I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1372 What is God?

Bailiyuan was a little surprised by the sudden utterance of the God of Fate.

Besides the pig's head and the church, is there anything else that the God of Fate cares about?

And this time the God of Fate suddenly appeared, and it was no surprise that it was related to something under the ice.

Bailiyuan didn't know what was under the ice, but the God of Fate did.

"Do you know what this is?"

"The one below is the corpse of a false god!"

"Corpse of a false god?" Baili Yuan was startled, then looked blank, "What is that?"


You don't know anything What are you shocked about? !

The artifact Bailiyuan knew about it, and the god Bailiyuan had also come into contact with it, such as the God of Fate, but what a false god was... Bailiyuan didn't know.

The God of Fate brewed for a while.

"Do you know what a god is? Do you know what a god is?"

"God? God? I think it is a stronger existence? Some existences are powerful to a certain extent, then they will be called gods." Baili Yuan said.

"Well... what you said makes sense, but specifically, the god you speak of is a god, not a god."

"Is there a difference between a god and a god? I don't read much, so don't lie to me."

"What's the point of me lying to you? There is indeed a difference between the two, but the difference is only relative." The God of Fate explained: "The gods are innate, born from the law, control the law, and are part of the operation of the law. Gods are acquired through practice. Through understanding the world, they can constantly analyze the laws, or do some special things, so that they can become gods. However, although there are certain differences between the two, the boundaries are often not so clear , if you want to elaborate, the content is quite cumbersome, and the classification is rather vague, and even I can't fully explain it clearly, but whether it is a god or a god, it can be simply called a god, and the biggest feature of the so-called god is It’s not about being powerful or omniscient, but about being immortal!”

"Immortal? That's it?" Baili Yuan was taken aback.

There is no limit to the lifespan of Lao Tzu's Ultraman clan!

"I know what you mean." The God of Fate saw through Baili Yuan's thoughts, "But do you really think that your race has no lifespan limit? The sun will go out one day, let alone your race It's just that there are no individuals of your race that can live to the limit, and the so-called immortality does not mean the length of life, but that it cannot be killed by any means."

Bailiyuan was a little dazed.

The Otto family also has a lifespan limit?

Didn't find it just because there were no individuals who lived to the limit?

It seems... there is some truth.

However, it cannot be killed by any means...

Baili Yuan looked down at the ice layer under his feet. What was frozen in the ice layer should be the corpse of a god.

"Eternal life, unable to be killed, what is it like to be immortal? And what does this have to do with the corpse of the false god in the ice? By the way, what is the false god?" Baili Yuan asked.

"God is a kind of existence. Because you have the concept of God, this kind of existence is called God. God is just a special name for this kind of existence. God relies on the existence of laws, but laws do not represent the world. The world is woven by various laws, and different worlds are often woven by different laws, so different worlds have certain differences in the laws, and different creatures are born under different laws... "

"As a part of the laws, gods are born to be able to master the laws corresponding to themselves, and have powerful means. Although the means do not necessarily represent combat power, with the help of laws, gods are not so easy to deal with. Most importantly, gods are also connected with the laws. Together, even if the god is defeated and the body of the god is destroyed, the god can be resurrected in the law at any time, and if the law is not destroyed, the god can be resurrected forever! This is why the god will live forever! It cannot be killed !"

Bailiyuan was a little shocked, the ability of this kind of bug is more useful than his clone of sorrow!

"The next thing is false gods, because gods live forever, so dead gods will automatically be reduced to false gods..."

"Why would an existence that cannot be killed die?" Baili Yuan didn't understand, and interrupted Baili Yuan's words.

The God of Fate didn't speak directly, but after deliberating for a while, he said, "Because gods also have desires, and also have their own likes and dislikes. At that time, gods will no longer be gods..."

The God of Fate's words were obviously reserved, and there was a feeling of being naughty, and Baili Yuan only vaguely understood.

The reason for this is because...

The God of Fate is also a God!

Being able to talk so much with Bailiyuan is entirely because he believes in Bailiyuan's character, and of course, because the God of Fate has the ability to deal with fate, so he can roughly predict the consequences of what he said, Otherwise, how could it be so simple to tell Baili Yuan something that even the fanatics of God don't know.

Although the God of Fate did not directly explain the specific situation, he pointed out the direction.

"Then are you like this too?" Baili Yuan asked.

"Yes, I am also a god, a god born from the law of fate."

"Wait, I remember that in the world of heraldry, in your legend, you were not born..."

"Although the legend is generally correct, the reproduction of the gods is not what you think." The God of Fate said.

Not what I thought?

Isn't there a step to roll the sheets?

"It won't do you any good to get entangled in these things, unless you combine with God in the future, and you will know it at that time," said the God of Fate.

Bailiyuan nodded, and then he suddenly thought of something. Bailiyuan still remembered that when he first met the God of Fate, the God of Fate fell into a deep sleep and was even quite weak. Later, after absorbing the power of faith It was only through continuous recovery of strength that I was able to communicate with myself normally...

What's going on here?

Also, the God of Fate gave Baili Yuan the feeling that he was not that powerful. Why would a god who relies on the law need the power of faith to strengthen himself.

Bailiyuan asked his own question.

Now that the God of Fate is willing to say more about God, try to ask as many as possible. Bailiyuan is not very clear about many things about God, at least there are no such records in the library, and Bailiyuan also I have never seen or contacted other gods.

But the coat of arms makes the world indeed have gods, and there are many faith groups and even churches in Akamoy, but whether they believe in the true god... I don’t know, but some churches have special magic, which It means that there are indeed some churches that believe in the true God.

Bailiyuan recalled that Andy didn't react too much when he knew the existence of the God of Fate. Now that he thinks about it carefully, does Andy's performance at that time mean that God doesn't seem to be that special...

Even Andy has a clue!

Of course there are other forces, but no matter what, it is always right to know more.

The God of Fate also answered Baili Yuan's question directly.

"That's because although the gods will not die, they will fall into a deep sleep."

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