I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1499 Can I give some for someone's use?

Bailiyuan returned to the research institute.

"I'm back..." Baili Yuan heaved a sigh of relief.

"Caroline, has there been any problem at Yuncheng Academy these two days?" Bailiyuan asked.

"No," Caroline said, "everything is fine."

"That's good."

Ignoring the group chat, Caroline prepared the life support cabin for Bailiyuan again.

"You've been hurting more and more recently. Pay attention, there's not much liquid produced from the obelisk," Caroline said.

"Don't worry, these two times were just accidents." Baili Yuan said it's okay, "If it doesn't work, I'll commit suicide, and I can be resurrected on the spot with full blood."


Although this is indeed the truth, it doesn't always feel like a serious person can say it.

The day passed slowly.

Only then did Bailiyuan leave the life support cabin.

"I feel much more comfortable." Bailiyuan tiptoed and moved a bit.

Then Bailiyuan took out his mobile phone, looked at the situation in the group chat, Ah Fu and Jiang Chen both sent private messages to Bailiyuan.

Jiang Chen said that he had encountered a powerful opponent, so he could only be forced to leave the space of another dimension.

And Ah Fu said that for some reason, the different-dimensional space was full of thunder and sea water, and he couldn't stay any longer, so he had to leave the different-dimensional space.

In addition to the news, both of them sent a red envelope as a thank you to Baili Yuan.

And the things they sent were almost the same, they were all pet eggs from different dimensions.

Two pet eggs appeared in Bailiyuan's hands, and Bailiyuan hatched them casually.

Two figures appeared in front of Bailiyuan, Bailiyuan looked at the two dimensional pets in front of him, blinked his eyes, and was suddenly speechless.

I don't know what kind of tacit understanding Jiang Chen and Ah Fu have, and the dimensional pets they gave are surprisingly similar.

The same, half of them are beautiful women, and the other half...they are not fucking human!

The appearance of the dimensional pet Jiang Chen gave was that its upper body was a delicate woman, and its lower body was snake-like.

The dimensional pet given by Ah Fu is even more exaggerated. The upper body is a beautiful woman, like a fairy, while the lower body is a monster with six heads and twelve legs, and it has a cat's tail.

"Can the two of you send some for someone's use?"

Bailiyuan is a little speechless, but although the appearance of these two dimensional pets is unacceptable to normal people, their strength is real. At this time, both dimensional pets have platinum-level strength, that is to say, these two dimensional pets After recovering to the peak, there will be diamond-level combat power!

Ah Fu also explained that the reason why he was able to deal with this level of dimensional creatures was because the thunder struck into the ocean, and then the dimensional creature was seriously injured and fell out of the waves. Ah Fu took the opportunity to take advantage of it.

Bailiyuan felt that Ah Fu being able to send a dimensional pet of such strength so generously meant that Ah Fu might have picked up a lot of "cheaps", but Bailiyuan would not say anything more, this is Ah Fu's chance.

Jiang Chen didn't say anything more, nor did he explain anything.

After hatching the two pets, Bailiyuan also got to know the two pets.

The half-human, half-snake is called Lamia, and the other is called Scylla.

【Lamia ♀:

Race: monster

Attribute: Ming

Type: aggressive

Skills: Sleeplessness, Blood Eating, Night Travel, Greedy Esophagus, Eyeball Replacement]

[Scylla ♀:

Race: monster

Attribute: water

Type: aggressive

Skills: Six foods, gnawing, rushing in water, water spells]

The two dimensional pets are aggressive, and the attribute is "Ming" and the other is "Water".

This is the first time Bailiyuan has seen the attribute of "Ming", and judging from the aura Bailiyuan felt from Lamia, this attribute of "Ming" is probably related to death.

In Greek mythology, when it comes to death, the first thing that comes to mind is Hades, the king of the underworld, and his underworld.

Although Bailiyuan had never seen Hades or been to the underworld when he was in a different dimension, Bailiyuan thought of the dark crack under Poseidon's palace, which was full of the breath of death.

"Perhaps, there is the entrance to the underworld." Baili Yuan deduced.

But it's useless to think so much now.

Then there are the skills of the two dimensional pets.

The first is Lamia's skills.

Insomnia prevents Lamia from falling into a deep sleep, and can be immune to tricks that make herself fall into a deep sleep.

Blood-eating allows Lamia to devour the blood of the enemy and strengthen herself at the same time. Night travel allows Lamia to move faster at night.

The greedy esophagus allows Lamia to attack the enemy by devouring. If the enemy is not strong, it will be directly swallowed by Lamia and then digested. Of course, this skill is also risky. If the devoured target is strong enough, it can completely sustain Breaking Lamia's stomach, let Lamia die suddenly.

The ability to replace eyeballs is very interesting. Lamia can snap off her own eyes and replace them with new ones. Although it seems useless...but what if Lamia can be replaced with a pair of eyes that are powerful enough?

For example, with powerful eyes such as Sharingan, Baiyan, and even Reincarnation Eye, if it is equipped with the power to exert these eyes, then Lamia's strength will soar.

Then came Scylla.

Scylla's skills don't have much novelty.

Six Foods allows Scylla to attack six targets at once, or six times at the same time.

Nibbling is a trick to strengthen the bite force. Sprinting in the water can make Scylla run quickly in the water. As for the water spell, this skill is the same as Amphitrite, but the strength is obviously not as good as Amphitrite, Skull Ra knows not many water spells, far less powerful than Amphitrite's water spells.

But when it comes to Amphitrite, there is actually a relationship between Amphitrite and Scylla in Greek mythology.

Scylla was originally a beautiful water nymph, but she became like this because of Amphitrite.

Of course, the legend is not necessarily true, and there are other versions of Scylla's legend.

And Amphitrite and Scylla in Bailiyuan's hands obviously couldn't answer Bailiyuan's question to explain that myth.

After putting away the two new dimensional pets, Bailiyuan took out the crystals he had obtained on Mount Olympus and began to absorb them.

Among these crystal stones, there are still the crystal stones of the main god, but it is a pity that Bailiyuan did not have time to take away the crystal stones that Ares dropped after his death.

But it doesn't matter, it's a big deal to kill again later.

How to kill?

Bailiyuan has long recorded the space-time position of that different dimension, and he can go there anytime in the future when he has time.

Most of the crystals dropped by the gods were useless skills and props, but the crystals dropped by several main gods did not disappoint Baili Yuan.

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