Chapter 1477 Human Hero

These shadow corps came from the two masks that Ah Fu gave to Baili Yuan.

Bailiyuan deciphered the two masks surprisingly easily.

Evil souls are sealed in the mask of the Shadow Corps. These souls are the souls of the Ghost General, and they are also the actual controllers of the Shadow Corps corresponding to the mask.

With the help of Nutrition Express and Muji, Bailiyuan directly pulled out the evil souls in the two masks, and after some torture, killed the two souls. Although Bailiyuan had the confidence to control the two souls, he kept It's useless, it's still a hidden danger, it's better to kill them directly.

Geng Gui also had a full meal and gained some special abilities.

Now, Bailiyuan has completely controlled the two masks and the two shadow corps, and has transformed them into his own shape and tainted his own flavor.

But one thing that is interesting is that the previous confession of the Holy Master also involved the mask of the Shadow Corps.

The Shadow Corps is a shadow warrior with warrior spirit, tireless and can be resurrected. It is divided into ten war groups, ruled by the King of the Shadow Kingdom and nine generals.

However, the king and general of the Shadow Kingdom were sealed in the mask, that is, the two souls that Bailiyuan killed.

With the help of the mask, Bailiyuan also communicated with the Shadow Kingdom, but for some reason, Bailiyuan couldn't enter the Kingdom of Shadows, and could only summon the Shadow Army from the Kingdom of Shadows.

Otherwise, Baili Yuan would definitely go to the Sombra Kingdom for a visit, maybe he could have a great unification in the Sombra Kingdom.

The two corps currently controlled by Bailiyuan are the Shadow Devouring Corps and the Ninja Corps.

There is no need for the Shadow Devouring Group to repeat it.

The appearance of the ninja group is closer to that of humans; they wear black clothes and masks, and mainly use long sticks, gear darts, and Japanese swords as their main combat weapons, and sometimes there are some additional gadgets.

Their combat power is relatively mediocre, but their general abilities are very good. The most important thing is that they also have wisdom and learning ability.

After only a few days of teaching, these ninja soldiers of the ninja regiment can actually start to recognize the characters of the world of heraldry. Bailiyuan thinks that if the teaching is good in the future, maybe these ninja soldiers can handle some unimportant documents and help Divide the work among yourself.

Different from Bailiyuan's use of avatars for office work, Shi's avatars have their own little emotions. They would rather exhaust Bailiyuan's main body and they are not willing to help, but Bailiyuan's avatar through the shadow avatar technique, the final exhaustion is still Bailiyuan. Liyuan's own, but this group of ninja soldiers was only summoned by Bailiyuan.

The most important thing is that the Shadow Corps works hard without complaint, and can be used casually. If it breaks down, it can be disbanded on the spot and revived in the Shadow Kingdom.

Of course, it is impossible for Bailiyuan to completely rely on ninja soldiers, because the most important thing in decision-making is Bailiyuan's thoughts, not how many words Bailiyuan writes. Thinking about work.


Sitting on the sedan chair carried by the ninja soldiers, the three of Bailiyuan continued to move forward.

Bailiyuan also released the Shadow Devouring Group and the Ninja Group. They are on guard all around. If they encounter threats, they can give early warning or deal with them directly.

Of course, in order to prevent Ah Fu and Jiang Chenbai from coming, Bailiyuan also left many dimensional creatures for them.

It is also because of this that it reflects the benefits of having a thigh strap.

Ah Fu and Jiang Chen only need to listen to Baili Yuan's words, and then follow the shadow corps to find the discovered dimensional creatures, and then solve the dimensional creatures. Not only can they fight, but they can also gain benefits. The most important thing is that they don't need to fear of danger.

Because the Black Shadow Corps has already scouted the surrounding area, they will warn the police immediately when encountering danger, and if there is an enemy that Ah Fu and Jiang Chen cannot easily deal with, Baili Yuan will also take action.

Moving forward, the three of them had their own gains, but to their surprise, the one who gained the most was Ah Fu.

Along the way, Ah Fu has gained a lot of "bronze human" and "black iron human" skills. Although they are not too strong, they are relatively comprehensive. After some arming, Ah Fu's strength has also improved to a certain extent.

Jiang Chen and Baili Yuan also gained something, but the skills they gained were not only inferior to Ah Fu's in quantity, but also useless to improve their own strength.

In addition to skills, the three did not get other items.

After all, what they encountered now were 'black iron humans' and 'bronze humans', and there was nothing to fish for in these two dimensional creatures.

Although the introduction says how many good things there are in [Olympus], the question is whether you can encounter them and how many good things there are.

The three of them explored [Olympus] for a whole morning, and they finally encountered a more valuable wild monster—a human hero!

And as soon as they meet, there are two.

Human heroes mainly appeared after the Bronze Human Age. Between the Bronze Human Age and the Black Iron Human Age, there is an Age of Heroes, also known as the Age of Demigods. The reason why it is called a demigod is because the heroes of that era were either gods. The heirs who combine with humans will either end up becoming gods.

Human beings in this era are more just and noble than before, and many of them have written epic myths that have been handed down to this day, and even ascended to the throne of gods in myths.

Among them, the most famous group of heroes are the Argonauts.

The Argonauts refer to the 50 heroes in Greek legend who took the fast ship "Argo" together with Jason to get the golden fleece from the sacred forest of Ares in Colchis.

This time, Bailiyuan and the others encountered two Argonauts—the Bori Adai brothers!

The Boriadai brothers are the collective name of Zetes and Karais, the sons of Boreas, the god of the north wind. They are easier to recognize because they are rare heroes with wings on their bodies.

But no matter what they did in the legend, now, they are dimensional creatures.

Just fuck him!

"One tiger kills two sheep..."

Ah Fu rushed up, Ah Fu flew back again.

Jiang Chen stopped in front of Ah Fu.

"Don't be impulsive. They are not the ordinary humans before. According to legend, they are the sons of gods. They shouldn't be as easy to deal with as those humans."

After hearing Jiang Chen's words, Ah Fu also observed the two heroes, and soon he discovered something was wrong.

Indeed, unlike the previous aggressive humans with low IQ, these two human heroes behaved calmly, and also made a decent fighting posture, as if they had a certain amount of wisdom.

"Their strength should still be in the range of level 5, but it can already be said to be a relatively strong level 5." Jiang Chen continued to analyze.

"I was just careless just now, but now it seems that I am going to show my real strength!" Ah Fu snorted coldly, and then the muscles on his body bulged.

"Look at the trick, flying cranes to catch shrimps!"

Ah Fu jumped on it, but he was lonely. A big hole was punched in the ground, but he missed the hero.

Ah Fu raised his head suspiciously, and saw two heroes flapping their wings and flying into the sky, looking down at Ah Fu.

The gestures of the two heroes seem to be saying - be silly, I can fly!

I have a bit of a headache today, depending on the situation, if I can continue to update at night.

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