Chapter 1334 Find Another Path

"It's too difficult for me..."

Bailiyuan walked on the land filled with the smell of undead, and tightened his clothes.

Although it is not cold, but just want to show some pitiful.

I just came to this world, and I was kicked out before I could get some supplies at the station...

Well, in fact, there are no supplies for this mission. The initial item is only a package given by Andy, and all the remaining problems need to be prepared by Bailiyuan himself. This is also a hidden test.

After all, although the land occupied by the undead may have many precious materials, it may not necessarily have materials suitable for human survival.

Especially for a summoner like Baili Yuan, together with the contracted beasts, they need a lot of supplies.

Fortunately, Bailiyuan's home space has always reserved a certain amount of resources, enough to last for more than a month, or even if there is no, as long as there is soil, Bailiyuan can lead the elves to eat soil to live.

Moreover, this mission is a competition, and all the participants did not set out together, and Bailiyuan couldn't judge who his opponents were, what methods they had, or how far they could do it, so Bailiyuan can only do his best to complete this task.

If they do meet, or conflicts arise, then we can only decide according to the situation.

Bailiyuan checked the package while walking.

One of the items in the package is "Resident Crystal Ball Kai".

But it's not the only item.

Although the survival supplies need to be solved by Bailiyuan himself, some basic information will still be given.

There was a map of the continent of Orend in the package, with many markings on it, but there was a note at the same time, that is, "This map is for reference only." After all, the undead have occupied the continent for many years, and no one knows whether there have been changes in the region. Unable to make a judgment.

Then there is the information on the mainland of Orend, including basic information, information about the camp of the living and the camp of the undead, which includes the cause of the natural disaster of the undead.

Bailiyuan simply read it.

The thing is probably that an undead summoner in this world who is almost as strong as a great heraldry envoy was stimulated and burned his life to launch the undead magic-the undead natural disaster.

Bailiyuan knew something about the undead natural disaster, the undead magic, and had faced it before, and the undead natural disaster mentioned in this information was similar to Bailiyuan's understanding.

It is also summoning a large number of undead of various strengths to carry out indiscriminate destruction, just like a natural disaster.

The magic of undead natural disasters can only be activated by necromancers with the strength of a large heraldry, and a necromancer with the strength of a large heraldry can only burn all the life to launch the undead natural disasters on a larger scale.

There are certain differences between the undead natural disasters launched by the necromancer with different powers.

One of the differences lies in the number of undead monarchs and the number of undead under the power of undead monarchs.

The second difference is the undead emperor, the stronger the strength, the easier it is to summon the undead emperor, otherwise it can only be based on luck.

Logically speaking, a necromancer with a large coat of arms to burn his life call, the undead emperor will generally respond, because this means that the flesh and blood soul of the necromancer will belong to the undead emperor, which is a good dessert for the undead emperor , not to mention it is still a side dish in the world.

The difference is only the speed of appearance. If it appears slowly, it can be intercepted like Bailiyuan did at the beginning.

That necromancer thought the same way, when the undead emperor comes out, everyone will die!

But I don't know why, this time the undead natural disaster, the undead emperor did not appear, as if he was not at home.

No one knows exactly what happened.

But the undead of other strengths have all come.

A total of twenty undead monarchs appeared!

There are countless undead with other strengths.

The final result is what it is now, half of the world's continent is occupied by the undead, and the people are devastated.

Fortunately, there was no undead emperor, otherwise there might not be a few living creatures on this continent, not to mention half of the continent would be left for survivors to survive.

Naturally, this world also has high-end combat power, but there is no such existence as the undead emperor, and the force value is relatively low.

However, the high-end combat power of this world is still reliable. The remaining half of the world’s continents are the survivors’ credit for their survival, and seven of the 20 undead monarchs who appeared were killed, making the remaining undead They don't have enough high-end combat power to seize the remaining half of the continent from the living, and they dare not start a war rashly. The undead can only occupy half of the continent, and look at the other half of the continent eagerly.

The same is true for the survivors on the mainland.

The two sides have been at such a stalemate for several years.

A few years have passed, and the magic of the undead disaster has long since ended. Although there is no need to worry about the undead emperor coming home one day, the friction has never stopped under this stalemate, and in this friction , or the undead are even better, constantly advancing the front.

Because the living who had died in battle were also continuously transformed into undead under the nourishment of the undead breath, which greatly improved the power of the undead, not to mention that the undead monarchs were also constantly summoning the undead to fill the soul. The army, and the undead don't need any survival supplies, and there is no problem with the upper limit of summoning.

Although the survivors knew this and wanted to regain the land as soon as possible, they were unable to go deep. Even high-end combat power did not dare to easily enter the territory of the undead. It is also difficult to fight alone, and the troops will worry about being besieged and attacked if they go deep, and if they start a big battle head-on, they may not necessarily win, and if they fail, they will kill themselves!

The survivors could not bear the huge consumption.

If there is no change, the survivors will either be constantly consumed by the undead and squeezed out of their living space, or there will be a powerful existence in the future, or they will have the certainty of victory to break the current deadlock and turn the tide.

It may be a turning point to connect to the world of the heraldry now, which is why in just half a year, the world of the heraldry has established a closer connection with the survivors of the Orend continent.

This time, competitors like Bailiyuan and the others are helping Orend continent clean up the undead, especially responsible for targeting the powerful undead monarch.

At this time, Bailiyuan was concerned about the remaining thirteen undead monarchs. They were the known enemies of the Great Heraldry Envoy's strength. If nothing else happened, three of them would definitely become his targets!

Although the number of competitors is unknown now, it can be judged that if Baili Yuan's guess is followed, the final number of competitors will not exceed four!


There are also brochures in the package that indicate the units of various materials, but the units to which each material belongs are not high, which means that Bailiyuan will collect a large number of materials.

The task is not easy either.

There is nothing else left.

Bailiyuan put away the package and opened the map.

If you want to complete those tasks, meet the requirements, and persevere for a month, you must choose a location with advantages so that you can take action.

"The situation is unclear now. If you want to fight steadily, you need to investigate the general situation of this half of the continent, and then choose a station according to the terrain and terrain. The map can only be used as a reference." Caroline said, "The advantage lies in being prepared. The probability of accidents is relatively small, and with all our current strength, it is enough to complete the requirements and achieve good results."

"But it's impossible to judge what other competitors will do." Baili Yuan said with a frown.

"If you want to expand the results, you need to find another way, but risks also exist, but the actual operation is very simple and not troublesome. If you operate properly, you may become the final winner." Caroline said.

"Do you have any suggestions?" Baili Yuan asked curiously.

"Go deep into the mainland, kill an undead monarch, and rob everything in its territory!"


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