chase you and hack.

A figure rose to the sky, it should be Suzaku's owner, the figure and Suzaku fought against Zeus, and then... never fought, just like Baili Yuan at that time, they both carried the thunder while running towards the sea.

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