Chapter 1302 The Millennium Deadline (Third)

Three days later, the murderer walked towards the capital, Baili Yuan and Hong Hong received the news and waited outside the gate of the city.

Jiang Yang, the black hand behind the scenes, will handle it himself, and Bailiyuan's task is to kill the murderer.

Regarding this murderer, Bailiyuan also learned about the other party's information in the past two days.

Venerable Black Sheep, together with Venerable Black Tiger and Venerable Black Deer, became the three culprits of the underworld. They are three villains full of crimes. Bailiyuan has seen them, and they are all the ones who can die a hundred times He is a kind of person, but he is strong and good at concealment, so he has been at ease until now.

Bailiyuan also learned about the world's attitude towards diamonds.

The diamond level is called a venerable in this world, and it is regarded as the top-level powerful person in this world. The number is not too many. The number of venerables in Qi is 16. This is the number given by Jiang Yang. Among them, the royal family There are six venerables, and there are two venerables secretly, accounting for half of them, and they are the most powerful forces.

The seven-color level above is called Supreme, which is the ceiling of this world. Scarlet has only heard of it, but has never seen it. Scarlet has never heard Jiang Yang talk about the topic of Supreme in this world. Maybe it only exists in legends.

Platinum ranks like Crimson are the powerhouses who are often active in this world. Each of them has a lot of prestige and power, and they all have their own titles, known as titled powerhouses.

Scarlet is the title of Miss Maid, if it goes one step further, it will be called Venerable Scarlet.

However, the number of titled powerhouses is not too high. There are no more than 150 hidden within the territory of Qi, and some of them are old immortals who are dying and are often active. No more than one hundred digits.

The remaining titled powerhouses are generally over thirty years old.

There are also young titled powerhouses under the age of 30, but the number is not many, each of them is a genius. Within a hundred years, there will be less than 50 such titled powerhouses in the entire continent.

Each one has the possibility of breaking through to the Venerable, and the future is boundless.

Although Scarlet is a bit older, she is not yet over thirty years old.

And Crimson already has a title, which means that Crimson did not rely on the strength of the store, but broke through to the strength of a strong title before entering the store.

However, this also means that there should be some special reasons for Scarlet to enter the store incognito.

Otherwise, who would give up a bright future to be someone else's maid?

The titled experts that Bailiyuan had met in the past two days were all very imposing, and all of them were in high positions.

As for those under the title strong...

It is not within the observation range of Bailiyuan.

Soon, Scarlet made a sound.

"The other party has come out!"

Baili Yuan turned around and looked up.

Although Venerable Black Sheep was powerful, he would not be so ostentatious. After all, his reputation was not good, not to mention that he was still in the capital of Qi State. If he jumped too fast, three or four Venerables might appear to chase him down.

Venerable Black Sheep does not have the strength of one-to-many at the same level.

But Venerable Black Sheep is a Venerable after all, and he also has his own reservations.

Venerable Black Sheep came out in a cart pulled by a strange beast.

That strange beast was not an ordinary strange beast either.

Has the strength of gold level.

The groom who pulls the cart also has gold-level strength!

The guards at the gate of the city were also very knowledgeable. After a brief investigation, they let people go, because people who could ride in a car pulled by such a strange beast were either rich or expensive, and their strength must not be weak.

"It's difficult to get in and out of the capital city of Qi. If the people who enter the city are configured like this, they will definitely be interrogated." Blush explained, "However, the Venerable Black Sheep must have made a certain disguise, otherwise if the guards find that the Dark Venerable If there is someone like this, the alarm will definitely be raised or reported to the higher authorities.”

This is in line with the statement in the data that the three masters of the underworld are good at concealment. Unfortunately, no matter how well they are hidden, everything will be exposed once the easter egg is swiped.

"Then should I play next?" Baili Yuan asked.

Scarlet nodded, took a few steps back, turned around and hid herself, as if to say "Please start your performance".

Bailiyuan smiled, and slowly flew towards the sky.

Baili Yuan's behavior also attracted the attention of others, making everyone's eyes widen.

Walk in the air, my lord!

