Chapter 1450 The Evil Gods Come Down!

The battle continues.

At this time, everyone in the Tower of Time and Space finally found the sound plate representing Orathion by virtue of the special symbols on the back of the photo left by Dongnio's great-grandfather.

Next, rush to the top of the Tower of Time and Space.

If you climb the stairs, there will be a long distance, so everyone chooses to go up by flying Pokémon.

The elves who have been helping Bailiyuan guard the Tower of Time and Space also sent the news to Caroline immediately, and then Caroline informed Bailiyuan about it.

"Are they going to the top of the Tower of Time and Space? Let everyone do their best to protect them and not let them have any accidents."

"Understood, Xiaoyuan, can you hold on here? Do you need my support?"

"Still able to hold on!"

Bailiyuan's tone was relatively relaxed, because Bailiyuan and Darkley were only interfering, and because of their interference, there were not many collisions between Dialga and Palkia, and this space was still stable. Can last for a long time.

Bailiyuan was naturally going to tell Darkley the good news.

Just a little more persistence will calm the chaos.

Over there at the Tower of Time and Space.

Chestnut unleashes his own charizard.

Si Ji also released a Tanabata blue bird.

The blue cotton bird that Bailiyuan had seen before had also evolved into the Tanabata blue bird.

Among the crowd, there are only these two Pokémon who can fly freely in the air.

Although Xiaoyu has subdued some elves during this time, she does not have an elf that can lead people to fly in the sky. As for other people, there are no similar elves. Dong Niou has a few wind balls, but the wind The ball cannot fly with people.

However, the fire-breathing dragon and the Tanabata blue bird can only carry two people at most. In the end, Alice and Lizi chose to go up.

Alice was chosen because Alice needed to carry a soundboard, and Alice knew how to operate the machine at the top of the Tower of Time and Space.

Chestnut and the fire-breathing dragon escorted Alice and the Tanabata blue bird.

After making the arrangements, Li Zi and Alice set off directly, while the others stayed on the ground.

"Alice, Chestnut, be safe." Dong Niou shouted.

"Let's protect the Tower of Time and Space on the ground." Xiaogang said, and then released his elves. He also noticed that there were some elves guarding the Tower of Time and Space near the Tower of Time and Space, blocking the aftermath of the battle and the Tower of Time and Space. .

The Tower of Time and Space is in the very center of the town. Although it will not disappear for the time being, the battlefield above is the battle field. The Tower of Time and Space is on the verge of danger, and the elves around are guarding the Tower of Time and Space before.

Although Xiaogang didn't know why these elves guarded here, but now all he can do is guard here like those elves.

Others also knew that they could only do these things now, so they released their elves one after another.

Xiaoyu also threw all her poke balls.

"Come out, everyone!"

Lobster Minions, Snorkellings, Curly Ears, Moon Eevee, Deluby, Cherry Blossoms.

This is Xiaoyu's current elf configuration, and it is also the elf she carries on her body. After these elves appeared, the most eye-catching one was the gigantic but still sleeping Kirby.

Except for Moon Ibrahimovic, who realized something was wrong and looked up at the sky, the other elves didn't seem to realize the seriousness of the problem. After they came out, they started playing with the lobster soldiers.

Sakura also turned into a cloudy form, standing motionless on Snorlax's body, bobbing up and down as Snob's belly rises and falls.

"Be serious, and, Kirby, don't sleep!" Xiaoyu shouted helplessly.

Everyone looked at this scene amusedly.

Everyone knew something about Xiaoyu's group of elves.

In fact, most of the elves are good kids, they just chose a wrong leader and let the playful lobster soldier be the leader of this group of elves. How could this group of elves be so easy to obey?

Fortunately, Little Lobster soon discovered the problem, and instead of continuing to bring other elves to make trouble, he began to arrange other elves in a decent manner, except of course, except for the Snorkel that no one can call.

The slight confusion also made the tense atmosphere lively.

"Let's defend the four sides separately!" Xiaozhi said, "Leave it to us here, and we must defend the Tower of Time and Space before Alice and Chestnut succeed!"

Everyone nodded, and then dispersed to guard around the Tower of Time and Space.

The next step is to wait for Alice to succeed.

Everyone knows that the hope of calming everything down is coming soon.

Hope arose in the hearts of everyone and spirits in the know.

