Chapter 1289 Real Life

On the other side, Di Jia saw Herau's movements, and imitated Herau's operation in a decent manner. Enduring the physical discomfort, Di Jia activated the energy in his body.

Tiga burns!

The vines shattered and Tiga fell to the ground.

However, Dijia is obviously not as relaxed as Herau. Unlike Herau, the energy in Dijia's body fluctuates because of the flower of Chijera.

It seems that Herau is stronger, but in fact this means that Tiga and Dagu are more compatible. Dagu can completely control Tiga's power, and Bailiyuan is more like a driving force in Ultraman Helau's body. The part of the fighter who fights with his body, which belongs to Ultraman Hero, has not been hidden because of the arrival of Bailiyuan.

Just like now, the power of Ultraman Hero has become active.

At this time, Ultraman Hero is not fighting with the power of Bailiyuan, but with his own power, and even comprehended new skills!

The power of anger!

And this unreserved release of power is naturally not free, but at this time, it is beyond Baili Yuan's control.

But Bailiyuan didn't control it either.

Because Bailiyuan doesn't mind helping Ultraman Hero!

Power was released from Ultraman Hero's body, covering it like a golden flame.

At this time, the victory steel dragon also came to the area where the flower of Qijiela was.

The humans around already knew what was going to happen, and different voices sounded.

"No, don't destroy that flower!"

"That's impossible!"


"What are you talking about? I believe in Team Victory and Ultraman, destroy that flower!"

"Do you want to be miserable?"

"It's painful to be indulging in dreams forever!"

"Victory team, come on!"

"Ultraman, come on!"


Everyone in the victory team heard human voices, Tijia also heard human voices, and the same was true for Herau and Bailiyuan.

But they did not waver.

Because when they shot, they were ready to face everything.

Everyone in the victory team gritted their teeth. Although they didn't want to destroy Zijra, they knew that as long as Zijra still exists, human beings cannot move forward!

"Since it's painful, let us suffer together!" Xincheng wiped his face.

"Who is not talking about?" Horii also smiled.

"Victory Steel Dragon, spray flames and prepare to burn the surrounding vines and roots, and don't let the vines and roots spread to the area where the crowd is." Zongfang directed.


The Victory Iron Dragon opened its mouth, spraying raging fire from its mouth, igniting the roots of the surrounding vines, Qijiela still writhed as if he was hurt by it.

Naturally, the flower of Qijiela will not sit still, a large number of vines spread out, like a big net, trying to stop the actions of the Victory Iron Dragon, but the Victory Iron Dragon is not a vegetarian, the sharp claws of the Victory Iron Dragon tore into pieces The vine, the flame in the mouth did not show any signs of weakening, but the flame burning on the vine became more and more intense.

In the raging fire, Tiga and Herau took action.

Tija cleaned up the remaining vines and roots.

Without vines and rhizomes as auxiliary, the defense and attack methods of Zijra's Flower are very limited, and the two rushed towards Zijra's Flower at the same time.

The beak in the center of the stamen of Zijra's flower opens, and a large amount of pollen is released.

Ultraman Hero didn't dodge anything, and rushed towards the flower of Qijla against the division, as if burning all the pollen.

At this time, the energy in Herau's body has completely boiled, and he cannot use any other skills, and this straight-forward, injury-for-injury fighting method is Herau's only choice.

Carrying the pollen, he rushed to the front of the flower of Qijiela, and then Herau raised his hand, and with a hand knife, he cut to the center of the stamen of the flower of Qijiela.


The sharp beak in the center of the stamen of the Qijela flower was directly smashed, and a large amount of liquid that looked like blood or juice flowed out.

Ding dong, ding dong—

With the unscrupulous use of energy, Herau's battle time was greatly shortened, and the indicator light on his chest flickered.

"The last blow!" Bailiyuan took control of Helau's body.

Herau jumped up high, the violent energy on his body violently concentrated on his legs, and then fell from the air.

The golden flames around Herau's body seemed to turn into comets, pushing their long tails and whizzing down from the sky.

"Come on, Herao!" Baili Yuan shouted in his heart.

Comet Kicks!


Right on target!

Helau turned over and fell, the flames on his body dissipated, and the indicator light on his chest flashed rapidly, but Helau ignored all of this, and looked at the Qijiela flower in question.


The flower of Qijiela exploded and turned into fragments all over the place.

Ultraman Hero's body then turned into light spots and dissipated.

But it's not over yet.

"Tiga, pull the root of Qijie!" Zongfang shouted.

When weeding in Zongfang's rural hometown, it is useless to simply cut off the grass blades, you must uproot them!

Hearing the cry of Xincheng, Tiga directly rushed to the root of Zijla, which was retracting into the ground, and then transformed into a powerful form, uprooted it, threw it into the flames, and burned it up.

Dijia gasped, watching this scene, nodded slightly.

With the destruction of the Chijera Flower, some humans showed expressions of despair, while others smiled.

This scene was captured by Baili Yuan.

"The continuation and progress of a race is not because of some kind of powerful shelter, nor because of a beautiful dream, but its self-awakening, using what it has inherited from its ancestors to develop and create, when the first self-awakening Then there will be other self-awakening people, and then these people will gather together, grow like a snowball, keep moving forward, move forward, repeat this way, grow slowly, and move towards a farther and better future.”

Caroline's voice sounded in Baili Yuan's mind.

"This is the real life and the meaning of life. It's really amazing." Baili Yuan sighed and touched his heart.

I used to be a human being, and I also had a short life, but since I became an Ultraman and had a long life, for two thousand years, although I still have a human part, I also lost a lot of being a human part.

The long life gave Bailiyuan plenty of time, but the long time also made Bailiyuan lose the feeling of cherishing this life.

Is the self more than two thousand years ago also so amazing?

Bailiyuan didn't know, because his first life was not long.

Bailiyuan turned and left, then thought of something, and took out Helau's transformation device from his arms.

At this time, the spar on Herau's transformation device cracked, which was the price of the previous explosion, which meant that Herao could no longer explode like this, otherwise, his transformation device would be broken.

However, when holding the transforming device in his hand, Baili Yuan seemed to hear the voice of thanks and the sound of exhaling easily.

It was like someone who had been unhappy with the second pillar next door for a long time, and then finally beat him up, making a pleasant sound.

I fell asleep until after nine o'clock, I really...

To explain the problem of the heroic spirit, the heroic spirit does not completely represent the dead, and Herau is dead to the earth, leaving only the body, so it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a heroic spirit.

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