Chapter 1441 Is it like this?

The king of heaven is the king of heaven, and his strength is not comparable to that of ordinary trainers.

Bailiyuan's Bai Genggui was fighting with Juzi's Genggui.

However, this battle is not a fight, it is more like a guiding battle, and the intensity is not high, which is why Chrysanthemum can be distracted from other things casually.

Only a few gym masters and Nazi's father were onlookers at the scene.

They naturally also saw that this was a guidance battle, but they were still a little surprised by the strength of the two sides.

"Master Chrysanthemum's strength is really strong, and that boy's strength is not bad." Li Jia sighed, and he could see that the two Geng Ghosts in the venue were both above level 80, and they were not ordinary Geng Ghosts. .

Anyway, her elves and herself don't have such strength.

"Who is that young man who fought against Master Juzi? It seems familiar." A Xing said.

"His name is Bailiyuan. He once won the league championship. You may have seen his photo, may be colleagues in the future." Nazi's father said.

During this period of time, he had figured out Baili Yuan's identity.


The others were taken aback.

If it's their colleagues...

"Is he the inheritor of which gym?" Li Jia asked.

"To be precise, he wants to build a gymnasium, a ghost gymnasium."

Li Jia thought about it.

"It's amazing!" Ah Xing said with emotion.

Nazi didn't have any thoughts, but she looked at Bailiyuan's Bai Genggui.

"That Geng Gui seems a bit strange." Na Zi said suddenly.


"I think that Geng Gui is not a simple elf."

Others are a little unclear.

On the field, Juzi suddenly changed his move and got out of the attack.

"Geng Gui, use hypnotism!"

Geng Gui used hypnotism on Bai Geng Gui.

And it's more powerful than ordinary hypnotism!

"Woman's fire, interrupt him!" Bai Genggui used his unique blue flame, and let the flame rush towards Juzi's Geng ghost, but Juzi's Geng ghost nimbly avoided the ghost fire, and the hypnotism hit Geng ghost .

Bai Genggui struggled to resist the hypnosis, but in the end her eyes closed slowly, she stood where she was, and fell asleep.

Bailiyuan frowned.

"Xiaoyuan, the cultivation of any elf cannot be limited to its own attributes, and the skills mastered by any strong elf are not limited to the elves' own attributes. The most important thing in elf cultivation is to completely cultivate the elves The abilities and characteristics of the spirit are brought into play, for example, elves with ghost attributes are often weird and difficult!"

Chrysanthemum explained, and then shouted: "Shimeng!"

Geng Gui used Dream Eater.

"It's dangerous!" Ah Xing said.

Li Jia nodded.

"As expected of Master Chrysanthemum."

But Nazi's eyes lit up, and her expression changed.

Na Zi's father also sensed something, fixed his eyes on the figure of Bai Geng Gui on the field, and then his expression changed.

It was also at the moment when Juzi's Geng Gui used his Dream Eater, Bai Genggui suddenly opened his eyes and rushed towards Juzi's Geng Gui.

Bai Genggui's actions changed Juzi's eyes.

Seizing this opportunity, Bai Genggui's body lighted up, then grabbed Juzi's Genggui, and threw him to the ground hard.

Juzi's Geng Gui was seriously injured, but he reacted hastily and pulled away.

Bai Genggui didn't pursue him.

And Bailiyuan also wore a somewhat embarrassed smile on his face.

"Grandma Juzi, is that so?"

"If I'm not mistaken, it was an evil skill fraud just now."

"I can't hide it from Grandma Juzi."


Juzi snorted coldly, but she looked at Bailiyuan with a satisfied look in her eyes.

This kind of unexpectedness is the most important thing in the battle, and Bailiyuan also told her with his actions that he has embarked on the right path.

Although Juzi didn't worry about why Bai Genggui suddenly woke up, A Xing and Li Jia were a little surprised.

"Obviously under hypnotism, why is that white Geng ghost still able to move?" A Xing asked, some of her spirits were also good at hypnotism, but they did not lose their ability to move after being hypnotized, which is different from her Cognition is different.

"That hypnotism should have been unsuccessful!" Li Jia said thoughtfully.

In fact, the hit probability of hypnotism is not high.

"Didn't use it successfully? So it turns out that the hypnotism should have missed, and then the boy named Baili Yuan took the opportunity to let his Geng Gui use deception, pretending to be affected by the hypnotism, and then took the opportunity to attack." Ah Xingtou analyzed logically, "It's really... a clever strategy."

Although Ah Xing wanted to say despicable, how could the trainer's scheme be called despicable?

"No, the hypnotism has hit, Master Juzi probably can't even see this kind of thing." Nazi's father said, frowning, "But... that Geng Gui was indeed not affected by the hypnotism."

"It's mental defense!" Nazi suddenly said.

Nazi's father opened his eyes with a clear expression. Although he is also a superpower user, the direction of superpower cultivation is different from Nazi's, and his perception of some special situations is not as thorough as Nazi's.

The others looked at Nazi.

"Spiritual defense is not a skill, but a technique of superpowers. Using superpowers to carry out special defenses and counteract the opponent's superpowers. Even if you are hit by a skill, you can quickly break free or counteract the opponent's attack. I was there Geng Gui felt the fluctuation of the hidden super power, that Geng Gui has practiced super power, and the trainer of that Geng Gui..." Nazi looked at Baili Yuan's figure, "My feeling tells Me, he should be a superpower!"


The trainer of the ghost elves is a person with superpowers, this simply... doesn't seem so unacceptable.

After all, Nazi was carrying a ghost stone.

Chrysanthemum's ghost stone can also use super power skills.

"Without communication, the elves can use the most suitable skills on their own. Unless the two parties have a high tacit understanding, otherwise, they can only communicate through some unknown method..." Nazi's father said slowly, "It's really a lot like what a psychic can do."

People with superpowers can use their superpowers to communicate with elves, which allows people with superpowers to convey instructions without making a sound during battles, making it difficult for opponents to guard against them and make timely targeted responses.

"That's the end of this battle." Juzi withdrew her Geng Gui.

Baili Yuan also stopped Geng Gui.

"Grandma Juzi, thank you for your advice."

"I can't talk about advice. You are stronger than I imagined. You are very good." Juzi nodded and said, "I believe that the rest of the things will not be difficult for you, so I can rest assured."

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