Chapter 1340 Radiance Group

Bailiyuan's territory was never built for infrastructure and development, but for trouble!

It is to complete the task!

It's for big news!

If it is really about development, Bailiyuan must be "building high walls and accumulating food widely" now. It is definitely not like what it is now. After it has a certain strength, it chooses to go to war directly.

Because Bailiyuan wants to maximize the results of the battle within a limited time, after a month, no matter how well the territory is managed, it may have nothing to do with him, and the purpose of Bailiyuan coming to this world is not farming or Manage territory.

The one-month time limit meant that Yuncheng College did not intend to let Baili Yuan stay in this world for a long time.

Half a month of preparation is to bring greater results in the remaining half month!

This time, Bailiyuan's target is no longer those idle undead forces, but other undead monarchs!

During this time, Caroline was managing the territory, cleaning up the surrounding undead creatures, and Bailiyuan was not idle, but went out to inquire about the location of other undead monarchs.

Bailiyuan successfully found the residence of two undead monarchs again, both of which were the closest to his territory, and Bailiyuan's target this time was one of them.

Bailiyuan didn't see the faces of these two undead monarchs, but determined the identity of the undead monarchs through the configuration of the eggs - there are two places where a diamond egg and a sacred egg are the same as the crypt lord.

Bailiyuan didn't choose to rush up directly with the elves. When there was nothing left, Bailiyuan had to fight hard, but now Bailiyuan didn't need to take risks. There was a safer way, so naturally he wouldn't go up so recklessly.

And relying on Bailiyuan himself and the elves alone, he can only do decapitation at most, and there is no end to it with a single shot, but if you bring a large army, the results will be multiplied several times. The most important thing is that the ability to plunder resources is greatly enhanced , can expand the results of the battle as much as possible, which is what Bailiyuan needs.

The target this time is a place called "Corrosion Swamp". Although it is the nearest undead monarch to the goblin cave, it is still a long way away. It will take at least two days to reach it at the marching speed of the army, which is not too long. .

Bailiyuan directly dispatched all the undead army to go out this time, even bringing the undead goblins with him, and did not leave any men in the territory.

When the army set off, the castle of the territory was completely closed, and all the resources were packed and stuffed into the home space by Bailiyuan. At this time, the castle was just an empty shell.

But this doesn't mean that Bailiyuan will give up the territory he has been running for half a month.

At this time, there were no idle undead creatures in the territory, so there was no need to worry about being occupied by other undead doves after Bailiyuan left.

If a strong person takes the opportunity to have ill intentions against Bailiyuan's castle, there is a self-destruct device reserved by Caroline in the castle, and the castle will self-destruct directly, even an undead monarch is enough to drink a pot.

This expedition is expected to take five days back and forth. Even if this undead monarch is resolved and then transferred to deal with the next undead monarch, the total time spent will not exceed ten days, and ten days will not There are too many idle undead entering the territory, and it is too late to clean up the newly appeared undead after returning to the castle.

With the remaining five days to clean up the undead, it is more than enough to garrison the territory.

In fact, if it wasn't for the time limit, Caroline would consider building the castle into a mobile air fortress, the kind with a nuclear flat wash, so that the speed will be faster, and there is no need to worry about the possibility of the castle being attacked.


The army moved all the way, almost 70,000 undead marched all the way, but there was no extra sound, just like the arrival of death, it was always silent.

Because of Baili Yuan's order, the army of undead absorbs the undead with the strength of apprentice heraldic envoys and below as cannon fodder. The above undead are absorbed as high-end combat power.

The reason why the undead with the strength of the low-level coat of arms and the strength of the intermediate coat of arms is killed is not to relieve Baili Yuan's soul pressure, and the current army of undead is far from reaching the limit of Baili Yuan's soul pressure, but because of subduing Too many undead with the strength of junior heraldic envoys and intermediate heraldic envoys do not meet the structural needs of the undead army formed by Bailiyuan.

Low-level cannon fodder can be more important, and cannon fodder is very useful in many cases, and can be discarded and captured at any time.

The undead with high-end combat power is what Bailiyuan's undead army lacks now.

