Chapter 1320 Has the gas pipe exploded?

Until they were far away, the girls around Chen Hua still hadn't recovered from the fact that Pikachu knocked down six elves with an electric shock.

How did you do it?

They wanted to ask Bailiyuan's Pikachu's strength very much, but they couldn't ask, and they didn't know where to start.

In fact, Chen Hua was also a little helpless. He originally wanted to learn the skills of fighting elves with Bailiyuan, especially fighting more, but Bailiyuan asked Pikachu to kill all six elves in the battle. What else is there to learn?

However, Chen Hua still saw some tricks, such as elf cooperation, the cooperation between the three elves, the big tongue shell, the lobster minion and the fire dinosaur. The cooperation between the three elves is that they have different positions. It is just right, like a whole, giving full play to its advantages, making up for its disadvantages, and letting the opponent fall into its own rhythm.

For example, in the initial battle, the big tongue shell harassed, the lobster minion provoked, and finally let the fire dinosaur control the fire.

When the rhythm is in your hands, it is possible to win more with less.

It's a way of fighting as a team.

It opened up the idea of ​​multi-elf battle for Chen Hua.

But Chen Hua knew that if there was no one to guide him, he might have a long way to go if he just explored on his own, but at least he had a direction.

The door has been opened slightly.

A group of people were walking on the street, but soon Chen Hua and the others discovered the problem. Bailiyuan didn't seem to be chasing Wang Li, but instead seemed to be shopping.

In a video store, Bailiyuan was selecting discs and tapes.

Although there are more advanced digital devices in this world, those more advanced electromagnetic digital devices are not so easy to use in the wild, and sometimes they will attract the attention of some electric elves, and even encounter danger. Those devices are also not available in the zone.

Then the more retro tapes and discs became popular again.

These tapes and discs are not only music or movies, but also many tapes and discs related to training experience, which can be used by trainers in the field.

And according to research, some special music will attract some special elves, or it is good for cultivating specific elves, mainly because it will make elves more beautiful, which is very suitable for the cultivation of some elves that are used as pets.

This made Bailiyuan think of the gorgeous contest, but unfortunately there is no gorgeous contest in this world, and Bailiyuan has never seen this kind of tape in the Pokémon world, but this kind of tape has the characteristics of the Pokémon world.

This kind of tape should not have been invented by people in this world.

Caroline also had some guesses about this.

"At the beginning we came to this world through the space node of Pokmon fifteen years later, but we couldn't determine the age of the Pokmon items that came to this world. In the baby world, fifteen years is enough time for the Pokémon world to develop a lot of new things.” This is Caroline’s analysis.

Bailiyuan thought it was very possible.

There is nothing surprising about the appearance of some new things, but this also represents an opportunity, that is, Baili Yuan may be able to discover things that will appear in the future in this world!

The reason why there are few discoveries may be because some special things are held by special people, and Bailiyuan has not explored enough of this world.

Although Yunhua City is not small, it is definitely not that kind of large city.

And the reason why Bailiyuan came to this video store was because he could see the location of the sacred egg from this video store.

At this time, the holy easter egg was on the second floor of a bathing center diagonally opposite the video store.

I just don't know if Wang Li is there.

Wang Li didn't run far, maybe he also understood the truth of "it's dark under the lights", it's impossible to go there because he wanted to take a bath.

"The customer here is a new batch of tape music suitable for Pikachu, which can enhance Pikachu's cuteness. Your Pikachu is very cute and has been cultivated very well as a pet." The clerk said with a smile, Then, Bailiyuan introduced a batch of tapes with the lightning logo, and some tapes had Pikachu's ear stickers on them, which meant that they were exclusively for Pikachu.

"Yes, my Pikachu is very cute." Bailiyuan scratched Pikachu's soft chin, and Pikachu narrowed his eyes comfortably.


The corners of Chen Hua's eyes kept twitching.

One move in seconds, an elite trainer, a team of six main Pikachu is a pet?

But several people did not speak.

And Bailiyuan also started to pick out tapes. In fact, Bailiyuan planned to buy more, but... no money!

Bailiyuan had a limited amount of money, and he could only buy one tape.

In the end, Bailiyuan picked an exclusive tape of Pikachu as a sample for Caroline's research.

"Doesn't the customer need a walkman?" When paying, the boss behind the counter asked, but his accent was a bit strange, a bit like a foreigner.

"I have a Walkman." Baili Yuan smiled.

"That's it."

Pay, checkout.

"Isn't the boss from Huaguo?" the beauty committee asked curiously.

"Yeah, I'm from Japan, and I've opened a store in Yunhua City for two years, and I still have a lot of rare tapes and discs that are only available in Japan, if you're interested, would you like to take a look? "The boss started to sell, but the things he was going to recommend to the boys and girls were serious things, and he didn't want to be arrested yet.


A series of explosions suddenly came from the street. The aftermath of the explosion rushed into the video store, shattered all the glass, and made a mess of the goods on the shelves. Several people in the video store were also affected. There is glass blocking in the aftermath, which has been weakened a lot.

Although several people in the video store were overturned, they were not injured.

"What's going on? Did the gas pipe explode? It's the same situation in Huaguo?" The owner of the video store wiped his face and asked in bewilderment.

"Why do you think the gas pipe exploded?" the clerk complained.

"Because such things often happen in my hometown, I just didn't tell you about it." The boss said.

"Can I ask where the boss's hometown is?" Chen Hua asked curiously.

"Fuyuki City, Japan!"


Chen Hua's expression became strange.

"Why, have you heard?" the boss asked.

"No, no." Chen Hua hurriedly shook his head.

"It's a battle of elves!" the school belle shouted.

Several people looked outside, and several figures of elves flashed outside, and on the flashing figures, several people also saw that those elves were actually carrying control devices!

"It's not a battle of elves, it's an attack by elves. Someone controls the elves to attack the city!" Baili Yuan said.

There were exclamations from outside, as well as continuous explosions. The elves were destroying the city, as if they were going crazy!

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