I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1502 Mushroom Monster

"Let's take the simplest task first to complete it," Della said.

Della still knows the strength of herself and her best friend. Although the strength of the two of them was not weak in the academy, but the battle in the academy is just a competition. When the point is over, the actual combat outside is different. I really want to accept For adventurer quests, you must never take the risk of accepting difficult quests.

Lafite is also aware of this matter.

Then the two rummaged through the many parchments on the task board.

However, although the two are looking for difficult and simple tasks, they don't have to do all the tasks. If the two want to use actual combat to hone themselves, then the tasks they are looking for must be tasks involving combat.

Soon, the two looked around the tasks on the task board.

All tasks on the task board that involve combat start with five red skulls, not too many.

"Then choose one at random, let's try it out." Lafite said.

Della nodded.

Then the two looked at all the tasks, and finally chose a task to clean up wild wolves.

With the parchment, the two left the Adventurer's Association.

After the two left, not long after, the green-haired female staff member who had guided them came to the task board with a pile of parchment.

"Huh? Have the two children already set off?" The female staff member smiled, and then began to post the parchment.

After pasting the parchment, the female staff also finished reading all the tasks, and she couldn't help frowning.

"It's all the task of the city defense team? Have there been a lot of monsters outside the city recently? But it's not the season when the number of monsters increases."

The number of monsters in the wild also changes with the seasons and time. After the breeding season of monsters, the number of monsters in the wild will also increase. Because the living space is limited, many monsters will appear on the edge of the city, threatening The safety of residents in the city.

So at that time, it is necessary to clean up the monsters near the city, and the city defense team will release many tasks to clean up the monsters at that time, so that adventurers can help clean up the monsters outside the city.

After all, the city defense team has a limited number of people and needs to be responsible for city defense. It is impossible for all members to go out to clean up the monsters close to the city. Those monsters that cannot be cleaned up in time can only be paid by adventurers for help.

"Although I don't know why there are more monsters, merchants are also coming to buy the materials on the monsters. Should I go out and do some activities to make a small profit? Recently, I have taken a fancy to two kinds of clothes." Female worker The officer pinched his chin and said.

Regarding the increase in the number of Warcraft, the female staff members are not too worried. After all, this city relies on the Mage Academy, and its combat power ranks first in the entire continent.

It's not true that someone will go to provoke the Master Academy, right?

No way, no way.


[Clean up the wind wolves (five blood skull imprints): A small group of wind wolves appeared in the forest in the west of the city. The number of wind wolves is between 5 and 10. Please clean up at least five wind wolves and use their left ears as evidence. Reward: Five silver coins, one more silver coin for each wind wolf cleaned up. Task issuer: city defense team. Level suggestion: junior adventurer. Suggested number of people: 2-3 people. 】

For the first adventure mission, Della and Lafite were still very excited, so they went straight to the west of the city, and came to the forest west of the city.

From Bailiyuan's point of view, the two of them were completely unprofessional.

It's not that Bailiyuan has never been an adventurer, he has also been a mercenary similar to an adventurer, so he naturally has a say.

The situation of the task is not as simple as it is explained. Although the wind wolves are in the forest in the west of the city, but the forest in the west of the city is so big, it is not easy to encounter the wind and waves by chance, so under normal circumstances, it is necessary to Be prepared for trapping, and find a way to make the wind wolves appear on their own initiative.

Of course, we must also prepare for medical supplies, food supplies, etc.

However, Della and Lafite didn't prepare anything, and rushed towards the forest west of the city with their staffs in hand.

Do you think you are playing games? Can you meet monsters at the mission location?

But Bailiyuan didn't remind them either, because Bailiyuan was just a familiar, and he couldn't explain it to the two girls.

Moreover, this is also a tempering for the two of them, and they will learn a lot of wisdom. After the two of them have suffered a loss, they will understand later that it is not easy to forget that they have made mistakes in person. Otherwise, Bailiyuan can remind them once, but It is impossible to follow the two of them all the time.

After entering the forest, Della and Lafite also started a rather unprofessional exploration, and they almost shouted that the wind wolves should come out quickly.

After all, the two are just mages, and as nobles, they have never had experience in this area, and the academy has not taught this knowledge.

Fortunately, the strength of the two is not bad, and the forest in the west of the city is not dangerous, and with Bailiyuan and Olinsen following them, even if something happens, they will be able to retreat unscathed, at most they will suffer a little. .

Bailiyuan was not optimistic about the inexperienced Della and Lafite, and even doubted whether they could successfully complete the task.

You must know that there are not only wind wolves in the forest, but also other wild beasts and monsters.

"What a big mushroom!" Olinson exclaimed.


When everyone looked, they saw a half-person tall mushroom growing in a clearing in the forest.

"Wait, this doesn't look like an ordinary mushroom!" Della frowned.

Perhaps disturbed by Olinson's shout, the mushroom that was closer to several people suddenly moved, and the mushroom rose directly from the ground, stretched out four legs, stood on the ground, and opened a pair of eyes under the crown at the same time .

Have you ever seen a mushroom with four legs?

"It's a mushroom monster!" Lafite recognized the other party's identity, "I remember someone's familiar in the next class is this kind of creature."

Bailiyuan also remembered that the Master Academy has a course on understanding monsters, and he has also read some books about monsters in this world.

Mushroom monsters are a group of brown mushroom-like creatures half a meter tall and two people thick. They are usually rooted in the ground, but they have four legs and can move.

Although these mushroom monsters look plump, they are definitely not kind creatures.

The mushroom monsters used as familiars are fairly docile, but wild ones are different.

"Mushroom monsters, wood monsters, grow continuously by absorbing the magic power floating in the outside world, but because the absorbed magic power is mottled and complex, it is easy to go crazy after being disturbed... crazy?!" Della recalled the situation of the mushroom monsters, and then suddenly realized Something is not right.

When Della looked at the mushroom monster again, she found that more mushroom monsters got up from the ground, and the eyes of the mushroom monsters were turning red.

"Run!" Della yelled.

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