Chapter 1348 Zombie King

"It's almost time..." Zombie King made a deep voice.

After the coat of arms came to the world, the undead monarchs naturally noticed it, and after discovering the strength of the people of the coat of arms to the world, they would naturally take action.

Some undead monarchs united and started a series of arrangements.

Instead of waiting for the survivors to get support and be crusaded after they become stronger, it is better to take the initiative to attack, and it is not a day or two that they are greedy for the survivors.

The zombie king woke up at this time, naturally because it also belongs to one of those united undead monarchs, and it is about to act recently, and its awakening is a signal!

However, for some reason, the Zombie King who had just woken up felt some discord.

Wait... Where's my little brother?

Although this is the place where the Zombie King retreats, the zombies and beasts all over the mountains and plains dare not come here, but just in case, the Zombie King has arranged ten half-step monarchs outside, that is, half-step legends, platinum-level undead zombie.

And logically speaking, as soon as it wakes up, the undead zombies outside will feel the suppression of the blood, and then realize that they are awake, so they will naturally come to see them and bring blood food, after all Undead zombies at the half-step monarch level also have good intelligence, and it is not difficult to do this.

But not now!

The ten half-step monarch undead zombies outside seem to have disappeared!

Zombies do not perceive that zombies with their own blood are outside the cave.

It's a pity that although the Zombie King is a monarch-level undead, his strength is above his body, and he has no ability to release his mental power. The Zombie King only has two kinds of perception abilities, one is to perceive the blood of the zombies, and the other is to perceive the blood of the zombies. The blood perception in the object has a limited range, and it is impossible to know what is happening outside the cave while standing in the cave.

But from the perspective of blood perception, the zombie king didn't feel the presence of zombies outside the cave.

The Zombie King seemed to have discovered something, and looked at a small stone on the ground. At this time, the small stone was jumping and jumping.

Of course, it wasn't that the stone became fine, but because of the shaking of the ground.

"Shock? Is there a battle outside?" The Zombie King thought about the matter in an instant, and couldn't help becoming vigilant.

who is it?

Is it other undead monarchs?

Or a survivor?

And just when the Zombie King was about to go out to find out, its not-so-sensitive hearing made it hear some movement.

Something is coming, and it's very close!

Listen carefully, the sound is coming from outside the cave, and it is approaching the inside of the cave.

This is some special language, Zombie King doesn't understand, but it sounds like something is singing——

"Jinglei's sky-high cultivation level has fallen into my Zijin Hammer~"

"Zidian said that Xuanzhen's flames and swords hanging in the sky are shocking~"

"Dark clouds, I gallop on the battlefield, whistling in the mist and rain~"

"Passionate since ancient times, Kong Yu hate has held a crescent blade~"




A small figure in armor walked in carrying a stereo.


The stereo was placed on the ground by it.

It was Bailiyuan.

"Let me block it!" Baili Yuan said with a smile, but the bloody smell in the cave made Baili Yuan frown.

Naturally, the speaker was the one he asked Chen Hua to buy in the world where Pokémon came.

Because he was worried that the undead monarch here would suddenly disappear again, Bailiyuan went straight to Huanglong, chasing after the position of the easter egg and rushed in. At this time, the undead army was leading by the elves to fight with the zombies all over the mountain. .

As for the ten platinum rank zombies guarding the entrance of the cave, they were also taken away by the elves.

And Bailiyuan happened to block the Zombie King in the cave.

Now it's time to catch a turtle in a urn!

Bailiyuan simply looked at the zombie king and saw how deep the zombie king was.

The Zombie King became vigilant, with a gloomy expression on his face. He never thought that he would be blocked at the door of his house one day.

Is it to abuse the spring?

"A living person? Who are you?" Zombie King asked.

Are the survivors starting to counterattack? so suddenly?

The Zombie King guessed in his heart.

Moreover, the Zombie King also sensed a familiar aura from the armor on Bailiyuan's body, as if it was also the aura of a certain undead monarch...

Facing Zombie King's question, Baili Yuan flicked his cloak.

"I am Bailiyuan of Yuncheng, and I am here to take your dog's life!"

"court death!"


The Zombie King was stunned.

I just shouted a word, just about to make a move...

So you are attacked?

Geng Gui appeared from behind the Zombie King with a smile, pinching a blue flame in his hand.

Seeing Geng Gui's figure, the Zombie King understood that even though Baili Yuan shouted to come and take his own life, there were actually enemies secretly attacking him!

You play me! ?

In fact, Bailiyuan didn't expect that Geng Gui's lurking attack on the Zombie King would not be noticed at all.

Originally, Bailiyuan also considered the plan after being found out of the sneak attack, and considered the three or four floors, but the Zombie King was only on the first floor.

Geng Gui waved his hands, and a large number of blue flames hit the zombie king. This kind of flame is a special flame mastered by Geng Gui. Although it is somewhat similar to the flame of the blue fire monster Formig, there are still differences, the biggest difference The reason is that Geng Gui can inject power into this flame, including skills!

In other words, Geng Gui can put energy into flames and then throw them out, giving the flames special abilities.

Although this kind of attack method looks a bit like taking off your pants and farting, it is superfluous, but the real value of this ability lies in the possibility of future growth.

What if in the future it was possible to put multiple skills and abilities into the flames and then throw them out?

However, Geng Gui has just mastered this kind of power, so he can only inject one skill for the time being.

Shadow Ball Flame!

Boom boom boom——

Groups of faint blue flames infused with shadow ball skills were thrown at the zombie king by Geng Gui, and the instant burst of firepower actually suppressed the zombie king.

However, the Zombie King is an undead monarch after all, and Geng Gui, although he is over eighty levels, has just broken through and his strength is not stable, so he cannot absolutely suppress the Zombie King.


The Zombie King jumped up from the ground suddenly, with faint blue flames burning on his body, but the Zombie King rushed directly to Geng Gui regardless, with dead air lingering in his hands.

"Geng Gui, get out of the way!"

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Geng Gui hurriedly dodged, but the speed of the zombie king was too fast. Geng Gui barely escaped the attack of the zombie king, but it was difficult to escape, and he was in danger.

Bailiyuan naturally wouldn't watch Geng Gui fall into crisis, his eyes lit up, and he activated his superpower.

Swap venues!

As a trainer who is good at superpowers, Bailiyuan has also learned some special superpower skills.

Swapping venues: use magical power to move instantly, and exchange the positions of yourself and your companions.

The figure of Geng Gui who fell into danger flickered, disappeared, and appeared in the position where Bailiyuan was just now, and Bailiyuan himself appeared in front of the zombie king.

Although the Zombie King didn't understand what happened, he still punched him.

Baili Yuan didn't show any weakness, and also punched out.


The two fists intersected, and the sound made the cave tremble.

The Zombie King didn't back down, but Bailiyuan had to turn over and let go of his strength, and took the opportunity to distance himself.

"What a powerful force!" Baili Yuan shook his numb hands from the shock.

The Zombie King showed a ferocious smile.

"In terms of strength, I am the strongest among all the undead monarchs!"

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