Chapter 1468

Intensive Care--

1. [Protection of Justice]: When fighting for justice, the strength doubles.

2. [Protection of Original Sin]: Sin is added to the body!

3. [Protection of Hope]: When fighting with hope, it is easy to trigger a miracle.

4. [Blessing of Light]: Light attribute attack is enhanced by 80%.

5. [Dark Protection]: Dark attribute attack is enhanced by 80%.

Originally, the forty protections have been reduced sharply, and only five protections are left.

And Bailiyuan's most important [Protection of Charm] also disappeared.

It's over, my brother's charm has decreased.

Not only the protection, but what really shocked Baili Yuan was that the power system he had established now was damaged.

Although Bailiyuan has many and complicated abilities, the power system that Bailiyuan really masters is relatively simple.

There are only two power systems.

One is a power system based on Bailiyuan's racial power, including the power of light, divine power, super power, spiritual power, the emblem of the giant of light, and the emblem of the elves.

The other is relative, the seven forces built on the basis of evil.

In Ultraman Nesser's world, Bailiyuan chose to absorb the last remaining evils of that world, and those evils were turned into seven beads, which took root in Bailiyuan's body like a tree, And Bailiyuan also integrated his seven kinds of power into it, and established his own power system with the help of these seven beads.

The powers contained in the seven beads are: the emblem of the summoner, the emblem of the spokesperson of God, the emblem of the elemental summoner, the power of darkness, the power of chakra, the power of wind, and the power of sand.

No matter how much Bailiyuan uses the various forces in these two power systems, it cannot be denied that these seven kinds of power are Bailiyuan's core ability and his root.

Relying on the two power systems, Bailiyuan users fighting, swordsmanship... and other skills.

Of course, it can also be seen that Bailiyuan doesn't pay much attention to the ninja's crest. After all, the two power systems include the power of five crests, but the ninja's crest is missing.

However, now, two types of power system established with evil are directly missing-the power of wind and the power of sand!

The thirteen kinds of power directly lost two kinds of power, which can almost be said to be one-sixth less.

This kind of loss was completely cut on one of Baili Yuan's legs. Although it was not the most important leg, it was enough to make Baili Yuan drink a pot.

"No wonder my vitality will be seriously injured." Baili Yuan felt a little scared in his heart, if he lost more, then this time, he would be in trouble.

Then Bailiyuan looked at his skills.

Skills are like branches of a tree, attached to the branches of the two power systems. If Bailiyuan wants to use these skills, all he needs to consume is the power of the branches.

As Bailiyuan expected, the skills related to the power of wind and the power of sand have disappeared. For example, Bailiyuan used to use the power of wind to practice the Gale Swordsmanship, and now it has also been removed from Bailiyuan's panel. It disappeared, and even the wind escape and wind magic skills have lost a lot. Fortunately, because Bailiyuan's wind escape chakra and magic power are still there, it will not be directly lost.

The various skills that Bailiyuan mastered were mainly acquired through his own learning and systematic help. These skills can be roughly divided into three categories.

The first is to master skills. To improve this kind of skills, Bailiyuan needs to continue to learn, exercise, and develop them. He needs to actively release them, such as [Fighting].

The second type is innate skills, which also need to be developed and mastered, but they are skills derived from Bailiyuan's own abilities, or improved by practicing some special abilities, such as [Super Body], and [Super Body] is now Baili Yuan's most important talent skill.

Finally, there are the skills that come with the template titles from the system, but Bailiyuan has also followed the two title templates of [Enhanced Boss Template] and [Conference Champion].

Except for the skills relying on the power of wind and the power of sand, most of the other skills were not affected too much.

This made Bailiyuan heave a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect it to be like this just by looking at it, but I remember what I really wanted..." Baili Yuan didn't think about what he got.

There is also no special display on the system panel.

Bailiyuan could only give up.

But this time the power of the arrival coat of arms has been greatly improved, but the power system has been slashed. He doesn't know whether he is losing or gaining. After all... once in and out, Bailiyuan's strongest power Nothing has changed.

"I can only go back and ask Andy about this matter."


After recovering for a while, Bailiyuan can act normally, but if he wants to fight, he needs to be raised again.

After all, it was the foundation that was injured this time. If it wasn't for Baili Yuan's good physique, he would have been in a coma long ago, and it would definitely take more time to recover.

As for the series of changes that happened to Baili Yuan and Baili Yuan's series of actions, the guardian didn't say anything, let alone opened his eyes to look at Baili Yuan, or even moved.

Bailiyuan once suspected that the guardian was asleep.

Baili Yuan took a last look at the bald head floating above the guardian's head, he had no intention of entering the ball of light again for the time being.

Afterwards, Bailiyuan left.

After Baili Yuan left, the guardian slightly opened his eyes and glanced at the direction Baili Yuan left.

"All the people brought by Andy are like this..."


Guided by the contract, Bailiyuan left the Enlightenment Chamber smoothly.

On the way back, Bailiyuan wanted to memorize the way, but the way back was not a simple way, rather than walking the way back, it was more like doing some special procedures, such as standing in a certain area Three seconds, then turn left, and then his figure will reach another place.

Bailiyuan still has the memory of the time when he came. He can be sure that when he arrived and when he left, he did not walk in the opposite direction. Perhaps even if he deliberately remembered the method of entering, he could not go in the opposite direction without the guidance of the contract. into it.

After understanding this matter, Bailiyuan no longer cared about the situation of the road, but followed the guidance of the contract, and safely arrived at the outer layer of the Akamoy tree.

At this time, it was still not dark outside, and it was actually only a few hours before Baili Yuan entered the Enlightenment Chamber, and there were still many people visiting the outer layer.

If it was before, Bailiyuan also felt that the outer layer was good, but now, seeing the people visiting the outer layer, Bailiyuan suddenly felt a little proud, after all, he has been to the core!

But soon Bailiyuan suppressed the small thoughts in his heart.

Can't float.

Baili Yuan took a deep breath and walked outside, but then Baili Yuan's expression changed.

Easter egg detector, has it reflected?

Oh hoo~

The first two chapters will be updated tomorrow, and another chapter will be added to the monthly pass, which will be updated tomorrow~

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