Chapter 1385 Arriving in succession

Registration for new students has started!

The registration of Yuncheng College this year is quite lively, and for various reasons, it has also attracted the attention of Yuncheng College. This year, there are many media reporting on Yuncheng College, and many of them are squatting outside Yuncheng College. If you want to wait and see, you will There will be no big news.

"Yuncheng College, here I come, and, Yuanen!" Adeline said loudly, with a feeling of high spirits.

"Adeline, pay attention to your appearance." Alexa said, then sighed.

It was the adventurer team with a different identity that Bailiyuan and Junko Baichuan met.

This time they also came with the team. As princesses, if you have good things, you will naturally arrange for Adeline first, and the power of the heraldry is the same. The city college has already made arrangements, but apparently Adeline is not very interested in the power of the heraldry.

Their adventurer team also borrowed Adeline's light, and also followed, along with Alexa's teacher, a legendary powerhouse.

Alexa's teacher is a legendary powerhouse. Not only did she follow to protect the safety of Adeline and others, but she will also stay at Yuncheng College. The purpose is to use her stronger strength to try to contact the coat of arms. To make the world more secretive, on the other hand, it is also responsible for the future security of Adeline and others.

But not everyone in their team was present.

For example, Maggie is not there.

Because Maggie has already been picked up by Qiren, let's take Maggie to appreciate the world of heraldry first.

After all, people are different from other people.

Later, Qiren will take Maggie to report, and the reason why she took Maggie away at this time is because Qiren heard some rumors.

Qi Ren also graduated and stayed at Yuncheng College to work. Naturally, there is a way to find out about Baili Yuan's arrangements. In order not to scare his little girlfriend, Qi Ren can only take Maggie away first. As for the others people……

What does it have to do with Qi Ren?

And if he did too much, exposed this matter, and finally let Baili Yuan find out, Qi Ren knew, then his life would be difficult in the future.

"I heard from Qiren that Yuanen is the dean of Yuncheng College now, and I don't know if the dean is so nice." Alexa said, but...

If Yuanen is really the dean of Yuncheng College, with such a status, then in terms of identity, Yuanen and Adeline should have no problem, and the royal family behind Adeline should not stop Adeline and Adeline. Let's be together.

There were other people from 404 different worlds who lamented the situation of Yuncheng College.

"Is this Yuncheng College? It feels... so prosperous! So peaceful!" Fino exclaimed.

"Fino, be more steady, you are a brave man!" Rudolph said.

"Pull it down, the devil king is gone, what do you want me, a brave man?" Fino said.


That's right, this is the brave team. Although they are not children anymore, as Fino said, the devil is gone, so what's the use of being brave?

Then Fino was assigned to heraldry to educate the world.

They also came to school, including the old man Rudolf who did not know how much older he was.

As for the matter of the Demon King, they were also informed by the people of the world of heraldry. Simply put, it is - "The Demon King is dead! Why? Don't ask, it was Yuanen who did it!"

Yuanen is the vest that Bailiyuan used to use, using Ezreal's skin.

This matter was finally confirmed by the Prophet.

By the way, Fino's brother, the prophet of the brave team, didn't follow, because he climbed the window of his sister's room in the middle of the night, and then made a mistake, fell from the window, and broke his legs again. It is said that there was an assassin assassinated, which did not make him and the church lose face, but it made the church jittery for a long time.

As one of the parties involved, Fino didn't know the real situation, and he comforted his brother before leaving.

And after learning that the Demon King is dead and Bailiyuan is still alive, the brave team also chooses to come to the world with heraldry. The most important thing is to find "Yuanen". Remember this kindness.

"This is Yuanen... Bailiyuan's world? And there is such a special power..." Longte said, looking at the coat of arms on the back of his hand.

At the beginning, Bailiyuan took the initiative to tell the members of the brave team his name, and they knew Bailiyuan's real name.

"Li Yifeng, be careful, don't scare the child." Reiner said.

A bald man in the brave team scratched the back of his head, feeling a little helpless.

Apart from the brave team, there was no one else around him.

Li Yifeng sighed, he has such a fierce look, do you blame yourself?

That's right, Li Yifeng also joined the Brave Squad because he was notified by the easter egg system.

Li Yifeng's original "Strongest Pirate System", the current "Strongest Navy System" and Bailiyuan's Easter Egg System have a private communication channel, the two systems occasionally communicate, and even the Easter Egg System can borrow the strongest Part of the capabilities of the naval system, because the functions of the strongest naval system are open to the easter egg system.

But the easter egg system does not open its functions to the strongest naval system.

No way, Bailiyuan's easter egg system is stronger than the strongest naval system in terms of growth and ability. Big fists make sense, and the system is the same.

However, Li Yifeng has no opinion on this, because Bailiyuan also used the function of the strongest navy system when he first tried it, and he has never used the function of the strongest navy system at all.

Li Yifeng thinks there is only one possibility—that is, no need.

After all, Li Yifeng felt that Bailiyuan was very strong, so he probably wouldn't look at his strongest naval system.

It doesn't even have the ability to solve the disadvantages of devil fruits, so what's the use of it?

And Li Yifeng's current strength has naturally grown, but he has practiced it himself, and has not borrowed the power of the devil fruit. It is not what Li Yifeng hopes to become a landlubber.

But because of this, Li Yifeng has now collected a lot of Devil Fruits and put them in his system space.

In the beginning, Li Yifeng joined the Brave Team only because of Baili Yuan's suggestion, but later he found that the Brave Team is not bad, and they take care of food and shelter, and there are many opportunities for adventures and upgrades, so he stayed in the Brave Team .

But at this moment Li Yifeng suddenly felt something, and suddenly turned his head to look in one direction.

The direction he looks is the direction in which the heraldry makes the world come to report children and parents.

However, he looked around, but found nothing, so he turned his head helplessly.

"It shouldn't be an illusion... maybe there is no malice."

His knowledgeable domineering has also grown a lot. At that moment just now, he felt a special feeling of being watched, which made him feel a problem, but he didn't find out who was watching him.

After he turned his head, a figure hiding in the crowd breathed a sigh of relief, and clenched his little hand slightly.

"Elite monsters!..."

This is a handsome little boy.

"My dear son, what are you talking about?" The adult next to the figure seemed to hear the little boy's voice, and lowered his head to ask.

"It's nothing, I'm a little nervous." The little boy acted cute.

Hey my lord, I didn't continue to care about this matter.

"Good son, you can work hard. I don't ask you to be as good as Lord Andy's son, but I hope you can also become a powerful heraldry."

"Who is Mrs. Andy? Is her son very good?" The little boy raised his head and asked when he heard the names of two strangers.

"Master Andy, she was the previous dean of Yuncheng College. She is quite powerful and beautiful. Speaking of her son, I remember that he was the first in Yuncheng College last year..." Your lord Speak slowly.

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