I might be a fake Ultraman

Chapter 1351 Zombie King, Never a Slave!

The Cuncui humanoid punched the Zombie King into the air.

[Stand-In · Existing human form: The image and human form formed by the condensed spiritual energy, the various abilities are extremely balanced, it is a pure, out-of-vulgar substitute.

Destructive power: B

Speed: B

Shot into: A

Sustainability: B

Precision: A

Growth: A

Ability: It has the characteristics of learning ability and free movement, can release two kinds of power of light and darkness, and has a special creative ability - beyond the limit of creation. 】

The fighting ability of the Cuncui humanoid is actually not as powerful as imagined. The three combat-related attributes of destructive power, speed, and endurance are only B. Naturally, the strength cannot be compared with the zombie king, even for the current zombie king. Same, but it doesn't mean that the Zombie King has nothing to do with the pure human form.

The surviving human form was born from the spiritual energy of Baili Yuan, and naturally has some attributes of Baili Yuan.

For example, light and darkness, and the corresponding sacred and fallen!

The punch in human form just now knocked the zombie king back two steps, and that punch also had light and divine power, leaving a mark on the zombie king's face, and it also made the zombie king feel The long-lost pain.


The Zombie King screamed.

In addition, although the Zombie King can sense the existence of the preserved humanoid, he cannot really see the preserved humanoid, which makes it impossible for the Zombie King to determine the specific actions of the preserved humanoid during the battle.

The most important thing is that the preserved humanoid will not be afraid of the zombie king, because Bailiyuan is not afraid of the zombie king, and the preserved humanoid dares to attack the zombie king.

The reason for saying this is because of the "free movement" characteristic of the surviving dolls, and because of this characteristic, the surviving dolls have the characteristics of deriving their own ideas.

Although Bailiyuan can control the Cuncui Doll, the Cuncui Doll will often derive its own ideas through an order from Bailiyuan, and then operate it, and even move freely without receiving Bailiyuan's order.

For example, when Bailiyuan is sleeping at home and doing nothing, the Cuncui human form may start to clean up the house when it is all right, and then prepare food and wait for Bailiyuan to wake up. During the period, it may even help Baili Yuan plays two games to improve his rank. For example, Baili Yuan wants to make the Cuncui doll make a cake, and in the end the Cuncui doll may make a chocolate cake, and may also make a strawberry cake.

Without Baili Yuan's exact orders, the Cuncui human form will make its own choices, and because the Cuncui human form was born from Baili Yuan's spiritual energy, what he does is often catering to Baili Yuan's preferences, such as the Cuncui human form The final cake is always what Baili Yuan subconsciously wants to taste.

On the contrary, if Bailiyuan is afraid of a certain existence, then the pure human form will also be infected with this emotion, and then develop his own thoughts, and may abandon Bailiyuan as the master and run away by himself.

After all, you have to live~

Although Bailiyuan died, the surviving human form would disappear.

Bailiyuan didn't know if the doubles of other people with doubles were like this, anyway, it was like this in the pure human form, and he needed to consider the mood of himself and his doubles when fighting.

But don't be shy.

But the pure human form is not Bailiyuan after all.

The Cuncui figure succeeded in one blow, and continued to charge directly towards the zombie king.

Then the Zombie King kicked the surviving figure away.

Although the Zombie King couldn't see the preserved human form, he was still able to determine the approximate location of the preserved human form.

Baili Yuan's expression changed, and he touched his stomach.

When the Cuncui human form is hurt, the damage will also be fed back to Bailiyuan's body.

Bailiyuan hastily stopped the human form that was going to continue to rush up, and then rushed towards the zombie king himself.

The damage will be fed back to the main body, which means that if the Cuncui doll dies, it may also be fed back to Bailiyuan's body. The Cuncui doll is obviously not the opponent of the Zombie King, and Bailiyuan doesn't want the Cuncui doll to go up and give away the head.

Being caught up by Bailiyuan, the zombie king naturally has no possibility of running into the blood pool again.

"Do you think I'm so easy to deal with?" Zombie King shouted.

Even if you look like yourself, it's not so easy to deal with!

