"What are you doing, Athena!" Zeus asked, sitting up.

Baili Yuan's hand trembled, but he quickly adjusted his mentality and knelt down on one knee, holding the arrow in both hands.

"Great king of the gods, I got a special arrow by chance, and I dedicate it to you." Baili Yuan said slowly.

Zeus was obviously stunned for a moment. It was obviously the first time he had encountered such a thing, and his brain circuit was a little out of step, but he was the king of the gods, the smartest dimensional creature on this mountain.

Zeus was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"I accept your kindness."

After speaking, Zeus picked up the arrow in Baili Yuan's hand, looked at it briefly, and then put the arrow beside the bed.

Compared with arrows, he still likes his divine thunder.

But this also meant that Baili Yuan's assassination failed.

And Bailiyuan also learned more about Zeus.

Ordinary dimensional creatures are without intelligence, more like beasts.

The more advanced ones have wisdom and emotions, such as Eros, and those nymph fairies and lower gods, the only difference is the level of wisdom.

A little more advanced is someone like Selene who can speak two sentences.

Athena is a little more advanced than Selene, not only can speak, but also has the wisdom to fight.

But now, Zeus once again refreshed the height of the dimensional creatures seen by Bailiyuan.

Not only can he speak, but also communicate, and even have his own thinking and judgment ability, but it seems that he is not so clever.

"Okay, Athena, what else do you need?" Zeus asked, wondering why Bailiyuan hadn't left yet.

Bailiyuan didn't leave immediately, but took out two things and placed them in front of Zeus.

A pair of rolled up maps, and a plate of cooked fish.

"Choose one, this is my daughter's honor to you." Baili Yuan said.

Zeus stared at the map and the fish. For some reason, he suddenly had a bad feeling, and he always felt his neck was chilly today.

Zeus looked at Bailiyuan, and finally followed his desire and chose fish.

Because of the fragrance.

But Bailiyuan suddenly tore open the belly of the fish, took out another arrow from it, and stabbed Zeus.

"Die to my father!"

Unexpectedly, there will be a second wave of assassinations!

Zeus instantly felt the crisis of death, and the terrifying power was released from his body.


Thunder and lightning fell from the sky, covering Zeus.

Baili Yuan, who was holding the arrow in his hand, was instantly sent flying, and turned two somersaults on the ground.

When the thunder and lightning dissipated, Zeus had put on the golden armor, held the thunderbolt in his hand, his beard and hair were flying, and he was not angry.

"Athena, what are you going to do?!"

Zeus asked.

Bailiyuan still maintained the posture of Athena, did not answer, but rushed to Zeus again, and the humanoid figure moved at the same time. It was responsible for recovering the arrows on Zeus's bed and the arrows in the map.

Zeus snorted coldly, and the thunder in his hand turned into a javelin, and bombarded Baili Yuan's body, directly blowing Baili Yuan away.

"Athena, grab it without a fight, you can't compete with me at all!"

Baili Yuan, who flew upside down, laughed out loud.

"You're fooled, Zeus, this is my Athena's escape route!"

Only then did Zeus notice that Bailiyuan flew upside down in the direction of the main entrance of the palace.

After discovering this, Zeus immediately rushed to Bailiyuan.

"Gods on Mount Olympus, catch Athena!" Zeus shouted while chasing, his voice resounding throughout Mount Olympus.

Mount Olympus, which was originally quiet and peaceful, suddenly became lively.

"No, I've been discovered, brother Xiaoyuan, run away!" A group of friends shouted anxiously.

"Yes, yes, that old whore Zeus, if he catches you, maybe he will really treat you as Athena and do something."


Why is it emphasized that Zeus is an old whore?

"Are you guys looking forward to something?" Baili Yuan asked.

"How is it possible~"

Bailiyuan didn't have a chance to reply, because he had already landed, and he turned and ran outside the first time he landed, and Zeus also chased him out of his palace.

After leaving Zeus' palace, Bailiyuan knew the power of Zeus' words.

Many powerful auras emerged from Mount Olympus, moving towards Zeus' palace.

I, Themis, who was standing outside all the time, blocked Bailiyuan's way.

Bailiyuan turned into Athena with the help of a digital shell. Although the defense is strong, it also limits Bailiyuan's combat ability, preventing Bailiyuan from dealing with Themis immediately.

And after this delay, another colorful existence on Mount Olympus also appeared in front of Baili Yuan.

Diva Hera!

Hera is the goddess of marriage and fertility in ancient Greek mythology and the third queen of heaven, one of the twelve main gods of Olympus, a co-governor who shares power with Zeus, and also the sister and seventh wife of Zeus.

Zeus, Hera, and Themis, three powerful gods surrounded Bailiyuan, and more main gods and gods were rushing here.

However, Hera and Themis were not as wise as Zeus.

Bailiyuan smiled, and went directly to Themis who was the weakest!

Compared with the colorful level, opponents at the diamond level are obviously easier to bully.

[Name: Athena (can be changed)

Race: God (can be changed)

Age: unknown (can be changed)

Occupation: Mage

HP: 7333 (maximum 10000)

Mana: 5823 (up to 10000)

Armor: 10000 (the shell comes with armor)

Magic resistance: 10000 (the shell comes with magic resistance)

Attack power: 65 (maximum 100)

Ability Power: 59 (up to 100)


This is the property of the data shell now.

Not to mention the attack power and spell power, the armor and magic resistance of the digital shell alone make Bailiyuan comparable to a top-level meat shield of the seven-color level. These two values ​​​​have the peak of the seven-color level, but none of them The kind is enough for Bailiyuan to bear the thunder damage from Zeus and Hera, and then go to fight Themis hand-to-hand.

It is better to cut off one finger than to hurt his ten fingers. When facing a siege, try to seize the opportunity to reduce the number of opponents while preserving your own combat power as much as possible.

Themis attacked Bailiyuan, but Bailiyuan didn't dodge. Themis' attack seemed useless.

The thunder of Zeus and Hera fell, making Bailiyuan tremble a few times.

Although it can resist, the digital shell will not reduce the pain, and Bailiyuan can only resist it.

Bailiyuan speeded up and rushed to Themis' side. Themis wanted to dodge, but it was too late. Although Bailiyuan couldn't see Themis' expression because of the veil, he was out of order The attack represented that she had lost her position.


The arrow in Baili Yuan's hand pierced Themis' abdomen directly.

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