I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1486 Excitement Comes Again (6/10)

Chapter 1486 Excitement Comes Again (610)

"So I decided to attack the goddesses on the mountain first." Baili Yuan made his choice.

Don't ask why, Bailiyuan really just wants to study it.

The most famous gods on Mount Olympus are the Twelve Lord Gods, and Baili Yuan's eyes are on several goddesses among the Twelve Lord Gods.

Hera, Goddess of Agriculture, Demeter, Goddess of Hunting, Artemis, Goddess of Hunting, Athena, Goddess of Wisdom, Aphrodite, Goddess of Love and Beauty.

The names of the five goddesses were written down by Baili Yuan.

"Here's the list."

But even though he thought so, Bailiyuan couldn't guarantee that he could find these five girls directly, because he didn't know where the five goddesses lived, and the roads around them were similar, and there were no road signs to tell Baili How should I go.

Mount Olympus is shrouded in clouds and mist, towering into the clouds. Perhaps because of its towering height, many places are covered with pure white snow, but it does not look cold, but makes people feel holy.

The hillsides are lush with oaks, chestnuts, beeches, sycamores and pine forests, and the scenery is very beautiful.

Above the sea of ​​clouds, there are colonnades. In front of the colonnade is a garden with exotic flowers and plants. There are countless rock-solid palaces around the garden.

Mount Olympus is full of brilliance, especially the location of the palaces of the twelve main gods. There are many palaces on Mount Olympus, all of which are the residences of gods, but twelve of them are particularly huge and luxurious, and there is one The most magnificent palace, there is the palace of Zeus, king of the gods.

The buildings on Mount Olympus are extremely magnificent, but it also brings troubles for Bailiyuan to find the way. If he is not really familiar with this place or has someone to guide him, it will be difficult for Bailiyuan to find the place he wants to go.

Although Bailiyuan also considered looking for it by easter eggs, but obviously there are more than twelve easter eggs on Mount Olympus, and there are only four colorful eggs. This also means that not all main gods have the strength of colorful eggs. The easter eggs at the top level represent the four strongest existences.

There are thirteen diamond eggs and seven platinum eggs left.

Although there should be many gods on Mount Olympus, not all gods will appear on the mountain. In addition to the twelve main gods who are resident in different dimensions, whether you will encounter other gods depends on luck.

And according to Bailiyuan's observation of the easter eggs, most of the existences that refreshed the easter eggs were moving, and Bailiyuan also saw the holders of the easter eggs who left the gate of heaven like Selene before.

During the period of Bailiyuan's secret observation, an existence with colorful eggs on his body left Tianmen.

The other party should have left quietly. Bailiyuan has been watching the positions of the four colorful eggs. The holder of the colorful egg who left did not meet other egg holders along the way, and left Tianmen quietly.

And if Bailiyuan's correspondence is correct, the holder of this colorful egg came out of the largest and most prestigious palace.

"This should mean that Zeus left Mount Olympus. It seems that the twelve main gods will not stay on Mount Olympus forever."

But think about it, the previous Selene showed a high IQ and was able to speak, even if everything here is Olympus in the Rubik's Cube legend, but the dimensional creature gods that appear here also have certain Those who have subjective ideas will also have their own preferences and ideas, and will act according to their own ideas.

It's just that the dimensional creatures here don't have the wisdom of real gods, and they are just dimensional creatures that look the same after all.

Bailiyuan looked at the positions of all the easter eggs, made a rough plan, and chose a direction to touch quietly. He was going to look at a few easter eggs in remote locations first, and then make plans. Zeus left suddenly , let Bailiyuan relax a lot.

If it caught the attention of all the gods on the mountain, Bailiyuan would release his avatar at that time, with full firepower, he might not be defeated.

Counting the Evil clone, the Desire clone, and Bailiyuan himself, they also have three seven-color-level powerhouses on their side. If the Good clone hadn't been resurrected, Bailiyuan felt that he would dare to make a gesture even if Zeus was at home.

But that would only happen as a last resort, because if Bailiyuan fired at full force, he would inevitably expose his background to the friends in the chat group.

You must not have the heart of harming others, and you must not have the heart of preventing others. The group friends in the group are not all from the camp of kindness and law. Who knows if they will count on themselves?

It would be even better if the god on the mountain could be eliminated with the smallest movement.

In fact, for the huge Mount Olympus, the locations of these easter eggs are quite scattered, and for most easter egg holders, Bailiyuan has the possibility to kill them quietly.

Bailiyuan chose the road on the edge and moved forward quietly. After all, he was sneaking in, so it was impossible to go directly to the main hall, but the road Bailiyuan took was not remote, and it was relatively close to the temples of the twelve main gods.

Mount Olympus was a bit deserted, and only occasionally could you see the lower gods and nymphs passing by.

Nymph fairies are equivalent to the role of maids on Mount Olympus, responsible for serving the gods, and the number of Nymph fairies with names left in mythology is not large.

The status of the lower gods is higher than that of Nymphs, but they also come to serve the gods on the mountain.

Because the main duty of the lower gods and nymph fairies is to serve the gods, this means that most of the lower gods and nymph fairies actually have no combat power, and their manifestation in the different-dimensional space is that they are dimensional creatures with no strength level. You can't get any good things if you drop it, and the skills and equipment dropped often don't have much effect. Even if you drop pet eggs, the hatched ones are not combat-type dimensional pets.

For example, Bailiyuan walked all the way, he did not let go of the lower gods and nymph fairies he met, and these lower gods and nymph fairies also dropped some things for Bailiyuan, equipped with harps, flutes, and dinner plates , skills include clarinet playing, flute playing, dancing.

They are all things that are not very helpful in combat, and they are not special skills with special effects, and their value is very low.

There are no pet eggs, otherwise Bailiyuan would have hesitated to hatch the pet egg, if a nymph fairy who can only dance for fun... seems pretty good.

There was nothing to gain along the way, and Bailiyuan also tried to get close to a nearby temple of the main god.

There is a diamond egg and a platinum egg in this temple of the main god.

Bailiyuan sneaked into the temple quietly, but when Bailiyuan got close to the position of the two eggs, his expression became strange again...

"The excitement is coming again~"

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