I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1367 Outlaw lunatic, Zhang San!

The five undead monarchs followed up with their elite men.

"Wait a minute, there is the sound of fighting ahead!" One undead monarch sensed something, and the other undead monarchs were instantly refreshed.

"It seems to be ahead, it seems that we are not late!" said another undead monarch.

They walked along the way and roughly estimated the situation.

It seems that someone has come to trouble the Big Three in the north, but judging from the traces of the battlefield, both sides of the battle are undead!

And on the way here, they have already found traces of the march of the undead army.

Then things get interesting.

Now the mainland can compete with the undead monarch, and it will bring the undead army, and there are only the remaining undead monarchs. As for the survivors, the necromancers have become street rats after the undead natural disaster. Hiding, the inheritance is almost cut off, there is no condition to pull up such a huge undead army in a short period of time, and the necromancer who can build such a huge undead army must at least have legendary strength, but as far as they know , There are no legendary necromancers in this world anymore.

Unless it was a breakthrough in the past two years, but how strong can the newly broken legendary necromancer be?

Moreover, the possibility of breaking through a new undead monarch is greater than the possibility of a new legendary undead mage appearing.

But if a new undead monarch is really born, it is impossible to have no momentum at all. They have not discovered it at all. The most important thing is that it is the same as the possibility of a new undead mage. The possibility of a challenge.

There are currently thirteen undead monarchs remaining on the mainland.

Excluding the Big Three in the north, there are still ten left, and five of them plus the missing zombie king occupy six positions, that is to say, there are still four undead monarchs left.

However, in the eyes of several undead monarchs, the remaining four undead monarchs are not very strong undead monarchs, and that is why their alliance did not bring the remaining four.

Although it feels impossible, but rule out all the impossible, the rest is the truth!

It must be the remaining four undead monarchs, or a few of them!

At least it will be about them!

So now the remaining four undead monarchs are fighting with the Northern Big Three?

As for the civil war among the three giants in the north, it is almost impossible, and when they came, they also found traces of the undead army marching on the road, that is to say, some undead army went north.

And there is also the missing Zombie King. Its territory is the final route to the north. With the traces of the battle in the Gauzo Mountains, the five undead monarchs think that maybe the Zombie King blocked their way and was resolved. But what kind of strength do the four undead monarchs have, so that even the strong zombie king can't escape?

But, having said that, what gave the remaining four undead monarchs the courage to go north?

The five undead monarchs couldn't figure it out, so they came over to have a look.

Then, before they could see both sides of the battle, a terrifying energy rushed towards them.

"This is... run away!"

"This is a range attack, you can't dodge it!"

"Not good, this is the power above legend!"


Enveloped by energy, a large ice sheet was destroyed, along with the five undead monarchs and their numerous subordinates.

Cause of death - died of unknown AOE skills.


Bailiyuan gasped, staring at the Dragon King in shock, he didn't expect the Dragon King to have such power.

Just now when Bailiyuan and the avatars besieged the Dragon King, the Dragon King fell into a disadvantage, and because of the limited time, Bailiyuan and the avatars came up with the maximum energy output, and the Dragon King fell directly into crisis.

And just when the Dragon King was in crisis, the Dragon King finally broke out.

With the outbreak of the dragon language magic prepared by the Dragon King at some point, terrifying energy erupted from the Dragon King, and a large area of ​​ice field was destroyed, and many clones and Bailiyuan body around the Dragon King were also involved, and they were still skills. The core position, within the range with the highest damage.

Bailiyuan's five avatars were directly killed in battle. The death was quite miserable, and he didn't even have time to say a last word. If it wasn't for the final good avatar relying on divine power for an extra second, he tried his best to send Bailiyuan, the main body, out of his skills. In the core range, Bailiyuan may also be directly killed.

Thanks to the clone of goodness for sacrificing himself for others again, and treat him to barbecue after the clone of goodness is resurrected.

Ding dong, ding dong—

But even if he was sent out of the core of the skill explosion, Bailiyuan still survived after consuming a lot of energy, and the indicator light on his chest flickered directly. This was because Bailiyuan was protected by a radiant shield, and The avatars are all naked, and they can only resist with their bodies, and then they can't resist.

"Caroline, how's it going over there?"

Just now, the skill of the Dragon King has a wide range.

"It was also affected, but fortunately there were icebergs and water stops, but some undead died, and no one had any problems," Caroline said.

In the distance, the iceberg that was previously hidden by the undead army has been broken, and behind the iceberg, the complete Susano stands on the ice field. Although there are cracks on the armor, he stands there firmly, Susano In the midst of it, Uchiha Shisui's eyes also shed blood.

After Susanoo, a safe area radiated outward, and the elves and the remaining undead were hiding in it.

What they didn't know was that behind the safe zone radiated by Susanoo, several members of the Radiance Group were hiding, trembling and almost peeing in fear.

After all, the attack that can annihilate them just brushes past them, no matter how strong their hearts are, they can't bear it.

What just happened?

Did I almost die?

Clap clap!

Owen slapped Jedra a few times.

"Captain, what are you doing?" Jedra asked, covering her face.

"Does it hurt?" Owen asked.


"Okay, then we are still alive, not in the form of souls." Owen heaved a sigh of relief.


Only then did the others slowly come back to their senses.

Archer Clark bit her lip and rubbed her legs as she wanted to change into a pair of underwear.

Owen looked up at the tall figure of Susanoo who stood in the distance and helped them block the damage, his eyes were still trembling.

"What kind of strength is this fighting? This is definitely not a battle of legendary powerhouses!"

If it wasn't for Susano's help to stop them just now, they would definitely be in a panic, and even risk death.

You must know that they are hiding in such a far direction!

Owen was also very fortunate that he didn't rashly lead the team closer or hide in other directions.

In the distance, when the Dragon King found out that Baili Yuan was not dead, his heart sank.

Baili Yuan also noticed that the Dragon King's aura had become quite weak.

The Dragon King used up a lot of that move just now, and it seemed that the Dragon King was just betting that the move just now could kill Baili Yuan and all his clones in an instant.

Unfortunately, luck was not on the Dragon King's side.

Are you out of luck?

Next is Bailiyuan time!

"Who are you? What's your name? I don't want to die at the hands of nobody." Dragon King suddenly asked in a deep voice.

"Me?" Baili Yuan was taken aback for a moment, then naturally he didn't hide anything.

"For the sake of your dying, I will tell you mercifully. Remember, I am an outlaw lunatic——Zhang San!"

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