However, this hope has attracted malice.

What no one noticed was that the different-dimensional space in the sky began to distort, just like the distortion that Dialga and Palkia had appeared in the past.

Finally, two more figures descended from it!

Bailiyuan immediately sensed the two coming, and the others also looked towards the sky, and then widened their eyes.

"How is it possible!" Dong Niou exclaimed directly.

The faces of Li Zi and the others also changed drastically.

"There are still two Dialga and Palkia?" Xiao Gang was a little puzzled.

That's right, the two figures that appeared again turned out to be a Dialga and a Palkia again!

Moreover, these two elves look exactly the same as Dialga and Palkia that appeared before, but the colors are slightly different. The bodies of the new Dialga and Palkia seem to be covered with a black filter .

"Are these two Dialga and Palkia also here to participate in the scuffle?" Si Ji asked worriedly.

"I have a bad feeling." Xiao Gang said.

And Baili Yuan's heart also sank, he felt the familiar aura from the newly appeared Dialga and Palkia - the evil aura!

"These are two spirits transformed from evil! Is this the real crisis?"

Bailiyuan also saw two supreme-level easter eggs on the two elves!

False Emperor Yaluka!

False Palkia!

The Gods of Evil!

Evil is simply unreasonable!

The existence of the space-time twin gods can actually be copied?

The most important thing is that the copied fake elf has the same strength as the real one, let's hang it up!

Xiaogang's premonition came true, and the fake Diyaluka and the fake Palkia acted, and the visitors were not good.

They condensed their strength, and then aimed at the target - the Tower of Time and Space!

The malicious Roar of Time and Subspace Slash attacked the Tower of Time and Space!

"not good!"

The expressions of all the people watching the Tower of Time and Space changed drastically.

Everyone hurriedly let their elves release their skills, trying to intercept them, but due to the difference in strength, their attacks were useless.

Bailiyuan's super power was activated instantly.


With the help of teleportation, Bailiyuan broke away from the battle with Diyaluka and Palkia, appeared in front of the Tower of Time and Space, and stopped before the Roar of Time and Yakong Cleave.

"How could it be possible for you to destroy the Tower of Time and Space! The light of hope!"

Bailiyuan released his skill "Light of Hope", which turned into a beam of light to meet the Roar of Time and Subspace Slash, but Bailiyuan knew that this was not enough, and at the same time, Bailiyuan's super power was also released violently, forming a An arcing shield blocks before the attack.


The light of hope only resisted the two skills for a short time before being annihilated by the two skills.

Then the two skills hit Bailiyuan's raised superpower shield, and were intercepted by the superpower shield. Bailiyuan also insisted on his superpower in the superpower shield, just for a moment, Bailiyuan Most of his superpowers are consumed.

At this time, Xanadu of Bailiyuan suddenly appeared beside Bailiyuan, and at the same time released his super power to help Bailiyuan resist.

For a while, the superpower shield successfully resisted the two skills.

The time gained by Bailiyuan and Xanadu successfully made Darkley react, and Darkley rushed to Bailiyuan's side immediately.

Dark hole!

Darkrai wrapped the two skills with his own power, then directed the two skills upwards, fell into the distorted space of another dimension, and disappeared.

The crisis was temporarily lifted.

Xanadu's body softened, and he gasped violently. Just now Xanadu exploded with all his superpowers.

"Thank you, Xanadu." Although Bailiyuan also consumed a lot, but because of the difference in physique, Bailiyuan could still preserve his strength, while Xanadu consumed all his strength in the shortest time. Can't continue fighting.

After all, it was a trick from two supreme-level enemies. It is not an exaggeration to instantly make Xanadu lose his fighting ability. Even Bailiyuan can hardly use his super power in a short time.

Bailiyuan sent Xanadu back to the home space, and Caroline immediately placed Xanadu in the home space to recover.

Then Bailiyuan expressed his thanks to Darkley, and then looked up again.

Two Dialuks and two Palkias appeared in the sky.

The difficulty doubled in an instant.

Bailiyuan knew that he had to be more vigilant in every next step, and his one-minute brilliant form was very critical, and he had to use it at the critical moment!

Otherwise, they would not be able to defend the tower of time and space from the attack of the two evil spirits, and at the same time, they would not be able to stop the battle between the two gods of time and space from causing the space to collapse.

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