I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1396 Do you want a wife or not?

After all, the board of directors did not take action against Bailiyuan, because the board of directors still needed Bailiyuan to stabilize Yuncheng College.

But the directors naturally didn't let Bailiyuan go so simply, they wanted to let Bailiyuan give up some of his rights, but Bailiyuan's answer was "You want to fart", and then Bailiyuan left, The directors are not in charge at all.

As for the directors' reaction...

Bailiyuan never thought about it, because he knew that the directors would not do anything to him.

In the middle of the night, when I returned to the research institute, the Misaka sisters in the research institute all went to bed on time, but the research institute was still conducting research and development.

Caroline is repairing Galatron, and at the same time preparing to integrate the mechanical core and the power of the giant stone into Galatron.

Caroline didn't ask much about the emergency meeting, because she knew about it a long time ago, and Bailiyuan also repeated it.

"How's the situation in Galatron?" Baili Yuan asked.

"The research is going well. The mechanical core is stronger than I imagined. With the mechanical core, Galatron can be safely compatible with other materials. The power of the stone statue can be fused smoothly, and the fire source can also try to integrate Galatron, it is estimated that the upgrade of Galatron will be completed in half a month."

The reason why it is so fast is that on the one hand, it is because of the help of the mechanical core, and on the other hand, it is because Bailiyuan, as the dean of Yuncheng College, can mobilize a lot of resources to assist Caroline, which greatly speeds up Caroline's progress. Progression speed for each research.

However, Caroline’s research and development projects have also decreased a lot now, and Caroline has generally handed them over to the outside “Linyuan Technology”, which has portable holographic projection technology. Linyuan Technology’s development is very smooth, and now it has become bigger and bigger. Strong, recruited a lot of researchers, and reached a cooperation with Yuncheng College through Bailiyuan's relationship, and his status has been raised to a higher level.

Some researches that are not important, Caroline handed over to Linyuan Technology, but Caroline's so-called "not important" is also a rare technology in the eyes of the outside world. You know, these technologies include the clothes worn by Misaka sisters The technology of those armors.

Of course, there are many spies who want to inquire about Linyuan technology, but the security of Linyuan technology is not something ordinary people can break through. Artificial intelligence is better than carbon-based life in many aspects. The most important thing is that the final security of all technologies is guaranteed. Caroline is responsible for it personally. Even if Caroline doesn't care about it at ordinary times, Caroline can respond immediately if something happens, unless Caroline is not in this world.

And now that Linyuan Technology has climbed the big tree of Yuncheng College, there are not many problems in its future development.

"If I can crack the technology of the mechanical core, maybe my technological level will be improved by leaps and bounds, but...it will take a lot of time to crack it. Fortunately, even if the mechanical core is mounted on Galatron, I can continue to crack it. , after all, I don’t have the ability to interfere with the technology inside the mechanical core.”

In other words, Caroline can only use it, but cannot interfere or even destroy it.

Bailiyuan was a little surprised, he didn't expect the mechanical core to be so advanced, and it also had the ability to integrate the fire source into it.

In half a month, Baili Yuan could afford to wait.

"Xiao Yuan, what happened during the day has already been uploaded on the Internet, and it has indeed aroused great repercussions. Although I have made an announcement and explanation on the official website of the college, but driven by someone with a heart, the wind is not good for you , Your reputation, which was not much, started to stink, but it made your reputation bigger in disguise, but it's not a good reputation." Caroline said.

As for the announcements and explanations on the official website that Caroline said, in summary there is only one sentence - I am right, it is all for your own good.

"It doesn't matter, isn't it all in the plan?" Baili Yuan said.

"These are indeed expected, and they are all under control. As long as you control your emotions, you don't have to worry about being easily influenced."

"Don't worry." Bailiyuan knew that Caroline was worried that he would be affected, but...he has a lot of practice and work every day, how can he have time to surf the Internet?

"By the way, there was news from Akamoy just now that Sylphia is coming, probably the day after tomorrow. It happens to be the day of the opening ceremony, and Akamoy asked us to prepare for the reception." Caroline said suddenly.

"Is she coming? Is the Demon King Sect also coming?"

Syphia is the high priest of the Demon King Sect, but she is also the eldest princess of the Holy Vals Empire. Yes, she is the eldest sister of Adeline, my dear, but she was reversely controlled by Bailiyuan and became Bailiyuan lackeys.

Syphia is also a talent, she is taught by the Demon King, and the eldest princess of the Holy Vals Empire is a puppet controlled by her, and she is just an ordinary person to the outside world.

"I didn't come here with the Demon King Sect, but came as an envoy. I just don't know if the messenger Sylphia is herself or her substitute. What's the situation with the Demon King Sect? Yue Xuan was the only one who contacted her before. Now that Yuexuan is not here, our contact with her will be cut off."

"However, when Yuexuan left, he had already explained this matter, telling us that Sylphia would act as an emissary to Akamoy first, and then she would come to Yuncheng College at the beginning of the semester and enroll with Adeline. As for the disconnection, it was because Syfia went to the world of the heraldry, if she contacted us rashly, it might be exposed, this hidden thread can be kept in hand and used well.”

"Syphia's status is noble and special, and she has a high status among people in 404 different worlds. If she is used as a dark thread, she may have some unexpected gains."

Caroline explained.

Bailiyuan nodded.

"Then let's wait until she comes." Baili Yuan said.

"By the way, Yuexuan just sent a message saying that Andy will give you a surprise on the first day of school to make you ready."

"Surprise?" Baili Yuan was taken aback, what is a surprise?

"Did he say anything else?"

"He asked if you wanted a wife or not."


"Yes, my wife." Caroline said quietly.

"You... think too much, right? Yuexuan's thick eyebrows and big eyes can make jokes." Bailiyuan smiled a little awkwardly, and then changed the subject: "But why did you send the message just now?"

"The time zone of Yuexuan's address is 12 hours away from ours, so it should still be daytime on his side."


Is this going to the other side of the planet?

"Stop talking, go back to bed..." Baili Yuan shook his head and went back to his room.

At the same time, four figures appeared outside Yuncheng College, two big and two small.

"I'm back." Muji said with a smile, but Nutrient Express didn't speak.

The two small figures beside them were Anne and Daisy.

They also ended their vacation trips and returned before school started.

The new semester is about to start!

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