"Don't talk nonsense, just watch!"

Bailiyuan collided with Zombie King forcefully, without any fancy abilities, and punched out with one punch, the impact of the collision made the whole cave shake.

Boom boom boom——

The cave collapsed, and the two figures also directly pierced through the mountain wall without being buried by the rocks, and rushed out directly, fighting continuously in the mountain.

Although leaving the cave, the mountain range is wider, making it easier for the zombie king to escape, but Bailiyuan's speed is faster than the zombie king's, and he stuck to the zombie king's side, and has been confronting the zombie king head-on, without using it. What special power is purely the collision of power.

The Zombie King is indeed powerful. If it weren't for the armor refined by Pikachu on Bailiyuan's body, and the digital shell with the hardness of the world's walls and ceilings, Bailiyuan's body in human form might not be able to withstand such a head-on confrontation .

But although the body is carrying it, there is still some pain that should be there.

This caused Bailiyuan to scream every time he collided head-on with the zombie king, but Bailiyuan was not injured, just felt very uncomfortable.

However, Geng Gui consumed a lot of Zombie King's power. Although Zombie King's physical strength is very strong and he has temporarily recovered his fighting ability, the power stored in his body has been greatly consumed, and some stamina is not enough. At first, Zombie King could still fight Use some special skills to collide with Bailiyuan, but in the later stage, it is purely Ping A who punches.

Bailiyuan knew that the opportunity had come.

Competing for endurance and physical strength, living creatures are inferior to undead, let alone zombies, but it does not mean that the strength of undead cannot be weakened.

The strength of a zombie itself depends not only on its own level of strength, but also on the blood and power stored in its body.

The strength of zombies that do not suck blood for a long time will be greatly weakened, and zombies that consume a lot will also become weak.

"Go, prison ball!" Baili Yuan threw a prison ball.

That's right, Bailiyuan's purpose is to capture the zombie king alive!

Prison balls imprison the Zombie King.

However, after only three seconds, the prison ball shattered directly, and the figure of the zombie king reappeared.


Another prison ball fell on Zombie King's head.

Three seconds later, the Zombie King broke through the prison ball again, and it also sensed Baili Yuan's intentions, and suddenly became angry.

"Zombie king, never be a slave!"


The Zombie King saw a yellow mouse appearing in front of him, and then stuck a stack of talismans on his body, and then it felt several special forces restricting its actions, and at the same time, several talismans The current flowing out of the seal shocked its body, making it tremble continuously.


Another prison ball flew in, and this time successfully subdued the zombie king.

Bailiyuan picked up the prison ball and looked at Pikachu.

"Pikachu, did you just post the talisman you made recently? But will it hurt the zombie king's body, which is what Geng Ghost wants."

"Don't worry, the pickups are just some restricted talisman pickups, which are very effective against evil things like zombies~"

Hearing Pikachu's explanation, Bailiyuan nodded reassuringly.

The reason why he didn't use the holy power to kill the zombie king, but chose to face it head-on, was because he was worried about hurting the zombie king's body.

Before Geng Gui passed out, he "ordered" with him.

"The armor is broken, Pika~" Pikachu jumped onto Baili Yuan's shoulder and said.

Bailiyuan looked at his armor, and there were indeed many cracks, one ear was missing half, and a pair of gauntlets were completely shattered at some point.

"Sorry, I didn't notice it during the battle." Baili Yuan said apologetically.

"It's okay to pick up the pickup, just refine the pickup again. I'll refine a better pickup for you when I have suitable materials in the future. It's a pity that my talisman level is limited, otherwise I don't need to weaken the zombie pickup like this. At that time, you can directly lock the pickup~”

Bailiyuan rubbed Pikachu's little head.

"It's okay, it's all in the plan anyway, well, let's call everyone who fights, and check how much of my undead army is left by the way."

This mountain range is full of zombies and corpse beasts, and there are many powerful ones. Bailiyuan's undead army is limited in strength, and it may not be able to withstand it, even with the help of elves, although Xanadu and Big Needle The bees followed the elves, but they were only responsible for protection, and their main purpose was to train the elves.

But the undead army is not within their protection.

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