However, the middle-level combat power composed of primary heraldry and intermediate heraldic undead is not so necessary. This level of undead is to deal with the undead legions under other undead monarchs. Now these armed undeads are enough. used.

Unless you really meet a very good individual, it is useless to absorb too many such undead. Instead, it will consume resources and slow down the marching speed, let alone rely on these undead to deal with those powerful targets. need.

The mighty undead marched forward, although there was no sound, but there was still a sense of grandeur, which naturally attracted some people's attention.


With the arrival of people from the world of heraldry, the surviving survivors of Orend continent also saw the hope of counterattack and the hope of returning to their hometown. Many forces sent personnel to enter the territory occupied by the undead. Less daring adventurers followed suit.

There are also more tasks involving the half of the continent where the undead are located.

These tasks represent hope, but also prestige and wealth!

The fear built up by the undead over the years was shattered in the offensive of prestige and wealth.

A team of seven adventurers from the Holy Sword Federation is moving carefully in the half of the continent where the undead are.

This position can already be said to have penetrated into this half of the continent.

Only seven people dared to come here, which not only represented their courage, but also their strength.

Among the seven people, four men and three women are all senior professionals. According to the world of heraldic envoys, they have the strength of a high-level heraldry envoy. Make the strength!

The most important thing is that the seven of them are all young, and they all have the possibility of going further in the future, and even becoming legends!

The name of the adventurer team is the Radiance Group, which shows the ambitions of the members of this adventurer team, and the Radiance Group is also well-known in the Holy Sword Federation.

The destination of the Radiance Group is the Corrosion Swamp, in order to find a special medicinal material there.

"Everyone, take a break. Next, we will try to enter the Corrosion Swamp. The Corrosion Swamp was a dangerous place before, let alone now. Although I was lucky enough to not meet the undead monarch along the way, don't be careless, pay attention to safety, and find something wrong. Be sure to sound the alarm at the first time, and then quickly evacuate!" As the captain, Owen said, he looks very young, has blond hair, is very handsome, and is the only half-step legend in the team, with strong strength.

Everyone else nodded, their faces serious.

Now they are hiding in a hidden corner and building a fire to keep warm, and at the same time make arrangements for the next operation.

During this period of time, I went deep into this half of the continent. Although I didn't meet the undead monarch, the experience during this period of time was definitely not good. The brows of the few people were also a little tired, that is, this is their glorious group. If other mercenary teams , I can't go on any longer.

"Captain, is the person whose coat of arms makes the world... really strong? Can he really help us take back the home of this half of the continent?" asked the archer in the team. Her name was Clark, and she was a half-elf. , His hometown was destroyed in the hands of the undead.

After hearing Clark's words, everyone else also looked at Owen.

The people present are more concerned about this issue, and it is no secret that the world of heraldry is in the ears of some powerful people, but there are not many people who have really contacted the people of the world of heraldry, and Owen is the only one present People who have had contact with people from the world of heraldry.

After hearing what other people said, Owen did not answer directly, but sighed.

"The people in that world are different from us. From the information I have obtained, the abilities of people in that world are naturally awakened. There is no need to learn from scratch like us. Everyone has special strengths, but can you help us? Take back home... I haven't seen people from that world who are too powerful, and it's hard to judge."

Owen hadn't fought against people from the world of heraldry, so he couldn't give an accurate answer.

And although the people in the world of the coat of arms promised to help, they couldn't judge whether the people in that world had other purposes. Many high-level survivors were also skeptical. There were many intricate interests among them, and they really wanted to take back their homeland. , is difficult to achieve in a short period of time.

But this is Irving's own judgment, he will not tell his teammates.

"However, more people from that world are coming now. I also heard that people from that world seem to have started to act, but I don't know what the specific actions are." Owen said the information he knew.

At this time, the assassin who was watching outside in the team suddenly ran back.

"Captain, everyone, it's not good, there are a lot of undead outside!" Assassin Gerald said quickly, "And according to my observation, the number of those undead is no less than 100,000. I suspect it is... the undead monarch!"

Everyone's expressions changed, and Owen rushed out of the hidden area and looked outside.

Then Owen's pupils shrank suddenly.

In the distance, the undead all over the mountains and plains were slowly moving forward.

"Undead... Legion!"

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