I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1448 He Has Two Legendary Pokémon Friends (150 Monthly Ticket Plus Change)

In fact, Sirona came to Baiyang Town because of Angela's news.

In the last time in the Gaioka and Gulardo incident in the Hoenn region, Sirona and Angela got to know each other.

Under Angela's careful management, the relationship between the two parties has become much closer. Although they are not friends, they can still talk.

After Angela received the news from Bailiyuan this time, she knew that Bailiyuan might be in danger again this time, so she contacted Sirona, hoping that Sirona would rush to Baiyang Town as soon as possible, and be able to save her when necessary. Click on Bailiyuan.

The strength of the champion is still guaranteed, and he can wrestle with the legendary Pokémon.

And letting Sirona come to help is naturally emotional and promised benefits.

Fortunately, Angela has a lot of good things.

It's a pity that Sirona is still a step late.

Sirona contacted Angela at this time just to ask Angela if she knew anything.

Angela received a call from Sirona, but Angela was unable to answer Sirona's inquiry.

"Sorry, I don't know anything, but my cousin told me about the situation in Baiyang Town, and I hoped you to help my cousin because I was worried, but I didn't know that this time it would be like this... I am now Also rush to the Sinnoh area, wait until we meet."

"Wait a minute, how did your cousin know something would happen in Baiyang Town?" Sirona discovered the crux of the problem.

Angela was silent for a moment, and then said: "Well, my cousin knows a few friends from Legendary Pokémon."


The two parties then hung up the phone.

Angela is indeed ready to leave.

Something happened to Bailiyuan, so why are you still guarding the house?

And Angela didn't buy a ticket, but used the flying equipment left to Angela by Bailiyuan in the research institute, and could reach Baiyang Town within an hour.

After Sirona hung up the phone, her face became serious.

"I didn't expect this incident to be related to the legendary Pokémon... But yes, only the legendary Pokémon can do this kind of thing."

Although Sirona is not a researcher, she still knows that humans cannot trap a town with such a fog and prevent people from entering or leaving.

But if this matter is really related to Legendary Pokémon...

"I remember that the legendary Pokémon involved in the legend of Baiyang Town is..."

Sirona has also been to Baiyang Town and visited the Tower of Time and Space, which is indeed a beautiful building.

"Tower of Time and Space, Time and Space... Time? Space? Isn't that..."

Sirona's expression changed, she turned around suddenly, and looked into the mist.

"No wonder you can't get in and out of here!"

Then Sirona took out the communicator again, and this time she started to contact the alliance.

"The people who are going to come here just now should go back first. If they are not strong enough, they will die. Let the Four Heavenly Kings come over, and then come a group of senior trainers. By the way, call some scholars who study time and space..."

If that existence really existed, it would not be too much to call in many people.


Bailiyuan came to the area of ​​the three-way melee.

But before coming here, Bailiyuan first asked his stronger elves to help in the town, or to the Tower of Time and Space to protect Xiaozhi and the others, and to guard the Tower of Time and Space, to ensure that the chaos would not affect him until a solution was found. To the Tower of Time and Space.

And Bailiyuan went to the melee area alone.

Regarding the three parties in the battle, Baili Yuan probably saw their positions.

Dialga and Palkia should have a grudge, and the two sides also have the highest hatred value. At the same time, both sides are still unhappy with Darkrai's attitude and because Darkrai interfered with them, the main target of the two sides is not to reach On Clay.

This also allowed Darkley, who was much different in strength from the two sides, to still be able to walk between the two.

But Darkley is still not easy.

Although the two didn't regard Darkley as the target, Darkley wanted one-on-one. In addition, Bailiyuan also found that Darkley seemed to be protecting the town and the people in the town.

"By the way, this Darkrai rushed out of the town. Is it someone's elf? Or is it a living here?"

Bailiyuan guessed Darkley's origin.

"Get out!" Darkrai shouted angrily at Dialga and Palkia.

Darkrai wants to drive Dialga and Palkia out of town.

But Dialga and Palkia were already dazzled by anger at this time, and they didn't pay any attention to Darkrai, let alone the town below.

Dialga and Palkia stared at each other, unleashing powerful attacks.

Dialga: Time Roars!

Palkia: Archon Slash!


The two terrifying attacks collided, and the space where the town was located seemed to tremble, and at the same time, more town areas began to disappear.

"We can't let the two sides collide like this anymore!" Baili Yuan frowned and activated his coat of arms.

At this time, a ray of light appeared, and Bailiyuan turned into an elf form, appeared in the air, and then flew directly to Darkley's direction.

Now in the basic form, Bailiyuan also has diamond-level strength.

The sudden appearance of Bailiyuan aroused Darkley's vigilance.

And Bailiyuan didn't waste any time, and directly explained after approaching Darkley for a certain distance.

"Darkley, you are protecting the town and the people in it, and that's why I'm here."

After hearing Bailiyuan's words, Darkley let down his guard.

"Darkley, it's a bit difficult to stop them now, but no matter what, we can't let their skills collide anymore, otherwise the town will collapse even faster!"

Hearing Baili Yuan's words, Darkley was stunned for a moment.


"I don't have to lie to you."

After finishing speaking, Bailiyuan ignored Darkley, turned around and flew towards Dialga and Palkia.

Although Darkley may be on the human side, there is no extra time to win Darkley's trust now. Bailiyuan doesn't know if Darkley can help, and can only bet that it feels He's a nice guy.

The most important thing now is not to let the skills of Dialga and Palkia collide with each other.

Especially the collision of the exclusive skills of these two elves!

The exclusive skills of the two elves contain the powerful power of the two elves, especially the power of time and space, and what Bailiyuan wants to prevent is the collision between the power of time and the power of space.

Shi Rabi's figure appeared beside Baili Yuan.

"Rabbi, do you have any good ideas?" Baili Yuan asked.

Shi Rabi exerted a special force on Baili Yuan.

"This is……"

"This is some power that I have mastered. It can weaken the attack of time and space forces on you. This is the only thing I can do." Shi Rabi's voice came into Baili Yuan's mind.

"Forget it, something is better than nothing." Baili Yuan said helplessly.

Although Shi Rabi felt that Bailiyuan was saying that he was useless, but... this was the truth, and he couldn't help it.

Two halos emerged from Baili Yuan's body.

The original is back!

Bailiyuan's size became larger.

Now, under the return of the original, Bailiyuan also has the strength of the seven-color level, which is almost equivalent to that of Darkley. Although it is still difficult to face Dialga and Palkia head-on, it is completely possible. Qualified to interfere from the sidelines.

"Eat me with a flying kick!"

Bailiyuan kicked towards Di Yaluka who was about to use his skill.

It doesn't matter if you die in the future or not, shut up now!

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