I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 15 Mom! ? (two more)

Seeing that Baili Yuan was lifted up by the collar, the people around let out exclamations.

"It's the dean!"

"Master Dean is here!"


What the hell is that goddess?

Bailiyuan twitched the corner of his mouth.

That's right, it was Andy, the dean of the School of Arms, who lifted Bailiyuan up.

When Andy returned to the dean's room, he found that Bailiyuan was not there, so he chased him out immediately, and found Bailiyuan here.

"Dean." Emilyka breathed a sigh of relief, with the dean around, that pervert probably wouldn't attack her.

Based on Bailiyuan's demeanor and actions just now, Emilyka has already classified Bailiyuan as a pervert.

"Hehe...that, Andy, listen to my explanation." Bailiyuan turned her head with a flattering smile, but seeing Andy's smiling face, there was no smile in his eyes , Bailiyuan shrank his neck.

"Explain? Then explain why you attacked Ikki, and then attacked Emilyka?" Andy said with a smile.

explain? Can you believe me when I explain about touching eggs? If you believe it, you are guaranteed not to arrest yourself for research?

"Uh... this, that... since when did you start watching it?" Baili Yuan asked with an embarrassed smile, and Andy's tone obviously didn't look like he just came here, but instead seemed to have already It's been a while!

"What do you think?" Andy tilted his head.


Bailiyuan was at a loss for words.

"You're so skinny, do you really think I won't hit you?" Andy said in a deep voice as he moved closer to Bailiyuan, with a dangerous gleam in his eyes.


Bailiyuan felt the terrible danger from Andy's body. At this moment, Bailiyuan remembered that Andy was a woman with a diamond egg on her chest!

"You...don't force me, I'm going to come up with a trick!" Baili Yuan said tremblingly.

Andy's smile widened, and he raised a hand in a please gesture.

"Please begin your performance."

"This... You forced me to do this!" Baili Yuan said with a stiff neck.

Andy was unmoved, if you can make another wave today, I will lose.

Bailiyuan took a deep breath.

Andy looked at him curiously.


A sound that was full of air, but still milky, came out of Baili Yuan's mouth and spread throughout the lawn.


Andy was shocked!

Emily was shocked!

Wu Geng Yue, Luo Er and Hei Qi were also shocked!

The onlookers were shocked!

For a moment, the entire area of ​​the lawn became silent. Emilyka, who had just supported herself to stand up, almost lost her footing and fell down again.

"Hey, do you hear me?"

"Understood, the child called the principal his mother."

"But doesn't the dean still have a boyfriend?"

"What do you know, people with status like this are usually married in secret, and my father and mother are in secret marriage."

"Are you sure your father isn't having an affair?"

"It's over... My goddess actually has a child!"

"Wake up, even if the dean doesn't have children, he can't have a crush on you."

"It's okay, I like it even if it's a wife!"

"No wonder, I said how could the dean be single at such an advanced age."

"What? How old is the dean?"

"can not say."


"The dean has come over, afraid of death."

"Go back and tell me secretly."

"Totally O some stick K."

"Hello, Yuncheng TV station? I have big news here..."


Listening to the discussions of the students onlookers, Andy's face was very ugly.

"Shut up!" Andy roared, and the surroundings became quiet again, but the way he looked at Andy had changed.

Andy squinted at Bailiyuan.

"Mom, don't you want me?" Baili Yuan put on a pitiful expression.

"The dean is too cruel to the children."

"Yes, yes, how can such a cute baby have the heart to do it."

"Does this mean domestic violence? Is there still time to call the police?"

Andy gritted his teeth.

"Bailiyuan! Good! You... very good!" Andy called Bailiyuan by name.

Baili Yuan shrunk his neck, but still gave Andy a provocative look - "You told me to perform."

Andy snorted coldly, stomped his feet, and the lawn, which was already full of potholes, was directly flattened, and a renovation came.

Andy suddenly showed a "gentle" and "kind" smile to Bailiyuan.

"My dear son, let's go back and talk if we have something to say."

In a flash, Andy disappeared with Bailiyuan.


Impossible, how many people would doubt a child's words? Especially this group of students who have not experienced the baptism of society are the most easily deceived by appearances.

If you explain it, it will only make things worse, and even implement it directly.

It's better to hide for a while, no matter what the rumor is, there will always be a time when it fades away, and then it will be much easier to explain it yourself, or just pretend to be stupid.

Looking at the place where Baili Yuan disappeared, Wu Geng Yue blinked.

Luo Er smiled.

"This time it's really...things are getting interesting~"


Because of Andy's special status, in a short period of time, the news about her "having a son" spread throughout Yuncheng, directly overshadowing the "transfer student Yihui tied the sixth 'brilliant girl' Emilyka" "The news hit the headlines.

Dean chamber.


The sound of the whip cracking echoed in the dean's room.

Bailiyuan swallowed, and tremblingly looked at Andy who was holding a whip.

It was impossible to run away. At this time, Bailiyuan was tied up by Andy and hung on the beam.

"Well... is it still too late to admit your mistake?" Baili Yuan asked tentatively.

"What do you think?" Andy smiled happily.

"Take it easy, I'm afraid of pain." Baili Yuan turned his head away.


In the end, Andy still didn't smoke Bailiyuan, not because he forgave him, but because he finally found a child with the potential to double heraldry, and Andy was afraid that he would accidentally smoke him to death.

Therefore, Andy hung Bailiyuan in the dean's room, and then went home by himself, which was regarded as punishment for Bailiyuan.


into the night.

The dean's room was quiet, and Baili Yuan who was hanging suddenly opened his eyes.

I looked around for a while.

"Come out, Wonderful Frog Seed!"

A ray of light shot out from the back of Baili Yuan's left hand, and the figure of Miao Frog Seed fell to the ground.

"Seed, seed."

"Wonderful Frog Seed, help me untangle the rope."

Miao Frog Seed nodded, jumped up, bit the rope, and soon, the rope was bitten off by it.

"Nice job! Frog Seed!" Baili Yuan touched Frog Seed's head, and Frog Seed happily rubbed on Baili Yuan's body.

"Then, next, it's time to open the eggs!"

Baili Yuan licked the corner of his mouth.

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