Chapter 1462 Chat Group Large-scale Offline Communication Event

[Intra-group activities: In order to activate the atmosphere in the group and establish a peaceful and friendly group culture, a three-day large-scale offline exchange event will be held in the group after ten days, and the exchange activities will mainly be in the form of joint hunting. The group of friends will be sent to a different dimension for hunting, team up to hunt, and all the gains will belong to the group of friends.

Number of people required: no upper limit, free registration

Requirement level: no requirement

Basic situation of different-dimensional space: After a certain world experienced a different-dimensional storm, a large number of different-dimensional spaces appeared all over the world. Various creatures from different dimensions, such as gods, immortals, ghosts, monsters, and demons, appeared in different dimensions. In the space, by killing these different-dimensional creatures, you can get various rare items such as their abilities, eggs, and special materials.

According to the different strengths of the dimensional creatures in the different-dimensional space, the different-dimensional space is divided into five levels: Super S, S, A, B, C, and D. The corresponding strength levels in the group are Super S (level 7 and above), S (5~7), A (4~6), B (3~5), C (2~4), D (1~3).

The level correspondence is for reference only. It is recommended to form a team with 3 to 5 team members according to their own strength.

This time you can choose a different dimension space and its introduction: ... abbreviated

Note: Please evacuate in time when your life is in danger, and leave the space through the chat group, otherwise you will live and die at your own risk, please carefully choose the space you want to go to according to your own strength. 】

It took a few minutes for Bailiyuan to finish reading the long series of announcements.

But Baili Yuan probably understood what it meant.

The group announcement this time is to pull the group friends into the same world, and then enter the dimensional space as a team or individually to hunt the prey inside, and all the gains belong to the group members themselves.

This is an event that deepens the relationship between group friends through battles.

And not only that, Bailiyuan observed the discussion in the group chat, and now the group friends in the group chat are discussing this matter, because of this announcement, the group friends in the group chat are also discussing intensely.

Some group friends who have a good relationship have already made appointments with teammates. They meet offline and have a good communication. Listening to them seems to be really to communicate with each other.

But more people are looking for thighs, like Ah Fu, because this is an activity that can be formed in a team. As long as you hug your thighs, you may be able to go to a higher-level space to break through, give it a try, and change your bicycle. Moto, quickly improve one's own strength, and the gains in the different-dimensional space are indeed very attractive.

There are also some people who are provoking some people who usually have friction in the group chat, and want to touch each other in reality, such as going to the same different dimension to fight a game, or hunting competition, to compare who kills more monsters , who gets more things.

Of course, not all group members are interested in this activity. After all, people are different and each has their own needs.

Bailiyuan knew it in his heart.

Now with Ah Fu's fifth-level strength, he can already be said to be a thigh. Bailiyuan also saw that some people wanted to team up with Ah Fu, but Ah Fu was in @Bailiyuan.

"It seems that Ah Fu wants to go to a higher-level space. Not surprisingly, what he wants to go to should be an S-level space."

Although each space has a span of three levels, such a large span represents the lowest level. It can only be regarded as first-class cannon fodder in the space. It is easy to say that the gap in strength is not that big, but the higher the level, the bigger the gap.

For example, the third-level group friends may not be able to instantly kill the second-level group friends, but the seventh-level group friends can definitely beat the farts of the sixth-level group friends with one move.

For example, Bailiyuan can instantly kill himself before he was promoted to the great coat of arms under full firepower. Of course, it only kills one life in seconds. After all, Bailiyuan has resurrection skills.

Baili Yuan thought about Ah Fu's request, but did not refuse.

Bailiyuan: "Okay, I happened to have a battle with the four gods before, I'm a little tired, I can go for some activities."

After Bailiyuan sent the message, the group chat was quiet for a moment.

Then the group of friends immediately exploded.

"Is this... is this the life of a boss?"

"God? What level of existence?"

"How about the final result?"

"Boss, please bring me!"

The friends in the group chat come from different worlds, but the rules and situations of different worlds are different, and the strength of gods in different worlds is also different.

But according to Bailiyuan's level, the group of friends can judge that the one who can fight Bailiyuan should be at least level six, or even stronger!

However, no matter whether it is level 6 or level 7, they need to look up to them.

After Bailiyuan agreed, Ah Fu also replied to Bailiyuan immediately.

Ah Fu: "Okay, big brother, now we are a two-person team, but I want to go to the S-level space, big brother Xiaoyuan, can you?"


Ah Fu: "I don't know if the boss wants to invite other people to join our team. It's not that he doubts the strength of the boss. It's just that my strength is not as good. I hope someone can help me so that the boss won't worry too much about me. "

Bailiyuan naturally knew Ah Fu's little thoughts.

Although Ah Fu is relatively pure, Ah Fu is not stupid. In the S-level space, the stronger the team's strength, the better, and Bailiyuan is at level seven, and Ah Fu is at level five. It is guaranteed that Bailiyuan can protect Ah Fu, but if Bailiyuan wants to carry out some adventure activities, it will be difficult for Ah Fu to gain anything.

The most important thing is that Ah Fu doesn't think that Baili Yuan will enthusiastically help him get various benefits, after all, Baili Yuan can't go there for nothing.

It’s like when playing games, if there are bosses among the teammates, it is very likely that in the end, the experience and economy of the three-lane and wild areas will be eaten by the bosses, and others can only eat a small part.

But what Ah Fu wants now is not the final result, but to get more in the process.

Therefore, Ah Fu felt that it was best to recruit a few more people with similar strengths to his own, so that they could cooperate better when forming a team, and also allow Ah Fu to get more benefits.

The reason for inviting Bailiyuan is to let Bailiyuan help to deal with stronger enemies and ensure that he can develop steadily.

Inviting people who are as strong as yourself is to ensure that you can expand your achievements and benefits.

This is what Afu thinks.

"Yes." Baili Yuan naturally had no reason to refuse.

After all, Ah Fu gave Baili Yuan a good impression, and he was the one he was covering. Baili Yuan didn't mind helping Ah Fu.

"Do you still want to recruit people in the boss's team? How about bringing me one? @Bailiyuan."

It was Jiang Chen who spoke.

This person had a relationship with Bailiyuan once, and made Bailiyuan feel a little strange.

Now, his strength is level six, and he has also increased by one level!

"Just contact Ah Fu, this is the team established by Ah Fu, I just go there to relax." Baili Yuan replied.

Although the right to recruit people from the team has been handed over to Ah Fu, Bailiyuan believes that Ah Fu, who pursues his own strength, will not recruit people casually.

The name of this volume has been changed, the World of Demons is written at the end of this volume, and the plot of Kamen Rider EA is in the next volume.

There is also monthly ticket renewal. The monthly ticket renewal mentioned before means that the monthly ticket renewal is completed, but these two days should be renewed again. As long as everyone dares to vote, I dare to write.

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