Chapter 1296 Incarnation into Light (3rd watch)

Bailiyuan was shrouded in darkness.

At the moment when Bailiyuan was shrouded in darkness, seven rays of light flew out from Bailiyuan's body.

These seven rays of light are the clones of Baili Yuan's seven powers.

Before the battle started, Baili Yuan's seven potential clones had already awakened one after another, but they didn't expect to be forcibly excluded from their bodies under such circumstances.

The seven clones fell into the sea and hurriedly used various means to float up.

The only thing that didn't move was the clone of Sorrow, who looked like he was about to drown in the water, but fortunately, the clone of Fear hurriedly picked it up.

Then the seven clones looked at the changing Bailiyuan.

At the same time, the light in Baili Yuan's body was also crazily suppressed into the transformation device in his coat of arms, and black light emerged from Baili Yuan's body.

"Ah!" Baili Yuan screamed.


"Oh? It doesn't hurt." Baili Yuan found that he didn't feel any discomfort at all.

But there are changes.

Baili Yuan lost his radiance, but because of this, a special power was released from his body, and he gradually awakened.

This power is dark, corrupt, and cold.

But it didn't make Bailiyuan feel uncomfortable, because it was his strength!

Taking advantage of the changing time, Baili Yuan glanced at the things he had just seized that appeared on his panel.

"Dark Domination: Dominate the Darkness, Awaken the Power of Darkness."

The introduction was very simple, but Bailiyuan understood what was going on, and his dark attribute power really bloomed!

At the same time, Bailiyuan felt that he was about to advance!

But the matter is not over, now is not the time to advance with peace of mind.

Without waiting for Bailiyuan to complete the transformation, Jiatanjiehe attacked Bailiyuan.

It feels challenged!

This human must die!

"Hmph, do you think I'm afraid of you? This beach will be guarded by me!"

Bailiyuan rushed directly to Gatanjiehe, directly... rushed into Gatanjiehe's mouth.

Then an arrow appeared in Baili Yuan's hand.

Gatanjae's external defense is very strong, so break through it from the inside!

This is Bailiyuan's plan, to control Gatanjae with playing cards, then rush into its body, and complete the lore with arrows!

Arrow, lethal in one blow!

However, before Bailiyuan could make a move, a powerful force spewed out from Gatanjiehe's mouth, directly shooting Bailiyuan out of Jiatanjiehe's body, and shot into the distance.

At the same time, the entire ruins and large areas of the sea trembled.

Terrifying power bloomed from Gatanjae's body.

Gatanjah is angry!

Deprived of its position as ruler of darkness, it feels challenged.

There can only be one Dark Ruler!

In order to prevent the new ruler of darkness from appearing in this world, it wants to destroy all life!

Especially the one that provoked it!

"What's going on?" Baili Yuan was a little surprised.

"Xiao Yuan, it's not good, the energy in the monster's body is rising in a straight line, and it has exploded with all its power."

"What would happen if all the power exploded?" Baili Yuan's expression changed.

"All life on earth will die, because there is nothing in this world that can survive in the dark!" Caroline said.

"It has to be stopped."

But Bailiyuan suddenly pressed his chest.

"Xiao Yuan, what's wrong?"

"I... don't seem to be able to fight now." Baili Yuan smiled wryly.

The core is gathering!

It's time for a breakthrough!


Gatanjae is raging, venting his anger and power!

Originally, he wanted his subordinate Zoga to destroy the world and bring darkness to the world, but as the boss, he naturally sat on the Diaoyutai and watched the world be destroyed bit by bit, but now, he decided to take action himself !

Step out of the ruins and declare yourself a terror!

Gatanjar started attacking any nearby beings.

Two tentacles wrapped in darkness rushed out of the sea, hitting Galatron Alpha and Gazot MAX in the air.

Galatron Alpha dodged immediately, but Gazot MAX went forward.

Can't deal with Gatanjae, can't you deal with one of its tentacles?

The answer is, no.

Gazot MAX was directly drawn from the air, then entangled by a large number of tentacles, directly strangled, and exploded to death.


Everyone was shocked.

Unexpectedly, Gazot MAX was killed just like that.

Gazot MAX's figure gradually disappeared and turned into countless lightning men, but this time they did not fly into the sky, but were swallowed by the darkness emerging from the sea.

Although everyone wanted to rescue them, they also faced the attack of Gatanjae.

The violent Gatanjah is so terrifying!

At this time, Gatanjah gathered the light and shot it at Galatron Alpha.

Galatron Alpha wanted to run, but this time Gatanjeh's light was exceptionally persistent, chasing behind Galatron Alpha.

The surface is affected, and the same is true under the sea.

The machine that was replenishing light for Tiga under the sea was swept away by the stirred sea water, interrupting the process of replenishing energy.

"No, what happened?" Horii yelled in panic.

A tentacle smashed towards the place where the light appeared.

"The overload mode is activated!" Caroline directly chose to burst out with the strongest power.

The body of Galatran Alpha lit up, and at the same time, a large amount of hot air was ejected. The whole body rushed out and rushed into the sea, and then took the Dolphin 202 and the connected device with it. Dodged the tentacle attack.

If the device is destroyed and Masaki Keigo inside has an accident, then the hope of resuscitating Tiga will disappear!

"Did it fail?" Director Sawai supported the table dejectedly.

Although the device was rescued by Galatron Alpha.

But there is no doubt that the plan to revive Tiga failed.

"How can I do……"

"Is the human race really going to perish..."

"I don't believe it," Lina yelled.

"We won't lose! If there is no light, then I will turn into light!" Fujii Momoka shouted, and she resounded what Bailiyuan said - turn into light in the dark and guide others.

"Incarnation into light?" Lina was touched when she heard Fujii Momoka's words.

"Tiga, Dagu!"

A golden light shines from Lina's body.

The same is true for Fujii Momoka.

"Senior Baili, if you can really turn into light, then I am also willing to turn into light to dispel the darkness!"

At the same time, lights are shining on people around the world who don't want to believe in failure.

Kirino looked at the light on his body, raised his head and smiled.

"Kamen Rider, Ultraman Hero, is this what you said, the light doesn't need to exist all the time, but when someone needs it, it will definitely appear, humans, haven't lost yet!"

Kirino's figure turned into light and fell into the sea.


"Now it's time for us to play." The avatar of goodness said, "Buy time for the main body!"

"We can't fall behind either. I just want to try the weight of the supreme class." The evil clone said with a smile.

"Another enemy is coming." The clone of desire smiled, looking towards the sky, a large piece of Zoga flew towards him.

"Isn't this good?" Xizhi clone said.

"After holding back for such a long time, I can just flex my muscles!" A cruel smile appeared on the face of the clone of anger.


Six rays of light lit up, and six figures appeared.

However, the transformation of the avatars has also changed.

The face of Shan Zhi's avatar changed.

"I can only transform into the adult form of the main body?"

"Why do you care so much? Hammer them!" The clone of anger rushed towards the flying Zoga.

After the other avatars flew out, the transformed fear avatar dragged the mourning avatar in his hands, neither up nor down.

"I've said it all, I'm not good at fighting." Fear's avatar was about to cry.

The battle broke out, and the chaos was full of crises.

And at this time, among the many clones, countless rays of light flew from all over the world and gathered at the bottom of the sea.


A golden light shines from the sea.

Pierce the darkness!

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