In fact, Bailiyuan understood that Jiang Yang's talk about intercepting and killing Venerable Black Sheep at the gate of the city also had some calculations.

That is to show the majesty of the store, for which Jiang Yang also sent a script, asking Bailiyuan to say a few words, the purpose is self-evident.

However, there are also disadvantages, that is, it is easy to provoke Qi State, after all, killing people at the gate of the capital of Qi State, if Qi State does not do something, it will be unreasonable.

But Bailiyuan doesn't have to worry about this, after killing someone, he can just pat his ass and leave.

Bailiyuan didn't hide his appearance, and just appeared in his original appearance, which was also Jiang Yang's request.

In fact, Bailiyuan originally wanted to show up in a vest with a handsome face, but...Jiang Yang raised the price.

Bailiyuan had no choice but to follow him.

Everyone looked at the sky in surprise.

Without any power fluctuations, he walked directly in the air, this is the Venerable, but...

"Which Venerable is that?"

"never seen it!"

"So young, is it really a child?"

"How can it be?!"

"But the black sheep...could it be the Venerable Black Sheep?"

"Report quickly!"

Bailiyuan's appearance aroused everyone's discussion, and the defenders at the gate of the city immediately became nervous, and then conveyed the news to their superiors.

After all, His Holiness is not something that defenders like them are qualified to face.

Baili Yuan smiled, and then spoke calmly.

"Black sheep, kill someone who shouldn't be killed, you should kill yourself."

These words are a bit like the lines of BOSS. When they come up, they will make people commit suicide, and it is easy to offend people.

However, Jiang Yang's lines were like this.

Bailiyuan's eyes fell on the car pulled by Yishou.

The breath of the people in the car changed, knowing that they were exposed.

A voice sounded from the car.

"This old man has killed many people in his life, and many people who shouldn't have been killed. What are you doing to stop this old man? Well, I originally wanted to leave in such a peaceful way, but now it seems that some people don't want me to leave like this... ..."

A figure walked out of the carriage, it was an old man with white hair and childlike face, he had the demeanor of a superior person, but unfortunately, Baili Yuan could feel the evil in the other person.

Bailiyuan's sacred power has a very clear feeling for people who are deeply sinful. Even without reading the information, Bailiyuan can still judge that this black sheep should be killed!

Killing is not a way to solve the problem, but it is a good way to solve the person who caused the problem. Although the death of the black sheep cannot repay the crime, it can comfort the dead and prevent it from bringing more crimes.

"Little baby, come out to be a hero if you have a little strength, stop the old man, and even kill people at the gate of Qi Kingdom, the old man has to say, you are very ignorant."

Heiyang naturally didn't believe that Bailiyuan, a strange venerable, would really be as young as he saw, so there was only one answer, and that was that this strange venerable had a good face.

Calling Bailiyuan "little baby" is to gain advantage verbally.

"Little baby?" Baili Yuan smiled, "I'm over two thousand years old, and you, an old man who is only a few hundred years old, are just a little baby in my eyes!"

This episode was added by Baili Yuan.

Didn't Jiang Yang want to make big news? Bailiyuan didn't mind adding more ingredients.

The issue of age is a matter of great concern in this world.

Because in this world, the limit age of the venerable is one thousand years old, no one can break it, once the limit is reached, the body will die and the path will disappear.

Legend has it that only the supreme can break through the thousand-year limit, but the supreme has not appeared for many years, because according to the current statement on this continent, it is simply unrealistic to cultivate the supreme in a thousand years.

Countless princes and nobles, the strong and heroes are all looking for ways to break through the thousand-year limit, in order to survive, but also for the possibility of reaching the Supreme!

Now that Bailiyuan opened his mouth, he was two thousand years old. If his words were verified to be true, then things would be lively.

Bailiyuan doesn't care why people in this world can't live to be a thousand years old, but the thousand-year-old limit is a sore point for the masters in this world. Knowing this, Bailiyuan knows what to do.

Sure enough, upon hearing Baili Yuan's words, Hei Yang's eyes changed and his mood fluctuated.

is true?

Still fake!

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