Chapter 1375 Authority and Advancement!

He also understood the outside situation after Bailiyuan returned. Bailiyuan directly collected all the elves into the home space. As for the undead, after hesitating for a while, Bailiyuan also sent them into the home space. There are more than 5,000 undead, and the home space can fit them.

And the remaining 5,000 combat powers are not considered weak, and these undeads have been greatly improved after repeated battles. If they are trained well, they may be able to train a few undead monarchs in the future.

Then Bailiyuan stayed alone in the center of the extremely frosty ice field, put the resident crystal ball on one side, stared at the lit resident crystal ball, and waited for the emblem to make the world come...

Well, one month is almost here, and people from the world of heraldry should be here soon.

It is now that the center of the Extreme Frost Ice Field has become cold again. I don't know if people from the world of heraldry can successfully find it, but if it is Andy, there should be no problem.

And when the world of heraldry was still in the future, Bailiyuan also began to check the harvest in his hand.

Mainly seven seals of authority.

The seven seals of authority are divided into three major authorities and four minor authorities.

Two of the imprints of the three main authorities are well preserved, and the remaining one is much damaged. Two of the imprints of the four secondary authorities are well preserved, and two are much damaged.

After Bailiyuan came into contact with these imprints, he also checked the situation of these imprints through the system.

As expected by the God of Fate, the false god is indeed a false god related to the law of ice attributes.

Three main seals of authority: the authority of ice (5%), the authority of temperature (65%), and the authority of wind and snow (77%).

Four secondary seals of authority: the authority of glowing life (2%), the authority of disorientation (15%), the authority of inhibiting growth (79%), and the authority of freezing death (60%).

Controlling the ice, controlling the temperature, and controlling the wind and snow, the three main powers are all related to ice.

The remaining four secondary powers are derivative powers of the three main powers.

Lower the temperature and let the world be covered with hard ice. When it freezes, it will inhibit the growth of all things, blow the wind and snow, and make people lose their way. At the same time, cold and hard ice will also bring death, but when the temperature rises, the hard ice will melt. Into water, water is the source of life, bringing new hope to life and making life glow.

This is probably the general overview of this false god before.

Then start to divide the spoils.

First of all, the one that promised the God of Fate...

The three main powers do not need to be given to the God of Fate, and although these three main powers look simple, they have great potential, because new secondary powers can be derived from the main powers, and the four secondary powers all have Fixed orientation, but it all looks good too.

However, Bailiyuan is a man of his word after all. After some choices, he handed over the authority to inhibit growth to the God of Fate.

Although the authority to inhibit growth is relatively complete, in terms of ability adaptation, it is not suitable for Bailiyuan and Bailiyuan's elves. Neither Bailiyuan nor the elves have the power to practice.

As soon as the ring on Baili Yuan's hand lit up, he absorbed the imprint of growth-inhibiting authority into it.

The God of Fate seemed very satisfied, and directly gave Baili Yuan a lot of non-attribute faith power.

The shrines and churches built in the Pokémon world and the world of heraldry are often visited by people. Although many people who visit are not believers in the God of Fate, a single visit by a single person will still give the God of Fate some power of faith, so After a long time, the God of Fate also gained a lot of ordinary non-attributed power of faith.

After these powers of faith appeared, they wrapped around Baili Yuan's body, and then began to enter Baili Yuan's body.

"This is..." Baili Yuan was taken aback.

"I have given up these powers of faith, and you can already absorb them normally... After absorbing these powers of faith, the coat of arms on your body should also be advanced."


A coat of arms of Bailiyuan suddenly became hot.

Finally, two brand new halos emerged from Baili Yuan's body. These two halos were dyed with a layer of golden brilliance, making them look even more mysterious.

Life Immunity Aura: Immunity to special status to a certain extent.

Life Devouring Aura: Devours the attacker's vitality to restore itself to a certain extent.

The development level of these two halos was directly raised to the middle level by the remaining power of faith, with a development level of 30%.

"To a certain extent, I am immune to special states and to a certain extent, devour the attacker's vitality to restore myself. Isn't this improving my immunity and endurance in disguise?"

It seems to be getting thicker and thicker.

However, Bailiyuan suddenly had a question. The coat of arms of the spokesperson of God is undoubtedly related to the God of Fate, but why is everything from innate ability to branch functions to the current halo ability related to fate? Does it have anything to do with God's destiny authority?

On the contrary, it seems to have a lot to do with life!

I didn't understand this before, and I didn't think about it carefully, because the ability of this coat of arms was still very useful before, but now that I understand it, Bailiyuan finally feels something is wrong.

"God of Fate, do you have anything to say?" Baili Yuan asked.


The God of Fate doesn't want to talk now.

"You can improve the ability of this coat of arms by absorbing the authority of life glow, and it is no problem to upgrade it to the great heraldry and make this coat of arms mutate. As for the remaining authority, you can absorb the main authority and the secondary authority. The contracted beast for you, trust me, I won’t cheat you, okay, I’m tired after talking so much, I don’t want to talk about anything else now, it’s cold here, drink more hot water, I’m off to work, go to bed early.”

Then the God of Fate remained silent.

"Don't hide inside without making a sound, I know you are still there, God of Fate, you have the ability to hide it from me, you have the ability to speak!"

But the God of Fate still ignored Baili Yuan.

Seeing that nothing good could be dug out from the God of Fate, Baili Yuan stopped talking.

However, from the last words of the God of Fate, Baili Yuan also understood that his coat of arms was indeed related to life.

Although it has nothing to do with the destiny authority of the God of Fate, but fortunately this coat of arms is not bad, and Baili Yuan won't be so entangled.

As for the last words of the God of Fate, Baili Yuan also remembered, and he also had an idea about the use of authority.

But this needs to wait until we return to the world of heraldry.


Andy took Nicole, braved the wind and snow, and finally arrived at the core area of ​​the Extreme Frost Ice Field.

And Jieer naturally joined Andy.

As for the skeleton mage, there is no shadow for a long time, but given the difference in strength, the skeleton mage naturally did not run away.

When the three of them reached the core area, they saw this scene——

In the violent snowstorm, a majestic iceberg stands on top of the ice field, surrounded by traces of a great war, and around the iceberg is a large amount of resources. On top of the iceberg, there is an ice seat. On top of it, a small figure sat on it. In front of the figure, a crystal ball supported by an icicle shone brightly, reflecting half of the figure's face.

The figure seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

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