The forces are colliding.

While the buildings on Mount Olympus continue to collapse in the collision of forces, only the mountain can remain intact under the blessing of special forces.

In this battle, Bailiyuan has been suppressed.

The total standing power of the remaining gods on Mount Olympus is obviously stronger than that of Bailiyuan.

Even if Bailiyuan didn't have that much pressure when facing Ares, the power of the surrounding gods still affected Bailiyuan, especially Zeus's divine thunder, which had a lot of influence on Bailiyuan who had shed her digital shell. threat.

However, what Bailiyuan didn't notice was that the way Zeus looked at him became strange.

In the battle, Bailiyuan was on the suppressed side, which made Bailiyuan feel a lot of pressure, but this kind of pressure was chosen by Bailiyuan himself.

"Ha—" Baili Yuan panted.

Even fighting over and over exhausted Baili Yuan's energy, strength and stamina, but at the same time, it also allowed Baili Yuan to fully display his strength.

"Sure enough, this kind of pressure will help the use of abilities..."

Bailiyuan can feel the improvement of MEGA evolution halo ability.

Although the two halos of the elven crest had been developed by Bailiyuan to 50%, enough to condense the realm, Bailiyuan still didn't feel like it was consolidating the realm.

This is because Bailiyuan lacks control over the power of the elf crest, and lacks awareness and understanding.

A stressful battle allowed Bailiyuan to improve his control over the elf crest.

"It's still rare to fight with the elf crest." Baili Yuan said with some emotion.

In fact, the most important thing is the lack of opponents who can fight like this.

Seven-color opponents of similar strength are not so easy to meet.

Of course, if you want to improve further, you don't just need to fight, you also need Bailiyuan to have more awareness and understanding of the power of the coat of arms.

Baili Yuan looked at Ares in front of him, condensing the strength in his body.

Although this battle made Bailiyuan feel the pressure, it couldn't just go on like this. After all, the opponents Bailiyuan faced would not let Bailiyuan go when Bailiyuan reached his limit.

However, before Bailiyuan could make a move, Zeus suddenly spoke.

"Although I don't know who you are, I have seen your strength, and I can allow you to join Mount Olympus." Zeus said.

As soon as Zeus opened his mouth, all the gods around him stopped, and even Ares stopped attacking.

Bailiyuan was also a little dazed.

Zeus what does this mean?

I killed your two wives just now, are you going to drag me into the gang now?

Bailiyuan looked at Zeus, but found that there was something wrong with the way Zeus looked at him, and through the power of his heart, Bailiyuan also felt Zeus's heart, and in Zeus's heart...

Possesses an emotion known as lust and a possessive desire for beautiful objects.

Needless to say, the purpose of Zeus to Zhaoan Bailiyuan.

Bailiyuan was silent.

Is it because of the beautiful godhead?

In myths and legends, it is not uncommon for Zeus to attack beautiful boys. This is how Aquarius was born.

But I have turned into an elf, so you can do it too?

However, according to Zeus's temperament, he seems to be able to do it.

OK sir!

"Light of hope!"

Bailiyuan directly released the power that had been condensed long ago, and bombarded Ares.

Ares was startled by Bailiyuan's sudden attack, but he still reacted in time, raised the shield in his hand, and resisted Bailiyuan's attack.

Although Ares is a dimensional creature, the weapon in his hand still has the power of a legendary artifact.

At the moment of the stalemate between the two sides, the Cuncui human figure suddenly rushed out of Baili Yuan's body and came behind Ares.

"KING! (King!)"


The attack of the preserved humanoid bombarded Ares, causing Ares to scream. Although the attack of the preserved humanoid did not directly cause huge damage to Ares, it broke Ares' defense and made him Ares opened his empty door wide, and the light of hope directly bombarded Ares.

A series of attacks happened in an instant, and Bailiyuan had already prepared for this attack. If Zeus didn't make a timely move, the other gods couldn't help Ares at all, and Ares couldn't do it at all. Complete defense.

Perhaps, even Zeus didn't expect that Bailiyuan would dare to do it after he had already thrown out the olive branch.

The double attack of the King and the Light of Hope did not kill Ares in an instant, but caused severe damage to Ares, covering Ares with a layer of residual light from the Light of Hope.

"Looking for death!" Zeus felt that his majesty had been challenged.

Mood swings are more likely to occur because of higher intelligence and emotion.

At this time, Zeus was already furious, and directly shot a thunderbolt at Bailiyuan.

Form switching.

Blue agile form!

The gauntlets transformed into eight light wings, floating behind Bailiyuan.

Immediately afterwards, Bailiyuan turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place. Zeus' thunder fell, but it also failed.

Bailiyuan did not continue to attack, but retracted the quintessential human form immediately, and then stared at the surrounding gods below the seven-color level.

With Baili Yuan's current speed, it was difficult for those gods with weak strength to defend or evade his attack.

If I had to use two words to describe the situation at this time, it would be——harvest!


Zeus let out a roar, his surroundings were covered with thunder, his eyes were completely covered by the blue light of thunder, and his beard and hair flew away, obviously extremely angry.

Mount Olympus was covered in dark clouds instantly, and the dark clouds gradually expanded, and then covered the entire sky of the different dimension domain, and countless thunderclaps surged out of the dark clouds.

The sound of thunder and thunder echoed throughout the different-dimensional space of [Olympus].

Ah Fu in the forest twisted the neck of the centaur he was protecting, and the corpse of the centaur dissipated and dropped a pet egg.

Ah Fu didn't care about the pet egg, but looked up at the sky, staring at the dark clouds and countless thunderbolts in the sky, with a serious expression on his face.

Jiang Chen who was standing on the plain also looked at the sky, but he was not too surprised.

"Is Zeus angry?" Jiang Chen's eyes became sharp.

The opportunity he was waiting for might come soon.

At this time, although the entire field of different dimensions has changed, the most dangerous place is actually only the top of Mount Olympus. Specifically, the most dangerous place is Zeus at this time.

The gods around ran away one after another, and Bailiyuan could no longer harvest them.

Bailiyuan collected the green crystals dropped by Apollo.

Just now, Bailiyuan was indeed harvesting the gods around him, but it was also divided into priorities. Bailiyuan mainly focused on the remaining few who were also the twelve main gods.

Bailiyuan also successfully beheaded Hermes and Apollo, harvesting two crystals, one white and one green, respectively.

Then Bailiyuan looked at the back of Hephaestus limping and running away, and wanted to pursue him, but Ares jumped in front of Bailiyuan, blocking Bailiyuan's pursuit path.

Bailiyuan could only look at the back of Hephaestus escaping with pity, and then sighed silently—although Ares greened Hephaestus and made him very embarrassed, but Ares was the one who escaped for him at a critical moment. Hephaestus is really handsome in blocking disasters.

"Is this brotherhood?"

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