Chapter 1314 Mutation

(with major revisions)

The explosion came suddenly and violently.

Chen Hua immediately protected the four girls behind him, and the elf ball appeared in his hands. Although Chen Hua's small body was not wide, his attitude was very clear.

In an instant, the eyes of the four girls looked at Chen Hua with warmth.

Bailiyuan looked at Chen Huazi with a hesitant expression on his face.

This is master.

"Big Needle Bee, Pikachu, Cat Boss, Bibi Bird, Shuttlecock Mian, stay alert, there is a situation!"

Chen Hua released the elves immediately, and the other girls also reacted, and then released the elves.

Genius girl trainer: "Sun Elf, Yongjila, Ba Dahu!"

Beauty Committee: "Wonderful frog flower, bamboo hat mushroom, stinky flower, shuttlecock flower!"

School Belle: "Katie Dog, Nidona, Flying Mantis!"

Sister next door: "The tree is the one to blame."

This world has been able to hold elves since junior high school. Of course, you can also choose not to take the path of a trainer. After holding elves, even if you are still a student or a minor, you must start to bear legal responsibilities.

The sister next door only had one elf, and she wasn't too strong, so she shrank back and hid behind Chen Hua.

It is not to say that all junior high school students have no strength, but most of them are laying foundations in the junior high school stage, and there will only be one or two elves, and the level of training is not too high, only a few have family heirlooms, Or children who are willing to work hard will start training elves and have a certain fighting ability.

At the high school stage, it is the stage to transform the foundation into strength, and then start to advance. According to one's own ability, start to increase the number of elves cultivated appropriately.

Although this world supports the trainer profession very much, after all, elves have not appeared for a long time. The background of this world is limited, and there are not so many resources to waste. After time, it is found that it is impossible to give up, so every time the trainer chooses to cultivate an additional elf, the trainer must think about it before making a decision. Qualified atmosphere.

Chen Hua and the others are at this stage, and they are all considered talented trainers. They all have confidence in their own strength. The number of elves has reached or exceeded three, and Chen Hua even has five elves. nourish.

In fact, the genius girl trainer also has four elves, but her fourth elf is a slow beast, even if she calls it out at this time, it will not help, but she is confident in cultivating a slow beast, which also represents a genius The confidence and talent of a beautiful girl trainer.

With the help of the system, Chen Hua is more convenient than others in many aspects, especially in the selection of elf qualifications.

Although few of them had particularly high elves' aptitudes, none of them had low aptitudes, especially Chen Hua's elves had higher aptitudes.

As for the cost of cultivating elves, it is not as high as imagined. The world supports the profession of trainers very much. Take some relatively simple tasks in the task hall of the trainer management center to earn fees.

In addition, there are a lot of money-making expenses, enough for Chen Hua to cultivate the five elves in his hand, and there is still room for finding a sixth elf.

After all, Chen Hua's elves are not those rare elves that require high investment, and there is not even a Yusanjia.

It's not that I don't want to, but that I haven't met the right one.

Bailiyuan glanced at the large group of elves that suddenly appeared.

The routes chosen by several people can be roughly judged by the elves of several people. Multi-system and multi-type training is not suitable for general trainers, so most trainers choose one direction for training.

The direction of the talented girl trainer and the beauty school committee is very clear, one is the superpower attribute, and the other is the grass attribute.

Although Ba Dahu does not have super power attributes, he can learn super power attribute skills, and if he cultivates them well, he can also make achievements in super powers.

As for the school beauty, Bailiyuan thinks that she should take the confrontational route, the kind of confrontation.

But it's strange that the sister next door only has one tree, and she can't see anything at all, but there are also traces of cultivation, and she is close to the tenth level.

Although it was just a simple glance, Baili Yuan could tell that the elves of the few people were well trained.

Among Chen Hua's elves, compared to the last time they met, Miaomiao and Shuttleflower have evolved, and they have been cultivated very well, and Big Needle Bee has also improved, Pikachu also has a good momentum, and the same is true for Bibi Bird, it seems that they are no longer It is an ordinary Bibi bird.

In fact, it was because Chen Hua helped his Bibi Bird improve his aptitude, and Bibi Bird's aptitude would naturally not be worse.

Bailiyuan looked at Chen Hua's Big Needle Bee again.

"Your big needle bee is good..."

Indeed, Chen Hua's big needle bees are better than ordinary big needle bees.

Chen Hua also smiled, but then Bailiyuan changed the topic.

"But not as good as my big needle bee."


Bailiyuan smiled.

Although I'm not good at flirting with Baili Yuan, I have a good way of dealing with elves and raising the intimacy of elves!

This is my pride as a trainer, Bailiyuan!

The wings of the big needle bee in the home space trembled slightly, and it seemed a little lighter when flying in the air.

However, Bailiyuan is the only one who would be interested in looking at other people's elves at this time. At this time, the gymnasium has become commotion, and there are many people who have released elves. got to be crowded.

Some people, like Chen Hua and the others, released all the elves, while others released one or two.

Don't blame Chen Hua and the others for being so impulsive, it's all because of their instinctive reaction to the explosion, and Chen Hua and the others are not very strong, even if one or two elves are left behind, they can't be said to be their trump cards. Strength.

If it is because of some small thoughts, it will be called wanting to cry without tears.

There is still a Pikachu by Bailiyuan's side.

The gym trainer had already suspended the fighting, and then began to evacuate the crowd, and at the same time began to be on guard. Bailiyuan could sense that many people were rushing here, all from the gym.

Chen Hua leaned over to Baili Yuan's side.

"Xiao Yuan, what's going on?"

It doesn't matter what happened, it is absolutely safe to follow Bailiyuan at this time!

Others also came over. Although they didn't know why Chen Hua valued Baili Yuan so much, it might be that Chen Hua saw something. Chen Hua's judgment was always accurate, and several people had already convinced him.

Bailiyuan looked at the direction of the explosion.

"It's nothing, someone pressed the bomb, but it's just a bomb."

Chen Hua was taken aback.


This is not called nothing at all!

But then Chen Hua was afraid for a while.

"Fortunately, the opponent did not press the bomb in the auditorium."

"Who said no?" Baili Yuan asked back.

The hearts of Chen Hua and the others rose.

"Really?" Chen Hua's face became serious.

"Fake." Baili Yuan said.


"Enliven the atmosphere." Baili Yuan said with a smile.


Others can't laugh.

"Did someone attack the gymnasium?" Chen Hua guessed, then raised his head and said, "Anyway, get out of here first."

"That's what I said, but the other party doesn't seem to intend to let us go just like that." Baili Yuan said, and then looked towards the escape route.

The people who were still walking towards the escape passage all of a sudden retreated back, and several of them were brought back by their elves, that's right, they were fleeing.

Boom boom boom——

Continuous explosions sounded from the surrounding escape routes.

It's the elves attacking the escape channel with their skills!

At the same time, a group of masked people rushed in from outside the gymnasium, with spirits around them, blocking the surrounding passages, and at the same time blocked the gymnasium trainers and gymnasium staff who rushed to the scene to support.

A tall figure walked out with his face covered, holding a trumpet in his hand, and showing a ferocious smile.

"Now, everyone in the gymnasium is hostage!" The voice came and echoed in the gymnasium.

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