Chapter 1300 Boss Jiang's Private Work (Part 1)

"Little boss, I haven't been here for a while." Jiang Yang smiled at Bailiyuan as a profiteer.

At this time, there were a few small dishes between the two of them, which were brought by Bailiyuan.

The maid lady and Bai Chuxue were also sitting at the table, did Bai Chuxue join the shop after all?

"I'm here this time to buy some things that can be used by the Golden Core Stage, um, for him." Baili Yuan didn't talk nonsense, and directly stated his purpose, and even summoned Pikachu.

Although Jiang Yang is a profiteer, he follows certain rules in doing business. Bailiyuan is not afraid that Jiang Yang will cheat him on the price. The most tricky thing about Jiang Yang is that he tricks others into buying a bunch of useless things without knowing it. matter.

There are many things here in Jiangyang, and there will always be more and better ones, but Jiangyang will never show them directly, and customers need to find out by themselves.

The moment Pikachu came out with the lightning wooden sword on his back, the three people at the dinner table all looked at Pikachu.

"So cute~" Bai Chuxue's eyes lit up, and she raised her hand to touch Pikachu.

Pikachu smiled, then raised his hand to open Bai Chuxue's.

Did you just touch me, Pi Daxian?

The maid lady froze for a moment and then frowned.

"Is this... smuggling?"

"No, this is the contracted creature of the little boss."

Jiang Yang saw the way at a glance.

With the continuous upgrade of the store and the opening of the Wanjie channel, coupled with the large number of customers in the store, there will always be strange customers, and these customers always want to play tricks, such as smuggling, buying a ticket for one person, and bringing a group of guests.

It's a pity that Jiang Yang won't let them do what they want.

If you are caught, you will be punished severely!

However, contracted creatures are not within the scope of smuggling.

Jiang Yang secretly identified Pikachu with his own ability.

[Pikachu, Pokémon, Golden Core stage, practice skills...]

It's a fairy Pikachu.


"The little boss's... Pikachu is not bad." Jiang Yang said.

"Oh? Boss Jiang recognizes Pikachu?" Baili Yuan asked in surprise.

Jiang Yang nodded slightly, smiled and said nothing, looking extremely profound.

But Bailiyuan figured it out very quickly. Jiangyang should know a lot about opening this kind of store, or have special means to understand the target.

"It's so cute, is it a spirit beast?" Bai Chuxue asked, her knowledge was limited, and in her knowledge, only spirit beasts could match Pikachu.

"It's Pokémon, Pikachu, Pika~" Pikachu said by himself, indicating that he is an elf.


It's Zhengtaiyin who returned his mother, haha.

The cute thing has a positive sound, is this a girl killer beast?

Jiang Yang sneered in his heart.

If only I had a pet like this...

Why have you been alone for so many years?

But who thought of making Pikachu cultivate immortality?

"It turns out that the practice skills bought by the little boss are for Pikachu." Jiang Yang said with a smile. The structure of the human body, that is to say, as long as it is a living thing, it can practice.

Although the effect of this kind of general-purpose cultivation method may not be very good, it is better than any creature can practice, and there will be no situation where it cannot be practiced or practiced incorrectly due to physical differences.

At the beginning, Jiang Yang suspected that Bailiyuan gave the exercises to some special creatures to practice.

"It's not all. I have many partners who have practiced those exercises. Those exercises are good for assisting practice. However, my Pikachu is now on the road of cultivating immortals, but the previous exercises are no longer suitable for Pikachu now. The second time I came to help Pikachu find suitable exercises for him to practice, it is best to make up all the things that the Golden Core Stage needs."

Bailiyuan was about to bleed heavily this time.

Sure enough, Jiang Yang smiled.

"If I'm not mistaken, you Pikachu has nothing..."

"Just tell me how much you need to spend!" Baili Yuan waved his hand, quite generously.

"..." Jiang Yang didn't reply immediately, but looked at Bailiyuan with a smile.


"Little boss, do me a favor. I'll help you equip your Pikachu with treasures of at least the spirit weapon level. You know, it's a big deal for an average golden core monk to have one or two spirit weapon level treasures. And I will give you a set of heaven-level spells suitable for Pikachu! Both offensive and defensive."

Bailiyuan narrowed his eyes.

"So good? Private work?"

Jiang Yang shrugged.

"How can you help me?" Baili Yuan asked, "I have agreed in advance, I have the right to refuse."

"Naturally, but it's not troublesome for me to need your help. I hope the little boss will help me kill someone. Don't worry, the other party is a heinous person, and his strength does not exceed the strength of the little boss."

Jiang Yang looked at Bailiyuan, and he could see that Bailiyuan's strength had improved to a new level.

However, Jiang Yang couldn't be sure how much strength he had seen through Baili Yuan. After all, these days, people who didn't have two cards would have died outside, so how could it be possible to sit and eat here.

Jiang Yang's ability is not abnormal enough to see through everything, unless he uses the power of the shop.

But with the strength that Bailiyuan has shown now, it is enough for Jiang Yang, so there is no need to remember the strength of the shop.

"Enemies? There are still enemies in your store?" Baili Yuan asked suspiciously.

"It's not what you think. This enemy became an enemy only after killing the customers of the store. The little boss should understand what I mean."

Bailiyuan nodded slightly.

"So that's the case. It seems that the store also protects customers to a certain extent."

"That's true. The customers who come to the store are all because of fate. Every customer in the store is very precious. Even if they just ask for help, the store will protect them. Unfortunately, that customer doesn't trust the store that much, nor does he trust the store. I, and I was very confident in my own strength, and then, I died."

"This is the first time the store has encountered such a thing. Although the store does not have such a clear regulation, as the owner, I must do something, so I must avenge his revenge. This is my attitude. Only a good attitude , to attract more guests, isn’t it?” Jiang Yang said.

Therefore, this is Jiang Yang's private work.

Baili Yuan looked outside the shop door. There were people coming and going on the street outside the door, but no one entered the shop. There was indeed something in this shop.


Bailiyuan suddenly realized something.

I have been to the store so many times by myself, why have I never thought of going outside the store to see the world where the store is located?

has a problem!

Bailiyuan looked at Jiang Yang and narrowed his eyes.

But... whatever.

There is nothing to be entangled in this matter. The store has a certain special power to protect the store's secrets, which can be regarded as commercial privacy.

Bailiyuan is not a person who cares about everything.

I'll talk about it later when I have a chance.

This time it's for Pikachu, so there's no need to worry about it.

"I'll take this job."

Arrange a mob, show your strength

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